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Posts posted by dtram

  1. To be fair, though, Trace is a much better album. I like AM a lot, but Trace is an absolute classic.

    I was in the weird position of not being familiar with UT but getting AM and Trace when they came out and seeing both tours. At the time, it was obvious to me that Jay was the real talent and Jeff was minor. I liked the AM tour but the record, except for I Must Be High, Box Full and It's Just That Simple I could never really get into. I thought Trace was a classic from the minute I heard it.


    When BT came out and the reviews were so positive and I went out and got it and was blown away. Trace may have been better than AM but BT crushes Trace, imo, and it hasn't even been a contest since as Jay just kept making, more or less, the same record. I actually tried ot put on Trace a year or so ago and was kind of bored.


    Interesting to see how one artist evolved and the other didn't. Would also be interesting if Jay B. hadn't been in the band, if Jeff's music would've evolved at the same rate.

  2. Cool Rolling Stone write up by David Fricke:




    Buck calls it the best thing they've ever done, I believe we've heard that before so we'll see.


    Also, you can download the individual tracks to It Happened Today and mix them however you like and then submit them. Haven't done it yet, sounds pretty cool though.



  3. oh wow, it is hard for me to not purchase the complete Europe '72 set. it will put me back QUITE a lot but it seems worth it, especially since those '72 shows are some of my favs. then again, most of those setlists did not vary much during that tour. perhaps I'll wait for a proper mp3 rip. heck, I'd pay $50 to buy these shows on mp3. in all honesty, it would be hard for me to justify spending that much on music (but the temptation is there!)


    The 7,200 boxes sold out @ $450 per. They are selling all of the shows w/o the steamer trunk and all the goodies for the same price, $450. Hopefully they'll eventually sell these shows for individual download but who knows.

  4. yeah...i know that often "the vinyl sounds better" is code for "i'm cooler than you because i listen to records", but i just got the WTA vinyl yesterday and before then i would have absolutely agreed with everyone who says the album is "pretty good". but after listening to the vinyl, i've been converted; this album is just as good (if a bit less unique) than any wilco album, for me. tweedy himself, i think, described it as a sort of "greatest hits" album, and that disappoints me a bit...i think if you're a huge wilco fan, you want another weird, exploratory album more than a greatest hits sound that doesn't do much that's new.


    all that said, though, the vinyl DOES sound way better, and i can hear a lot on it i just can't hear on the CD. for example, "deeper down" is one of my favorite tracks off the album because there's a depth to it on the vinyl that just doesn't exist on the CD version, which sounds overly compressed and dry. i don't know how to explain it, but all the complaints that WTA wasn't "experimental" enough when it came out sort of dissolved for me when i could "actually" hear it for the first time on vinyl.

    Any chance on ripping it and putting it up on rapidshare or something like that? I have had trouble getting into it, yes i bought it, and would love to see if the loudness wars are the cause.

  5. I couldn't ignore a Beach Boys thread!


    I don't think that "Fast Eddie" version of Smile is the same as the Purple Chick one - I googled it and the sources for each song are a lot different. There is something about the Purple Chick bootleg which just seems to flow perfectly and it sounds amazing - they do source some things from Brian Wilson's Presents Smile (not that you'd notice that exactly) and other tsections from all over the shop, but it's the fact that they weren't worried about doing that which makes it work so much better. I know a lot of other people who think the Purple Chick one is definitive too - well, that is until they release whatever they release in the summer.


    That link I put in the post above has a link to a forum which has the flac of it.


    Just snatched. Didn't listen the whole way through but did sample it and it crushes the Fast Eddie verison. First off, they use the original H & V instead of the Smiley Smile version. The SS version to me always lacked the power of the original and this is a huge upgrade. The Roll Plymouth Rock is better, the Barnyard and Surf's Up Sync are outstanding and Song Fir Children and Child are better. I like th BWPS seques to give it flow. Guess the Fast Eddie goes in the bin now. Thanks a lot again for the link.


    And to answer A-man's question from before, let's hope for Al's sake he was allowed to spill the beans on this or I fear Mr. Love will send him to Beach Boy detention again.


