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Posts posted by Panther

  1. Ive been playing this record allot lately , intense sittings and Im loving it even more than I did a year ago.

    The guitar tones really get me in the gut and the album feels like its 20 min longs at this time YHF feels like 10.


    So what do you all think/feel or hate a year later.


    I think its a bonifide classic

    I love leave me like you found me its very sweet

    I think side one is nothing like side two but thats okay I get the blue eyed soul

    theres no Shot In The Arm so what? great record, keep them coming

  2. Its Alright Ma(Im only bleeding) Dylan was possesed by some spirit Im sure of it , the stuff this boy was spitting at the age of 21 was insane he was not normal.

    Screen Door Jeff was a music fan and young song writer clearly the talent was their early Black Eye but his skill is more practiced.


    The fair comparision would be Yankee Hotel Foxtrot vs Love and Theft, Sky Blue Sky vs Modern Times and Summerteeth vs Time out of mind

    as a fan of music I think the band Wilco wins each time.


    Jeff Tweedy is among the best songwriters of Generation X even better than Cobain thats enuff for now, keep them records coming


    How about this Bob Dylans first 6 records vs Lenard Cohens first 6 or Neil Youngs first 6

  3. "Its gotta be nibriu "http://paranormal.about.com/library/weekly/aa021102a.htm

    its amazing how the planet x phenomenon whent from being a fairy tale sorta to a real sceintific possibility infact its becoming apparent that its possible that there are even more planets hidden just outside out solar system, intresting stuff.

  4. yea theyve worked together on stuff since black star but even if they did another black star record it wouldn't sound like black star cause no hip hop will ever sound as good as mid 90s hip hop, hip hop is dead just like rock n roll dies in 1974. But hey when you die you still exist underground.

  5. "Do you suppose it's because they are different songs written by the same artist......"


    Yea thats certainly true, its funny though when I listen to the recordings of last years living room shows Jeff Tweedys songwriting appears very consistent

    You Are My Face was like a huge step forward for the band can anyone imagine how it would sound on a acoustic guitar, better yet has anyone heard it played solo?

  6. A Theory on the wilco Albums why they sound so differnt and yet so similar


    Sky Blue Sky is - a ghost is born and summerteeth minus drugs plus Nels Cline plus Mikal Jorgensen plus Pat Sansone and allot of analogue

    a ghost is born is - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot and Being There minus Jay Bennett plus Adult Head and space between the noise

    Yankee Hotel Foxtrot is - summerteeth and A.M. minus Ken Coomer plus Glen Kotche(inglentions) plus Leroy Bach plus Jim Orourke and his mixing skills you know the rest

    summerteeth is - Being There and Anodyne minus Max Johnston plus allot of keyboards

    Being There is - A.M and March 16 -20, 1992 plus Jay Bennett and allot of rockin

    A.M. is - Anodyne and Still Feel Gone minus Jay Farrar plus allot weed


    If this seems over done I actually wrote a full article on this theory and I found the patterns made sense I'll spare you all and never post that.

    Anyways dose anyone see huge holes in my theory that I

  7. I think she should drop out aswell but of course I think that,

    I wouldnt expect her to though she probable still believes if she publicaly destroys Obama she has a shot.

    I expect it to either get uglier or simply end your chocie Mrs. Clinton put your country over yourself thats not to much to ask is it.

    Don't take the chance of hurting your party now because your strong position against the war is more important.


    On a side note, holy crap Barrack Obama has a definite real chance to be president this is awesomly insane. I know he's had mommentum and all but now its real.

  8. I find it hard to beleive that the millions of UFO claims including abductions which are erily specific are all false, maybe they exist on a totaly diffrent plain or dimmension.

    I suppose when catering to the notions of alien life that might be lightyears ahead of us anything is truly possible. I suppose its possible that even if there is some goverment inteligence ou there that even they have no clue what theyre dealing with. It is strange how the phenomenon really picked up during the 40s and 50s sorta out of the blue.


    Oh yea and U.F.Os exist since their simply unidentified flying objects even Denis Kucinich knows that, maybe the poll should have been do you think alien life exists.

  9. right , and if I was arguing whether or not it was true I would probably agree with you and add on the other hand who knows thats just the way I think.

    But what I am trying to argue is that Reverend Wright has been made out to be something he is not and that the media firestorm has been a total farce.

    Mainly my argument throught has been calling Reverend Wright a hate speaker which has become a popular thing to do is totaly insane.


    The whole contraversy seemed like a joke at first to me but once people started buying into it I became fustrated.

    So let me just be clear all I am saying is that nothing Wright has said falls under anti-american or hate speach.

    As far as his worldview I think its totaly understandable considering well history - BLACK WALL STREET google it B)

  10. I really like this record, the first release was sorta evreywhere and I understand that they probably wanted to come off as heavy since they have a cute front girl/women

    but this second record really rules. The guitar tones are really impressive and theirs a bit of surf rock flavour into the mix of their usual bombast punk style.


    I'll admit that I probably wouldn't have given this band a second look if it wasn't for Thurston Moore but Im glad I did, one of my favourite releases this year so far.


    oh yea anyone looking to buy this record get the euro release the North American release has three songs censored by universal for being to violent

    and 2 of them are among the best tracks.




    check out some songs if your unfamiliar, why dont you?

