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Posts posted by Panther

  1. >Maybe Slow Train Coming there are some god tracks on that but its still subpar.


    was that a typo or a clever joke? :-)




    typo but I think what really happened there is god came through me to make his presents felt. maybe not.

  2. I think there are some of us who like AM a lot, and this kind of post always rubs me the wrong way. AM was interesting if nothing else, and felt like it at least related to something real: underclass midwest experience / being a young man whose best options are the kind of non-options that involve the riverboat casinos and hopeless relationships. AM has always felt like a p.s. to Anodyne, and how can that be so bad? And how can you not like "It's just that simple"?? Ach, I do not get AM haters.


    In other words, here's to uncharted waters, and the best still lying ahead... But I'd be hella happy if the next album has some AM vibes to it. Which isn't like totally impossible, I love the way the band has been playing the remaining AM songs w/ the current lineup. especially the aforementioned stiratt tune


    I like am. and Im 20 yrs old, I think A.M is a great mid 90s record if I were Cristagu i'd say B+

  3. Yet another Dylan thread. . LOL


    Anyhow - there are some good songs on Shot of Love. Let it set for a while, and then check it out.


    thats what I found to be true with Slow Train Coming I mean I can always listen to Blonde On Blonde I find the 80s albums intresting just to see where his head was at.

  4. i think he's just trying to stir some shit up.


    well yeah sort of Im definetly not preaching Im just looking for reactions.

    I mean if it was all true what many conspiracy theorist belive wouldn't make sesne that educated people would deny it to the conspiracy theorist?

    Dosent the fact that many people will call you crazy for talking about secret socities make sense to the person who belives in the cover up?

    This is why it can be very confusing, dont you agree? I honestly don't know I had a conversation with an educated girl at work who studies political scince today and she explained how globilization is good now I have read many things about why it is bad and the bigger picture but what she said mad sense I mean NAFTA isn't really that diveious.

    To be honest I don't know but can you understand how this can be confusing I mean calling it crazy sort of gives it creedence does anyone know what I mean?



    well yeah sort of Im definitely not preaching I

  5. Well you wouldn't know but Every Grain of Sand is one of his best songs. You probably didn't make it "Brownsville Girl" on Knocked Out Loaded either. Perhaps you passed on "Dark Eyes", "Tight Connection" scared you away? I'm trying hard to think of a Dylan record that didn't have at least one classic.


    no I actually listened to the whole thing so I shouldnt have said immiditly I meant immieditly after I finished listening and yeah I remeber every grain of sand by far being the best track i'll go back to it. I wouln'dt be suprised If he purposley puts one or two good songs on those bad records just to mess with us.


    what do you think about knoocked out loaded I saw it fow $10 I might pick it up this weekend

  6. Wilco - ALTWYS

    Sonic Youth - Empty Page

    Pavement - Silent Kit(or kid?)

    Wilco - misunderstood (du'h)

    Bob Dylan - Tweedlede Tweedledumb

    Bob Dylan - Thunder on the mountain

    Pixies - Debaser

    Bruce Springsteen - Nebraska

    Jay Z - The Rulers Back

    Lil Wayne - 3peat(maybe not)

    Belle & Sebastian- Stars of Track & Field


    oh the flaming lips race for the prize fooosha




    I forgot


    Primal Scream- "Moving on Up"- Screamadelica.