    BTW, I saw Al join BW to play PS at the Keswick in '06 andit was great, not sure I need Mike and Bruce too.

  6. Yes, and I guess that is the last time all of them worked on something together. As far as we know.


    I can't believe the prices on some of this stuff. I have the Nashville documentary on VHS. I taped a lot of music stuff off of TV back in those days.


    80 bucks they can keep it.



    God, i hope they release Smile! Imagine if they do the same as they did with The Pet Sounds Sessions?


    Have either of you heard the Purple Chick version of Smile? It is incredible - it sounds nothing like a bootleg, it runs perfectly in the same order as the released album etc... I think that is likely how they release this if they do, it'll be the same order as the 2004 release, eventhough Brian would probably have not had it like that if it'd been released when he made it.


    Everyone needs to hear the Purple Chick release - I burned it onto a disc and put it inside the 2004 issue, cos I don't ever need to hear that again.




    Actually, I'm going to play it now!


    This sounds like the Fast Eddie version I spoke of earlier. No harm in pulling this to see how it compares, thanks for the link.


    For me, my dream way of doing the box set would be to sequence it the way Brain was thinking in '66, if he can even remember. Then have the remaining discs be the sessions ala the pet sounds box.


    It's obvious the '04 sequence is not how it would have been in '67 because it is too long and wouldn't have been broken in to 3 parts. It would be a revalation if there are vocals in the vault to songs that we previously didn't have vocals to. Something to look forward to in the summer; let's hope this doesn't get hung up for a year the way PS did.

  7. There is also this one - which I learned about from the official BB fan club site:


    Brian Wilson: Songwriter 1962-1969


    Oh, and the weirdest BB deal I have ever seen:

    The Beach Boys - Nashville Sounds: The Making of Stars and Stripes


    I saw that when it was on CMT, or VH-1, or whatever channel it was on.


    I got that songwriter one for xmas, haven't been in a BB mood so haven't watched it. That Stars and Stripes was the aborted '96 reunion, right? It did produce that great tune Soul Searchin' which was on the Brian solo Gettin' In Over My Head with Carl singing lead. That tune was from the '95 Wilson/Paley sessions which produced some great tunes.

  8. There are interviews with him I have seen where he seems great. I have not seen that film. I will have to check it out.


    It's on disc 1 of this DVD, it's directed by David Leaf:




    Disc 2 is a live performance of Smile. The movie is 2 hours and imo worth it on it's own. 1st hour is on the '66-'67 seesions, last hour is on brians fall and the '04 project.

  9. Do you have all the Sea of Tunes boots? I actually don't have any of them. I was digging around for them a while back, but all I could find were crappy Mp3 rips. I don't really want to mess with them unless I can find them all in FLAC.


    It's not really The Beach Boys without Carl and Dennis anyhow. The current band, as well as Brian's band have actually played here where I live. But I didn't go to either of the shows.


    I know someone who met Brian a few years ago. They said he seemed as if he had no idea what was going on around him.


    I don't have any of the sea of tunes, just some individual smile cd boots, the 3 record colored vinyl boot and a cd boot of the heroes & villians sessions.


    It's not the beach boys w/o carl & dennis and the thought of Mike Love prancing around shaking his 70 year old ass like he's 20 makes me sick. Does he think anyone finds that attractive? It's actually kind of skeevy (sp?) Too bad you didn't see brian's band, just an amazing collection of musicians. You probably know that Paul Mertens, who played in the Total Pro's horns for Wilco is in the band but the whole ensemble is just great. Seeing Pet Sounds and Smile live played by those folks was one of the top concert thrills of my life.


    As for Brian, i think emotionally he's 6. The years of abuse, followed by the drugs landy gave followed by whatever the hell he's on now have made him shell, although if you've ever seen the beutiful dreamer doc, he is remarkably coherent in that, wonder what he was on? Haven't met him, don't want to.

  10. That book is great. The dude was a bit how shall we say - determined. I was going to post a link to his site/blog, but I don't think it has been updated in a couple of years.


    It will be nice to hear an officially released version. I only hope they don't mess it up by adding new overdubs, or editing out a bunch of stuff.


