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Posts posted by Panther

  1. With all due respect.....





    wheres the respect in that?




    intresting enufff, who owend WCW , Ted Turner who also owns CNN, I call that brainwashing


    I dunno. If the Illuminati can get gas below $2.50/gal., I might go along.


    Yea I think taht might be the point of this whople global finacial crisis , to get us to go along. We are the enemy.

  2. the term New World Order simply means the "new worlds"(north america) "order".

    Its about the one world goverment and all that fun stuff that is being promissed by the rulling class.

    Now for the uneducated and even the youtube watchers its become a bit of a joke, a wacko conspiracy theory.

    Well it is certainly a conspiracy in the techniucal terms of the word but its crazyness is up for debate.

    So tell me what you think, maybe you have no thought because you have never heard the term maybe you have and you think its just another bigfoot.


    In my opinion this is not political fiction this is reality, not because I want to believe it but because they do.

    Im sure some of you will simply laugh but in my eyes that comes across as ignorant , Im not preaching some apocalytic end Im just syaing pay attention .

    I pay attention not as a hobby with the equivilance as movie going or music but as political reality, so what do you think.


    Watch the videos bellow and see the evidence that this term is without doubt meangful and revelent to sooth your doubt.

    lets have a civilised discussion, tin foil hats aside. Personaly I feel allot of the info on this subject is disinformation that makes the people who study seem crazy.

    Divide and conqur is a great way to stop the truth and there is allot of hate out there but that dosent iscount evrything and certainly not the pursuite.








  3. I really can't stand those "like I said, bush dosent want to be in office comments" wtf are you talking about, what do you know?. You think that guy is a cartoon character don't you , you probably watch allot of the daily show and you were probably laughing when John Stewart got his audience to laugh about how your country is now socialist and soon mine. yeah very funny.


    idiot that is all. this is not a joke . Im sorry but using the words tin foil hats to insulte people is lame your not saying shit. Your only argument is uhhh its not gonna happen

  4. Hey, something weird just happened here. Who spiked my Coke Zero?

    I had this page up, went away to get a hair cut and read through it when I returned. I then hit refresh to see if there were new posts and I could swear a post was missing? Did someone delete something? PANTHER or Markosis, I believe? Whoever it was, I liked what you'd said there.


    that did happen, I thought I was loosing it wtf?

  5. Science has a theory. Science can imagine something, but religion claims to know and believe what it proclaims. Religion offers truth claims. Sorry, you're being stupid. Try harder to understand the claims made by science and religion, please.


    The "believers" in this thread have gotten exponentionally dumber since I exited it.


    dude if you read what I said then there is no need to explain what science is to me I understand I

  6. thats a very true assesment of radiohead the only other artist that is in that unique position is Kanye West.

    There are no real deals anymore , Wilco included. Good records nowadays usually have allot of intent that make them likable to the people who get it.

    Im going to see Wilco and Neil Young with my father in toronto and its funny becuz Im sure he'll be impressed but he's not gonna listen to them either way.

  7. reading the last few pages I can say this I understand the atheist perspective I just feel it is a confused one. You talk down to people who believe in "god" by putting words in their mouths and assuming every religious person is the same, I get it. Most Christians are not educated on the history of their religion there is allot of shadiness going on in the Vatican.

    In the 90s I

  8. Well, basically I concur with all you say. I should add that we atheists are (or at least can be) as spiritual as anybody, including Einstein, monks and popes of all sorts. And Tweedy, of course, one of the most spiritual artists I have notice.

    For me creativity has nothing to do with religions, fairy tales, etc. but with searching of the beauty, the pattern, the process. This is inside art and science, and atheists should thank nonexistent gods only by the great work has inspired in the past. However, gods are no longer necessary when you assume you

  9. you have to be even more strtegic than that, see who is competitive in your ridding if its tight between the liberals and conservatives then vote liberal

    if its tight between the conservatives and ndp vote Ndp . Pretty simple stuff, if you live in Alberta get a brain Harpers from Ontario he's using you cowboys.

  10. I just hope the Green Party is allowed in the televised debates this time (even if they don't have a chance in hell of getting in.)


    don't waste your vote on the green party, the NDP has the same enviormental plan.

    I hate to use the words waste your vote but I know allot of stoner suburban meatheads who will vote for the green party becuz of their policies on weed.

    I think the green parties growth is good and maybe it will lead to dixcrimilizing weed which should have happend years ago but the stronger the NDP is the better off this country is.


    P.S I agree they should be allowed into the debates but what they should really do is merge with the ndp even though on economics they are slightly conservative.

  11. So Stephen Harper called an election its going to be a five week election and will most likely result in another minority goverment.

    I don't really care if the Liberals get back in power becuz they are just as corrupt as Harpers goverment Im just hoping the NDP will get some more seats.

    yaa parlimentry system!!



    any canucks out there? or intrested americans?(

  12. wait are you actually planning to do this? cause THAT WOULD BE SO AWESOME. It would be a good idea to have at least one perfomance segment for evrey episode.

    This would make for a great internet cartoon seriously. I could see this being succsesful .

  13. is the republican party reallly getting away with were the real change message? I mean how can the media allow them to talk about taking on washington its a joke.

    You do all realize that the same people who ran Bush's campaing are behind McCain and that is but a simple truth. Palin is an extremist and an opportunist she knows not what she speaks.


    So how is McaCains experience of being tortured and brainwashed for five years a benifit ?

    if anything it explains how he's been walking around in a daze for the last 30 years.


    Insanity I say. Vote Obama why not if hes the antichrist then he desrvees it we might aswell get this hole earth thing over with(joking)

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