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Posts posted by Panther

  1. you sound a bit on the dumb side of the spectrum


    I dont see the big deal I was just passing threw the internet found this documentry and posted it here before I got a chance to watch it, I just wanted to see what people would say about it. I eventually watched it and said what I really thought about it. I am able to watch this stufff and decide for myself Im not afraid that it will shater my reality I hope something is good enuff to shater my reality and Im not really worried about my credibility.

  2. a fave from modern times:

    Gonna raise me an army, some tough sons of bitches

    I'll recruit my army from the orphanages



    only he could rhyme sons of bitches with orphanages and make it sound normal




    my favrite from that album of favorites.


    if it keeps on raining the leves gona break

    some people are still sleeping some people are wide awake

  3. For your special day fnord, I got you an all-expenses paid fnord trip to the Hotel de Bilderberg! :cheekkiss




    well shucks thax ya'll , P.S I wish I could get a peek into that place.

    P.S thnx agian I am no longer a teenager, not that age matters I realate to a 41 yr old song guy from illinoise

  4. Well, I'm stranded in the city that never sleeps

    Some of these women they just give me the creeps

    I'm avoidin' the south side the best I can

    These memories I got they can strangle a man

    Well, I came ashore in the dead of the night

    Lot of things can get in the way when you're tryin' to do what's right


    I'm not sorry for nothing I've done

    I'm glad I fought, I only wish we'd won

    The Siamese twins are comin' to town

    People can't wait, they've gathered around

    When I left my home the sky split open wide

    I never wanted to go back there, I'd rather have died




    how the fuck did this album come out on september 11 , what the hell was Bob Dylan thinking I would have freaked out.

    You know Ive never seen an interview with him talking about 911.

  5. Well, today has been a sad and lonesome day

    Yeah, today has been a sad and lonesome day

    I'm just sitting here thinking with my mind a million miles away


    Well, they're doing the double shuffle, throwing sand on the floor

    They're doing the double shuffle, they're throwing sand on the floor

    When I left my longtime darling, she was standing in the door

  6. It has been my belief that the images from Abu Grahib has done more to undermine our stature in the world than any other singular event.


    Thanks for the link man.


    All that stuff about the bush administrations use of torture over the last few years is insane, its not like New Zeland was toruting people.


    when your military kills like a million iraqis that never attacked you, inocent people, it is insane to cry foul when they use tortue of course they use torute du'h.

    They dont give a fuck they are bad people.


    I understand though , really I do. Its about image, its like when you bomb a country and then send aid. Or collect billions in debt and give millions in aid.

    I get it when things like this get out it makes your smilling fascist goverment look bad and liberal university students feel bad.


    OH MAN!

  7. The consensus in the world seems to be for a global market economy. The debate is how that economy should be managed - the NWO might refer, ultimately, to the degree of that management. I don't think anybody, except for the Cubans, maybe, is seriously arguing for anything different at this point.


    Okay so its inevitable in manyways I accept that, but how far will it go and in the global economy how are wars faught who are the enemies.

    I honeslty can't see how we can continue moving towards one world economy and one world governence and it not be a majior concern for regular folk like us.

    Idealistically it could work idealistically Obamma could bring change to America but these ideals that good people hold are not ones of the elite.


    The elite and the powerful follow one law by any means necssacry, sometimes I forget because I have never seen violent death but there are violent wars all around the world violent wars that give more power to the powerful. These people have no souls they do not care and we have been convinced that they will not turn on us. Tell me where Im worng.

  8. I think the global political/economic structure integration will not stop for anything, short of nuclear war or alien invasion or both. (Hopefully, we would all unite against teh aliens.) The question is whether this is done with benevolence or malevolence, if it can even be done with benevolence. I am not an anarchist - I believe somebody has to be in charge for liberty to exist in any meaningful way, as liberty cannot exist without justice, and justice is not a force of nature. It is something we all work to create and maintain.


    Im not an anarchist either I would support a King if he were a good King. I have no reason to beileve that this world of "intergration" can produce a good King.

    So I will agree with all you have said although I'd double check the alien incvasion for holograms and say it is all malevolence.


    I find this one thing funny though , I say the words New World Order and Im a conspiracy thoerist which I guesse I am but you say political economic integration and that sounds like the world we all know. Its the same thing , what I have realised is that majority of the conspiracy thoeries out there are disinformation that make the argument agaisnt the status quo seem insane. This allows the false argument of democrat vs republican seem purposful when they support the same train heading in the same direction.

  9. For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents ... to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."

    - David Rockefeller, "Memoirs" autobiography (2002, Random House publishers), page 405

  10. It's been called off on account of Obama.

    (Couldn't find that book, btw, but this is it: http://www.amazon.com/Illuminatus-Trilogy-...7399&sr=8-1)

    cool, wait what do you mean its been called off on acount of Obama?

    My perspective is that the priesidency is a representive of the american voice and that Obama is a small vicotry for the people but the banking elite and royalty around the world still run things and they will bend him to their will or maybe not maybe as you say it has been called off.

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