    The other rumors are that they are going to do a tour, and Al and Brian will be included. I just hope they don't release all the cds again, as I have bought all of them three times now. I think the got it right the last time. But Capitol may of course do it in order to grab some money while they push the whole anniversary deal.

    Lol, that is a kind way of describing him. Smile getting finished was actually the worst thing to happen to him because his theories were disproven and rendered him irrelevant. The book is great though for what it is.


    I think they said no overdubs, I don't think they'd fuck this up by doing that but stranger things have happened.


    I'm really not interested in a reunion tour unless it has brian's whole band and even then, it will will probably be just greatest hits shows which really aren't interesting to me. Brian's shows have started to lean heavily this way anyway. I was hoping he's start playing more of his solo stuff and deeper tracks after the pet sounds and smile tours but he kinda went the other way.


    And for re-issue's they can make all they want, I ain't buyin', other than the smile box. I have it all anyway and really, how much better can you make it sound? They'd probably just remaster it loud.

  11. Pretty Darn Close -- Beach Boy Al Jardine On His New Solo Album, Plus SMILE[/url


    We've heard this before, but maybe it will happen this time. I hope they don't do "any new recording" - just put the album out as it is. Some of it did come out officially on The Beach Boys box set.


    I guess I now know why I had this song stuck in my head yesterday:

    The Beach Boys - Wind Chimes


    Also, a great book:

    Look, Listen, Vibrate, Smile (Domenic Priore)


    I hope the smile stuff does come out to see what, if anything, is left in vaults that hasn't appeared on boots or the boxed set and to get clean copies of all of it. Actually surprised mike love gave his blessing, guess he smells the cash.


    After Brain Wilson Presents Smile came out in '04' some guy named fast Eddie came out with a mix which was all the '66 -'67 era stuff sequenced exactly as brian sequenced it in '04 and I'd say 97 to 98% of the music was the same, just a few orchestral segues were added and about 70% of the words were there. I've never seen it explicitly stated what lyrics were new but we know from interview that do you like worms had lyrics in '66 so it seems part of child is father, song for children, on a holiday, and in blue Hawaii were written in '04.


    That Priore book is a great scrapbook of all smile related stuff but his theories about smile, that it was to be a half instrumental album never rang true to me and i think he's been proven wrong. I just couldn't imagine that Brian, going out on the limb that he was anyway, would say, ok, I'm going to take this amazing vocal group and use them on half this record which is already stretching what we do anyway. Brian just never got around to finishing the vocals in '67' plain and simple.

  12. I think I have one of those June 95 NYC MSG shows on vhs tape. Some guy out of NYC used to tape all of the shows in the area and posted ads in Goldmine under Living After Midnite.

    I met the guy in person at the old Hartford, CT record shows and he looks like a redheaded Inspector Clouseau when he tries to pull Dreyfus' teeth in The Pink Panther Strikes Again. 0.jpg

    Uncanny. I'll try to dig that video up somewhere. Although, I'm sure that folks might have it around here.


    Edit: Well, I seem to remember that it has Near Wild Heaven. I don't think I have that amazing R.E.M. link with all of their setlists to find out which show.


    Edit Part Two: OK. The R.E.M. Timeline shows that it was the show on the 24th a.k.a. the last night.

    Probably my favorite of the run because they played heron house and i was just the right amount drunk. Thanks to lax MSG security, we were able to convert our 300 Level behind the stage seats to 100 level basically at center ice. Apparently stipe joined opener luscious Jackson at the end of their set wearing a big Afro wig and sang elo's evil woman. Missed it because we were still at the old blarney stone on 32nd, my old fave pre msg show hang out.

  13. i think it's all my issue. that roger waters dvd sounds interesting. i agree with you, torrenting or whatever, the net has been so great to access random stuff from bands we love that was completely unavailable 15 years ago.

    The Waters DVD is called, iShoot,iEdit. It was seeded on Dime and Traders Den.

  14. it is great for boots and non album stuff. i just tend to listen to that stuff once, unless it's grateful dead. as far as being archaic, i just think there is so much that can go wrong with torrents. they are touchy. i was able to do it because of luck. i had no idea what i was doing.

