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Posts posted by Panther

  1. If any of you take the time to listen to a variety of the styles Nels(God)Cline is capable of, I think you'd be hard pressed not to be optimistic. The soundscaping that this guy can produce with his guitar and toys surpasses the sampling of YHF. I get giddy just thinking about what this lineup can produce, seriously think about it.


    Just some advice (not that you want to hear it) chill with the wilco entitlement (oh YHF was so perfect for me) ya me to but hasn

  2. I smoked this sketchy pot once that I later found out was laced with coke, It was a really hot summer night and it just took a toll on me.

    I then collapsed but was completely out of it so when trying to get up I was sort of wiggling around lol, I felt retarded/embarrassed and scared the shit out of my friends. I later smoked some hash and it calmed me down. Man I doubt all the hippies from the 60s would enjoy all the hydro crap we have up here in the Canada these days. Outdoor Bud is the only way to go.

  3. As someone who used to suffer from (thankfully rare, but) debilitating migraines, and as someone who knows very well the vicious cycle of actively trying to avoid them but bringing them on by doing so, that article hit home pretty hard. Not sure why, but I got choked up at the end. And now all I can think about is:


    This world of words and meanings makes you feel


    Something that you feel already

    deep inside


  4. "Arthur Jensen: You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, Mr. Beale, and I won't have it. Is that clear? You think you've merely stopped a business deal? That is not the case. The Arabs have taken billions of dollars out of this country, and now they must put it back. It is ebb and flow, tidal gravity. It is ecological balance. You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples. There are no nations; there are no peoples. There are no Russians. There are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There is no West. There is only one holistic system of systems; one vast, interwoven, interacting, multivaried, multinational dominion of dollars. "


    I dont no if your being sarcastic but the way were going...this might be true

  5. oh yea I forgot bout his tapes, I guesse that would men hes not dead because late 2007 he released a new tape If you all remember. The story in the media was that he had a fake beard because he had shaved to protect his identity. Unfourtunetly the u.s goverment only relesed still photos of the tape, though some content of what he said was released.

  6. I wouldnt even assume that I know why building 7 collapsed for I am a simple workerbee, the reason my mind ponders is that with all

    the u.s intelligence there hasnt been an explanation. Thtas certainly confusing. Im not drawing to conclusion but I dont blame the people who do.

    I mean what else can they do for answers.


    well al quaeda is a western creation maybe not on purpose but they were funded by western powers during the cold war.

  7. I take what the president says with a grain of salt lol. I mean from what the mainstream media has reported all indications are that he's been in pakistan

    who is given a billion dollars annauly by the u.s goverment to coorperate with finding terrorist. I suppose the best explanation would be he is dead.

  8. I dont no dosent it make sense to charge him if hes responsible. I mean the U.S military is the most advanced netwrok in knwon history I assume if he did it they no it by now. just for clairfication once again I think he did do it. I am just feel that there are things the genral population dosent know about the situation. Talking about it certainly helps though.

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