  11. A lot of the stuff he has said has some merit, but AIDs being created by the government is ridiculous.


    its totaly understandble that many people would think thats ridiculous but it dosent make him a hate speaker, in the recent press confrences when this question came up he offered the title of a book to the reporter so yes there are people who seriosuly belive this is true and they beilve their evidence matches up I am not knowledglbe on this subject but I do know their is credible information out their on this subject. A few pages back I stated that I dont no if its true but its not that far fetchec considering what lengths goverments around the world have gone to opress poor people and keep them poor and yes thatt includes U.S.A.


    look up BLACK WALL STREET its totaly ridiculous but totaly true, its funny how things can be both.

  12. He may be a friend to America, but he's not one that should be taken seriously. He's either dishonest or delusional, neither of which is a good quality for a spiritual leader. Enter Treehugger to point out that all spiritual leaders are delusional. :thumbup


    Thats fine, and your assement problebly makes total sense from your viewpoint but again my main agrument is this is all a farce in reality Wright is not guilty of any of the things you and the media acuse him of. Many of the "contraversial" things he has said were also the viewpoint of one Martin Luther King and he was called insane aswell.


    As for Obama coming around on this, you must be the delusinal one if you believe that was anything but a political move after the firestorm of media lies.

    As for whether Wright sould be taken seriously many respected thinkers came to his defence inclding Cornel West, so you know I'll say it again this is all insane.

    Wright is not a hate speaker, prove me wrong and a loud black voice dosent qualify hes a preacher what do you espect, duh.


    seriosuly this is all retarted, I have no problem coming to this mans defense so much spin Im dizzy, blah

  13. reffering to the US of KKK is not anti-american it is anti KKK and the KKKs involvement in american polictics you know before the 60s things were diffrent publicly.

    I was raised Cathlolic aswell and I dread the monotone passive agreessive teachings of the catholic church,

    but that has nothing to do with Revernd Wright being a hate speaker as for calling Bush stupid not being christ like, again if you hold people like Bush jr to what the bible says calling the man stupid is taking it easy on him evil would be more appropriate and a Reverend is certainly in the position to do so.


    "Again, there's a difference between holding the government accountable and specifically making derogatory comments about individuals in the government."


    I dont see anything wrong with pointing out individuals that seems kinda insane to suggest thats wrong and its certainly not hate speak.

    Maybe people should try to think where a man like Revend Wright is coming from and understand that these type of sermons are suposed to be uplfiting and eyeopening

    for the black community or anyone who is in his church. Analyzing things he says with no pretext is backwards thinking and well STUPID.

  14. thats fine if youre convinced hes a hate speaker thats your standards and your outlook, personaly I'll stick to my opinion that calling Wright a hate speaker is insane.


    Okay , so how is he in favour of the US of KKK ? I thought it was awesome when he said that, you do no that in the 1920s there were 13 members of congress who were open members of the KKK and the famous KKK marches in washingtion at the same time were erily simaliiar to the Nazi marches in the 1930s.


    Okay, so how is calling Bush stupid hate speak?


    as far as his role as a preacher I think he is well in his element to be saying the things he says, maybe its just shocking that if you hold the american goverment to the standards of the Bible then they are all in the wrong it gets complicated theologically but its also simple though shall not kill, though shall not steal etc.

    Im not sayiung these standards are universaly right the men and women in the american goverment have the freedom to do what they please but a preacher has the duty to call a spade a spade, you see what Im saying?

  15. So the belief that the U.S. government created HIV to oppress black people isn't controversial?


    Im sorry but thats a backwards thinking response, are you defending the imature selfesh media coverage have you been paying attention. Come on the guy is allowed to have his opinions without being destroyed, what kinda country is this you cant speak against the goverment without being anti american thats insane. Black opression is real and has been and continues to be but the notion that aids was created in a lab is suggesting it was done to opress poor people around the world I dont no if thats true but its not that far fetched.


    Look up Black Wall street if you want to open you eyes to what lengths the American goverment will go to to opress the black community in its own citites.

    Im sorry Im not talking to you specifically Im juts ranting but its so fustrating how evreything is made out to be political and how polarizing

    the media is and people actual buy this crap, I mean its 2008 are we going to decide who the next president is like this again.

  16. I might be insane acording to CNN but after listening to Rverend Wright I realized I agree with basically everything he said.

    why do these media people continue to intoduce him as contoversial why dont they just let the viewer decide for themselves>>> oh wright theyre corrupt



    "Dont believe the hype"


    On a side note as a long time Feminist or w.e I feel it is laughable to think Hillary Clinton is a "historic" candidate, I mean shes married to a former president is this a fucking joke? our we suposed to say wow a real possibility of a women president isnt America progressive, its Hillary fucking Clinton, seriously am I crazy or what

  17. Okay Montreal is out, soo go Pens go .... naww thats stupid


    hey heres a Wilco related hockey quirk... Ron Maclean of Hockey Night IN Canada fame is a huge Wilco fan(he was at last years Massey Hall show)

    I dont no if any of you caught this but when introducing the last two montreal games in his standard word play he quoted lines from both Impossible Germany and Either Way

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