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Posts posted by Panther

  1. Sonic Youth - Washing Machine

    Sonic Youth - Dirty

    Sonic Youth - Rather Ripped this album got decent reviews but its a classic and was ahead of the curve all of a sudden everyones making 90s indie swing again(no age)


    Wilco - Sky Blue Sky it is what it is obviously, but for me its a classic I had an intense listen last night it still sounds a but strange

    Wilco - A.M looking back its brilliant w.e your take shallow or deep , I love the title


    Nas - it was written, initaily panned because Illmatic was before it but this is seriosuly a hip hop classic


    Pavement - Wowee Zowee , pavement in the mid 90s what else do you want sure its all over the place but these are some of their best songs and a great sound


    Lenard Cohen - death of a ladies man , not a traditional lenard cohen album but their are some great songs plus the phil speector productiion is great

  2. I think its an amazing record , its just not the type of record that can be played on repeat unless your really depressed.. but seriously I think the peaks are so worth the lows and evreysong sorta builds that way their old records are great but you know backround music this is more intense though machine gun wore thin on me

  3. I'd say Ok Computer beats out Summerteeth but other than that yes.


    I always liked summerteeth better but I also agree that OK computer influenced summerteeth as it influenced evrey record that came after it,

    pedal steel just didint seem as intresting after it


    most hardcore RH fans seem to feel that Amnesiac is underrated (perhaps by the critics) and maligned as Kid A leftovers, when in fact, it may be the stronger album. one could certainly argue that more of the songs are out and out masterspieces: "Like Spinning Plates," "Life In A Glasshouse, "Pyramid Song," "You And Whose Army?" One argument that is frequently brought up is that it is "less cohesive," but even if you do feel that way about Amnesiac, lack of cohesiveness does not a worse album make. i've even seen some fans on the RH board say that the lack of cohesion is a strong point becuase of the feel one gets from the album being like that.




    the opening track to amnesiac is insane with headphones

  4. QUOTE (One Wing @ Aug 8 2008, 02:57 PM)

    From a technical standpoint, differences in the three albums:


    YHF -- band wrote developed and recorded songs, then deconstructed them and rebuilt them using Pro Tools, adding the sonic texture and "noise"


    AGIB -- band developed and constructed songs using Pro Tools, then broke down what they had created and figured out how to recreated organically.


    SBS -- band created the songs together organically and recorded them. Then gave them added lift through performing live.



    This is why when SBS came out I was telling people here that it

  5. Okay one more thing as far as this whole backlash or w.e this is dont tell me that Im a blind follower or that Im in denial thats bullshit

    I like the record not because I like Jeff Tweedy personaly I dont know him I just like the record.


    And as far as people calling it mellow or monotone there are no moments on YHF that reach the high tempos of YAMF or SWTS none of these words probaly not even my own translate to how the record actually sounds and thats why I get so fustrated its stupid I know and Im doing it to myself but many of these opinons certainly not all read like bad pitchfork reviews, personally I had a revelation with the album listening to Either Way I stoped thinking and just let go it sounds like the band was wound up there are diffrent sounds pouring in and out theres nothing on YHF that dose this so natrually but yet again that is what it is not what its not, peace out players one wing.

  6. World war three probaly already began exactly when world war two ended and the milatary industrial complex took form, but yea this is scarry stuff

    but hey being alive is scary so I say do what you can while you can dont be transformed by fear!!

  7. I think I am still bitter over her staying with a man who cheated on her in front of the nation. I understand their empire status and all, but really.Is that worth staying for? Some say she has balls for staying and running for prez.I disagree.



    thats very awesome of you and I mean that sincerly but you are probaly like me a good person who feels love Hilary Clinton is a politician .


    as for the carpet mucher coment thats was funny and I know where your getting it from it has been well documented that when Hillary met Bill in the 60s at college

    she was heavily into lesbian mythlogy and the power that comes with it, form the start Bill was allowed to do what he wanted its a buissness relationship.