    GD has been about 40% of what I have downloaded. Since there is so much you can snatch, I have gotten real discriminating about what I take and do tend to listen to what I snatch more than once. It has to be a show of great quality, great setlist, some kind of importance etc. With most bands, most shows from any one tour are pretty much the same so I look for the best recording of the tour. For the Dead, I look for matrixes or nice sbd's of either an era I like or a show that has a setlist that I dig.


    That Roger Waters Wall DVD of the guy that shot 4 shows and mixed them together, stuff like that to me is what make torrenting so cool. To me, a bit torrent is a more practical way to circulate something like that instead of a straight download. I'm surprised you have found them touchy. I wouldn't call myself I computer geek by any stretch but I have found the whole process pretty simple, no problems at all so far, knock on wood.


    I failed to say in my earlier post that I only do torrenting for ROIO's, no commercial stuff at all unless it's a leak in which I plan to buy the record anyway, and always do.

  15. didn't know where to put this. link to a study of p2p that finds that music accounts for smallest percentage of illegally downloaded 'stuff'. porn is number one. second link is to a story about the shut down of a bunch of torrent sites. i don't torrent anymore. it was a huge waste of time and i never listened to/watched half of what i downloaded. i'd much rather spend $15 on a CD or DVD i really really want.





    That's funny, ever since i started torrenting i listen to more of that stuff than anything else. All i do is music, audio and DVD but i think think this is the greatest thing ever. To think i used to spend 40 to 50 bucks on boots, now i can get all of this stuff and shows that would not be financially viable to boot for the price of an internet connection and an external HD, i love it.


    I find it interesting that you find it archaic, seems easier to me. To each his own.

  16. Seems like R.E.M. had become a very part-time thing for the members. Or maybe this might be their last record period and they might just do one more tour next year if they feel up for it.

    Thats the accusation that's being most often hurled at them lately. They've pretty much been on the album every 3 years cycle since '98. I'm sure they feel that at this point in time, the world doesn't need a new R.E.M. record every year. Peter has all of his side projects that quell his ADD to be playing all of the time, Stipe has his myriad of other interests and it seems that Mills enjoys playing golf and becoming an elder statesman of music. To that point, the social circuit page of the Phila Inquirer had a small article and a page of pictures from the white tie ball for the Academy of Music that Paul Simon headlined last week. I'm looking at the pic below and am thinking, holy shit, that looks like Mike Mills. Well, what do you know:



    I've found it interesting that Stipe or Mills has never done a solo record. It seems to me that they use R.E.M. as their musical release and have other interests the rest of the time and Buck just loves to play; he can come back to R.E.M. when they are ready and his other projects satisfy him, maybe more than R.E.M. does these days since an R.E.M. record is such a production with the whole album cycle thing. My guess is the no tour was not his idea but Michael's. Having seen the Accelerate tour from the 4th row, he never stopped moving. He probably felt like taking this one off. They have toured a lot in the last 10 years. Or, my analysis could be BS and they are breaking up, time will tell.

  17. I was just joshing. "Anorak" - is a British term for an obsessive fan taken I think from people who are literally train-spotters. Jealous of your experience in '95 when I didn't see any shows. Too bad they aren't touring this year.

    Figured something like that. The '95 tour, while not their best, was definitely fun and the fact that it was bb's last makes me glad i saw as many as i did. Im sort of ambivalent about them not touring this time. I've seen them so much and with 2 young kids, i don't need the temptation of seeing a bunch of shows. The 3 evening with wilco shows last year were enough. However, the 5 tunes from CIN have gotten me as pumped about rem as I've been in a long time so some shows would be fun.

  18. This is like an R.E.M. anoraks convention. Yes, I do know the history of the making of "NAIHF". The live versions are different from the record versions beyond the removal of the crowd noise. Take "Undertow" - less feedback. Like "Binky The Doormat" - the keyboards/organ on the live version have been mixed way down in the album version.


