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Posts posted by Panther

  1. Im not saying I agree with this but I just thought people should know there is a debunking the debunking article to.


    Popular Mechanics Debunked


    9/11 Blogger /Jon Gold | September 27 2006


    A few weeks ago, I went into a Barnes & Noble looking for Barrie Zwicker's latest book, "Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-up of 9/11."


    Before I got to the counter to ask if they had it in stock, I saw several copies of Popular Mechanics' new John McCain endorsed book called, "Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up to the Facts." They had them prominently displayed so everyone could see them.


    Holding back an "upchuck", I walked up to the counter, and asked the girl if they had any of Barrie's book in stock. As it turned out, they didn't. They were nice enough to order me a copy.


    While I was there, I do what I always do in a book store. I looked for books by authors within the 9/11 Truth Movement. I was able to find one copy of Michael Ruppert's book, but nothing else.


    Admittedly, I have never read Popular Mechanics' book. Wait a second. What's Jon pulling? How can he debunk a book without even reading it?


    Here's how you do it.


    If you're a frequent visitor to this site, you will know that there are several people citing Popular Mechanics's book as if it was the "holy grail" for 9/11 answers.


    In Reprehensor's thread entitled, "Norman Mineta

  2. yea Ron Paul definetly dislikes the govermant but that guy lives by the constatution, well suposedly anyway, so you cant blame him for that.

    But yea Ive read that he has some sketchy ties, you know nothing compared to Clinton, but what politican is clean.

  3. I agree with you that if the goverment was going to attack itself to go into war they would do what they did in the gulf of tonkin for example

    and not attack NYC, but that dosent explain who did it or who paid for it.Its sad that there still hasnt been an offical charge on anyone yet.

  4. www.coasttocoastam.com ok Im being an ass thats clearly a total conspiracy site

    but I dont get what ur asking me for , are you trying to imply that I get my opinions form consiracy theorist cause I dont.

    I form my own opinions threw thought and reading....yea reading


    if you want a good book i'd suggest reading The New Rulers Of The World its a british bestseller and not a conspiracy book, at all.

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