  8. From a technical standpoint, differences in the three albums:


    YHF -- band wrote developed and recorded songs, then deconstructed them and rebuilt them using Pro Tools, adding the sonic texture and "noise"


    AGIB -- band developed and constructed songs using Pro Tools, then broke down what they had created and figured out how to recreated organically.


    SBS -- band created the songs together organically and recorded them. Then gave them added lift through performing live.



    This is why when SBS came out I was telling people here that its just as experimental as the previous Wilco records.

    Wilco never made experimental music realitive to the wide range of music out there but instead they experiment within themselves

    they have ideas and they exucute them. SBS is very obvious there is nothing really to debate ,

    I thought it was great that this band whose records I love decided to make a live album using analouge recordings great experiment forsure the sound is great.


    As for the songwritting I find all these negative opinions to be lazy and thats not condecending I just spent allot of time with the lyrics and I feel I got it

    so If you don't and you think they are just direct "dad rock" w.e that means I'll just asume your lazy.


    I think whats really going on here allot of people like Wilcos pop songs (yhf for one) and there are not any simple stumming lennon/brian wilson pop songs on either AGIB or SBS

    instead there are these big arrangments of rock music (walken for one)



    so seriously someone here tell me when you listen to YAMF your not overwhelmed with audio pleasure

    or tell me this that you dont think SBS sounds good or tell me this you have 2 other records that sound similar to SBS you dont so just let it be.


    Wilco is faced with a burden evreytime they record because modern music as a whole is shit so you have all sorts of people latching on to this great band

    but for people to analzye previous records annd say Wilco is loosing it is totally backwards I mean do you not think when Wilco released summerteeth

    that there were many fans of Being There who felt the band was going in the wrong direction? But now you can look back on those records and apreciate them for what they are not what theyre not SBS is in the same position AGIB was 2 years ago its their latest effort and these sorta things come with that, Im not saying you cant have you opinion Im just saying my opinion is that you dont know what you talking about and your perspective is probaly outta wack when compared to the perspective on the guys in the band mainly

    Jeff Tweedy.

  9. SBS is an album not a mission statement so chill out and wait for the next one, you should feel stupid for even worrying


    its understandable because every Wilco album is probably someones favrite album and they have never done anything twice , your not special I dont care what your mom thinks

  10. yes , the best track on SBS is better than the worst track on summerteeth and YHF dosent have a wrost track, seriously You are my face thats it.


    how about this can you tell me that anything on Being There sounds as good as Sky BlUE sKY, I think Being There is amazing for a 90s atl rock record but ever since YHF

    Wilco have been making a diffrent type of art and SBS is among their best efforts strange but true.

  11. these dont sound anything like anything off of sky blue sky I think your all focusing on the tempo.

    Maybe the most unexpected thing for Wilco to do this time would be repeating themsevles, I doubt it though.


    Im loving one wing its time for alternative rock to make a comeback and besides radiohead what other 90s alt rock band is still realvent.


    aswell both these songs are totally Wilco mytholgy keep it coming I almost figured it out with the last record which is a classic by the way.

  12. how about the intro Kill or be killed thats a killer track , I think if you listen to bright eyes for music than it was too much (strings and fiddles)

    but if you follow the band for Poetry then its just another collection a great rhymes

  13. Cassadaga seems to get slack by people who didnt bother to listen to the album I think it had really well written songs and this album is another great songs album.

    The guy just writes really well and his melodies can be great although this album is more Lenord Cohen than the poppy'ier Im wide awake......


    hes never going to be an artist like beck or Jeff Tweedy his musical ark is already a mess but a beautiful mess at that.

    I mean put First Day of my life up against the beatles Yesterday it satnds up. I say if you like focused songwriting and acoustic guitars dig in every album has gems.

  14. Lyricaly this album is going to be a big shift, less storylines , Im really digging these to tracks .

    Can you imagine if Conor Oberst never relseased a song until this album people would be praisinfg these lyrics as the second coming.

    I still have affection for the Bright Eyes back catalouge but I think this was a genius move.

    Its not going to be his masterpice but hey Jeff Tweedy didnt create his masterpice until his thirties.

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