    100% love that track


    oh how about Dirty Boots babbbyyyyyy


    Bikini Kill - Double Dare

    this dosent get enuff play

  7. Liking Nirvana means you don't like music? Generally there's a reason behind every cliche...


    Some that come to mind (just ones that haven't been mentioned):



    Antony & The Johnsons- Hope There's Someone

    Beck- Sexx Laws

    Belle & Sebastian- Stars of Track & Field

    Blur- Boys & Girls

    Bob Dylan- Lovesick

    The Cure- In Between Days

    Bonnie Prince Billy- A Minor Place

    Elliott Smith- Speed Trials

    The Flaming Lips- Race for the Prize

    Jeff Buckley- Mojo Pin

    Joanna Newsom- Ys

    M.I.A.- Bamboo Banga

    The National- Fake Empire

    Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds- Into My Arms

    Nirvana- About a Girl (MTV Unplugged)

    Pavement- Silent Kit

    Pixies- Debaser

    R.E.M.- Harbour Coat

    Radiohead- Airbag

    The Replacements- Hold My Life

    Slint- Good Morning, Captain

    The Smiths- A Rush and a Push and the Land That We Stand On is Ours

    Sonic Youth- Teenage Riot

    The Stone Roses- I Wanna Be Adored

    Talking Heads- Born Under Punches

    Tom Waits- Big in Japan

    Uncle Tupelo- Gun

    Wilco- Can't Stand It



    This is tough...most of the music I listen to is pre-1980.


    Its a line from High Fidelity I laughed

  8. Yeah for me everytime Dylan wanted to make a masterpiece he did and this is one of them. His bad albums are intentionaly bad I picked up Shot Of Love recently for $6 and I had to imideitly put on John Wesley harding to remind myself that this guy is good, his bad albums can ruin your idea of him don't listen to them.

    Maybe Slow Train Coming there are some god tracks on that but its still subpar.


    By the way Going going gone is so good it hurts those canucks can sure play

  9. also, I hate the misconceptions about Sky Blue Sky, like the band went flaccid or something: JT and the boys haven't lost some kind of magical powers they had previously. You hear them talk about Sky Blue Sky and it was a conscious effort to just write songs. It wasn't some kind of "oh I've stopped smoking cigarettes and popping pills so now I'm weepy and writing cutesie soft rock because my powers are gone." It was just about the guys getting together and making simple, beautiful songs. No reinventing the wheel. JT has also pointed out the lack of credit he's been given at every turn ("oh that record was Bennett, and that record was JOR, and that record was the pills.."). These are damn brilliant guys and they aren't ignorant. I'm not saying the next album is going to be a crowning achievement, but I don't think these guys are all of the sudden out of touch with their craft and going to repeat themselves and try and reach for something they used to be.


    also, maybe I'm painting with a broad brush (I could see how people could find SBS boring, but..) but is it so hard for the SBS dislikers to find beauty in something that isn't "innovative"? Is it that easy for people nowadays to dismiss top notch craftsmanship bottled in 13 songs?


    Exactly, that record wasn't a mistake , I personaly love what it is and will never be concerned with what it isn't and last time i checked I dont like bad records.

  10. I know its wasnt one of his records that got trashed it actually got allot of good feedback but I still think this record is underratted.

    For me its one of his best as good as Blood On The Tracks and in the same class as his 60's wrk . The reason I feel this way is A the Band and B tHE FUCKIN SONGS.

  11. Well, most books make sense as stories. Not sure if many people actually go around saying the Bible doesn't "make sense" except perhaps in its claims over reality and perhaps its problems with internal consistency. But sure, the storyline is pretty straight-forward.


    No thats not what I mean't. The argument was how can the bible be true. Christians will obviously say its the word of GOD thats fine.

    My point is that they are almost right although their has been editing for evil purposes the just of the bible including the devil is a metaphor for the world and it makes sesne.

    When it says this world is satans kingdom it makes sesne, allot of it can be aplieed to moderntimes. Wheather or not it has the ability ot peak into the future I don't know.

    But I like to think that the notion of the messiah returning followed by a thousand yrs of peace is possible and it will make sesne if it is christ consiousness that returns.

  12. I personally have already answered this to the previous page. Apparently you don't mind having a discussion, or answering relevant points?

    don't mind at all, "I personally have already answered this" I doubt that lol

    I repeat: what is the logic of thinking there is a creator because there's a creation?


    Your creator is what, exactly? A creation, too? Who created the creator? Why a creation couldn't be self-created?