    Tut, tut - to think you were going to teach me something about REM I didn't know :)

    What's an anorak? I figured with a name like auctioneer you knew the history, just thought you got confused on which tracks were studio. I never really listen much to those versions because Binky and wake up bomb aren't favs and and I don't like how stipe sung undertow on the 2nd U.S. leg. I'm gonna really geek out here. I saw them 4 times in June '95, Pittsburgh and all three MSG shows. By the 4th MSG show undertow was my new favorIte song of all time as they had played it at all 4 shows. Then there was that Milton Keynes show broadcast in July and I had a clean copy and played the shit out of it. I then saw them 6 times on the fall leg and stipe changed the way he sang it. The first way he sang it, he sang I'm drowning leave me, I'm drowning, leave meeeeeeeeeeeee. By the fall leg, he just sang I'm drowning, leave me, I'm drowning, leave me without that big meeeeeeeeeeeee on the end and it just took a lot of the emotion out of the song. I have no idea why he changed it and would love to know but to me, that one difference totally changed the song. I was relieved when hifi came out and they used the version from Boston in June.


    I still have fond memories of that fall leg, getting hot java every night and departure as the last song before end of the world and singing along with everyone around me probably wondering how I knew the words, good times.


    Like i said, sorry for the geek out, sitting with a kid as he watches wonder pets and not much else to do.

  19. Lots of other cool stuff on there. Thanks for that link.


    I know. Who would have thought a Morrisey board would be a treaure trove of R.E.M. stuff. I have a PM into the guy who remixed those HiFi tracks about Undertow; if I get a clean copy I'll let you know.


    Also, if you find a working link to Free Form Jazz Jam, a song that was on the orginal Reveal but left off, please let me know. I can't find this anywhere.

  20. Hmm. I was going to post that it's ironic that auctioneer thought that the live versions blew away the "studio" versions, when in fact these "studio" versions were done live or at soundcheck (like dtram mentioned) and the audience noise was stripped away. R.E.M. didn't fool anyone here. These definitely sound different than the studio tracks on New Adventures, so I agree with dtram on his thoughts about this record's sound. I think even The Wake Up Bomb was done at a soundcheck. That being said why are people downloading these fan remixed tracks when they can get the live B-sides of the same songs, but not the same session? (edit: downloading that now. Hmm. Bittersweet Me stripped down to acoustic? This should be interesting.)


    And you can even hear some audience noise at the end of Undertow.


    Oh, and don't forget about Revolution that was on the Batman & Robin soundtrack. That also sounded weird hearing it in the movie because it sounded live. I guess the smartass wish would be instead of live b-sides how about actual studio takes of these songs.


    I let that go that they weren't studio versions as I figured he just liked the other versions better. The only studio songs on hifi are How The West Was Won, New Test Leper, E-Bow and Be Mine. I remember at the time of the Monster tour that Peter said the goal was to have 10 new songs in the set by the end of the tour and make a record from that; they got pretty close. I believe the only song that was written after the tour and never soundchecked was How The West Was Won.


    I think the answer to why are fans downloading these remixed tracks is that they sound really different and to my ears, better. Love to know what you think. Also, a buddy and I each downloaded this but Undertow was corrupted and only played for 31 seconds. If you get a clean version, I'd love it if you could e-mail it to me. Let me know.

  21. Wow that is crazy. Going back some years, well before the birth of the internet, I used to have 20-30 bootleg tapes from '81 to '89 but that pales in comparison to your effort.


    Talking of bonus material. I love the live tracks that accompany some of the singles off "NAIHF". The live versions of "Undertow", "Binky The Doormat" and "The Wake-Up Bomb" blow the studio versions away.


    They also include my favourite REM Cover of "Wichita Lineman". Listened to that last night and never tire of it.


    Love Witchita Lineman


    There's a guy over at murmurs that got a hold of the multi tracks for hifi and remixed it. To me, hifi always suffered from a bit of muddiness on the sound since most of the recording was done in soundcheck and live on the '95 tour. He stripped it down and the songs really breathe. He posted the link on a Morrisey board, I highly recommend checking them out.


    Here's a link to murmurs which has the link to the morrisey board http://www.murmurs.com/topic/116370-my-new-adventures-remix/page__p__2040299__hl__thomas08__fromsearch__1#entry2040299

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