    I do not know and neither do you but I am not an absolutist I dont beilve GOD is a diety the way religions would have you think. Its an incomprihensible word that trumps everything it is the void itself. You don't know the answer to that question either so you don't want to say you beilve in GOD but I think this is all semantics really you do beilive in GOD one way or the other is what I think.


    Doesn't it sound obvious to you that God is just something the man conceived for the only reason he doesn't find answers to questions which are beyond his perceptive faculties?


    No, This is certainly a phase that I went threw in the seventh grade when I was rebelling against all conventional wisdom and all religions but I have a much more mature outlook now.

    Man did not conceive the GOD notion because he did not understand but instead the fact that he does not understand is evidence of a higher wisdom, it might be the illiterate light Im not saying it can talk.


    And isn't it obvious to you that so far, only science brougth answers to our questions since the man exists?


    No I disagree philoshpy and metaphsyics is just a valueble its just a diffrent viewpoint.

    Science is the study of what is and how it wrks and it is a vauled one but it is not life itself it is uncovering life itself. I have never made an argument against the importance of science. Science and GOD are not in conflict GOD is science. Science is based on theories threw a human perspective when a new idea is confirmed it could possible destroy centuries of theories , science is a what we know so far system, it has its place.


    If there must be a logic, it's to think that science is the only way to find answers.


    Thats true but if someone has the ability to be a medium between the afterlife and now is it not through a science.

    Are thier not sceinces that we do not understand? I would say science is a way to find out how things wrk it is not the reason things wrk themselves that reason is GOD.


    Personally, I define my atheism like this: I have no need to believe in God, there is no reason to believe in.


    Perosnally I define my belief in GOD as this their is a huge reason to believe in GOD , what the fuck is going on here? not good enuff?


    The belief in God is only a matter of culture and tradition. As long as it's peaceful, no problem with me. I would probably be Christian if I had evolved in a Christian environment. But it happened I grew up in France, where the 20th Century was dominated, culturally, by a big intellectual wave of anti-Christianism, due to some bad images of the Church in our country.


    thats not true sometimes its a matter of culture or tradition but your minimizing it and again making the sceince vs religion argument which logically science can win.

    But the sceince vs GOD argument dosent make sense GOD is science.


    We had some great personas, though: very lately we lost Soeur Emmanuelle, who was 99. She incarnated the best of what the Church should be: generosity, help for the poor, for the helpless, etc, etc


    But in the 20th Century, a lot of young people rebelled against the Church.


    so have I but thats not about GOD the church is the false prohet of GOD im not denying that.


    A song of Jacques Brel gives a pretty good idea of this rebellion : here's a clip with English subtitles:




    PS: excuse my odd english at times (I'm aware of it!)

  13. Well, that certainly is more words but I'm not sure you actually stated why it is more logical to believe in an intelligent creator besides noting that, yes, we do exist. But why is existence more logical under a creator? Don't you then get wrapped up in the debate of where the creator came from?


    Can't believe how strange it is to be anything at all.





    Well, most books make sense as stories. Not sure if many people actually go around saying the Bible doesn't "make sense" except perhaps in its claims over reality and perhaps its problems with internal consistency. But sure, the storyline is pretty straight-forward.


    Okay, Im not saying its logical becaz at this level of notions as you stated our logic is basically worth nothing. What Im saying is that it is more logical than no creator thats a diffrent debate. The thing is the word GOD trumps any other word you say nothing makes sense so I don't need to beilive in GOD I say nothing makes sense so I need to beilive in GOD how is your logic better? "Can't believe how strange it is to be anything at all" agreed thats why I beilive in GOD.


    Don't you then get wrapped up in the debate of where the creator came from? Yes , and thats why the word creator is not accurrate because it is a human word a human notion.

    Whatever it is we do not understand at this point, I find that spiritual teachings make these matters more clear but it dosent make life easier.

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