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Posts posted by Panther

  1. they always seem to strech themselves beyond their on paper abilities in every lineup I mean that four piece was great and what a great arrangment. I love the 4 man beatles lineup. I think that why some people didn't like Sky blue Sky becuz it appeard as if they held back which I do not agree with.

  2. Has anyone asked why, if there's this big conspiracy to subjugate all the world's peoples, and all these world leaders and corporations are in on it and getting ready to spring it on us all, why do they continue to bring it up? Why prepare us for something they know we don't want if they're just going to do it anyway?


    That doesn

  3. None of you find it odd that no one has been charged with the 9/11 attacks yet we have fought two wars in its name? Don't you think we should have accused someone before taking two countries to war?


    Goto the FBI most wanted site and pull up Osama Bin Laden, he has been credited with the attack on the USS Cole and the world trade center in the 90's but nothing about 2001.


    That is a fact on Osama Bin Laden and I will say that yes I do find it odd, but aprarently none of these people here allow that into their reality, set me straight folks dont give up.

  4. Nope, I have no thoughts whatsoever about Kissinger and the new world order. Although yesterday I was playing X's More Fun In The New World, which is a damn fine album.


    BTW: Nothing but love around here :cheekkiss


    I agree nothing but love , and yeah I have to check that record out .No thoughts thats cool just don't hold back , cuzz I actually believe they are serious and if you have something to say that will change my mind I would love that. anyone out there?

  5. YouR WELCOME!




    Do you mean "imminent" or "in a minute"?


    you know what I meant, dont be an asshole ( I forgive you though so no worries ,could you forgive me for calling you an asshole?)


    so I guesse you have no thoughts on my last question thats cool but just say so cuzzzz this is confusinging



    I'm glad we have that settled.

    me to, you seem like a smart guy and a great movie charachter so why do you think these powerful people use these terms , its not jepordy there is no right answer just say what you think, eh

  6. I am agianst this whole notion of removing or excluding those who disagree with you from the crowd. Thhey all have voices to be heard. I was against it when Bush did it and I'm against it when the Obam camp does it. The only exception should be for thhose who pose a danger to others or those who are indanger for simply speaking, which is also bullshit.


    I agree the Obama camp dose remind me of the Bush camp even though the two men are very different.


    what do you folk make of this video? Im not to sure I mean its weird that the guy is escorted for disagreing with the Obama crowd but it dosent seem that insane that you can remove someone from a rally for saying diffrent things in this type of election , I mean you don't want that guy on camera or Cnn. Im not saying what he thinks is right but do any of you think thats its okay to remove people this way?

  8. 64098-spell_check_anywhere.gif




    seriosuly though I know I didnt use spell check but I don't care what I have to say about this I want to hear others thoughts so don't worry about it.

    Just tell me why these leaders use the term New World Order and as G.H.W said we will be succesfull he has convinced me its a real objective so I think I might need someone to tell me otherwise or else Im doomed to fantasy land forever save me one of you brave sane folks.

  9. One more thing your opinions reek of Bill Maher and thats cool but what he and others like the great George Carlin do is hold a mirror to modern religious crazies and show them how crazy they realy can be thats fine, but be careful you coem across as arogant and you present no new ideas. Its like when Bill Maher makes fun of the things that christians literally belive but he dosent go into the argument off what it means if its not literal maybe thats not his job or yours so its fine.


    As for Dylan not going to heaven, have you heard Slow Train Coming? that has to count for something and I think technicaly

    he's a born again christian(again how unscientific of him omg)

  10. regarding The Makers last long reply , I don't disagree with anything you said about the lies and deciet in religion but and this is a big one your argument is to modern to make sense. You have to account history. Are you aware of the changes that occured in christianity when the Holy roman empire took over, if not I suggest you do some readings. A breif example are the meetings that were held by Roman Emperor Constantine where they made their edit of the bible and decided from now on these stories will be taught literally. That is a fact , but for you to say there is no god no jesus no moses just sounds stupid, honestly. Historicaly you are correct their is no records of a historical Moses but I watched a great documentry recently that gave accurate timelines and similar names to many biblical characters taht would explain where they all come from, it could be offbase but your certanty is ignorant of ancient mysteries that we do not understand.


    And again when you say no god do you also mean no GOD? Because a god or gods is a deity but GOD is the idea of a creator and that isn't realy something that can be compared to or even argued about as there is no other equvilant idea to compare it with, so thanks but no thanks I think I'll decide that one on my one through my own life's journey and probably in the next one to(how unscientific I belive in a next life omg).

  11. it is intresting to think about, I mean when I herd about this I was thinking what the hell are they going to show cause this guys entire presidency has been a mystery.

    I honestly don't feel like I have a real picture of who this guy is and how things have actually worked over the last 8 years, do any of you?

  12. So I'm assuming PANTHER believes Bush pushed the detonator for the WTC, right?


    wrong, simply and why do you need to jump to that. This is insnae to me that I post three videos of leaders saying the words New World Order and Im now "into" this kinda stuff and its all the same right? there is no need for discussion its a waste of time right?


    who do you beileve was responsible for the setember 11 attacks and yeaI know there were terrorist but who created Al queada and Osama binladen and all that crap.

    Globalist my freind globalists. Bush probably didnt know shit, it is totally inacurate to say it was an inside job but even the beloved Noam Chomsky has said that they let it happen because the safety of the american people is not a concern for them. I mean he won't go there but you know he has to sell books to university students not latenight conspiracy theories.


    Im sorry but say what you think, don't waste your time assuming what I think. Why do they use this term that is all I wanted to discuss but I guesse its not wrothy of your reality.

    heres an outside idea maybe they just say it once in a while so that conspiracy theorist waste their time talking about it while there are more important issues to be fighting, what do you think?

  13. It is good to know this stuff...in case it actually happens, except as I begin to read Suskind's "The Way of the World" I am beginning to think it is good that world leaders hate each other, thus thwarting the NWO (not the wrestling type).



    I disagree, they don't hate eachother its a chessgame for them its fun. They play their countires off one another. Have you seen those pictures of Putin and Bush by the Ocean very cute, then they talk tuff to their people. Im sure youre aware of this but the United States has not had a real enemy since WW2 every war has been invented and every enemy has been created. The only enemy left is the american people. Im not saying this is inevitable because its not if it was then what are they waiting for, they need us to go along with it just like they need us to build their houses , literally if people woke up it could be stopped but were all chicken shit me included I like my warm house.


    The point is this, it is real just like the plan for a new american century is real, they need to dominate China is not going to stop them and neither is Russia .

    It is not America vs the world it is the rulers of the world vs the people. Our only argument in North America is that it wont happen here they wont turn on us.

    We are all aware how evil our militaries and learders are but we go along with it for comfort , look at the rest of the wrold they already live in authoritarian states thats all this world has ever known.The difference is that now things are at a breaking point , Alexander the great had nothing on these assholes technology is gunna bite us in the ass.


    Im not saying doom and gloom and listen to me, not at all I just want people to at least admit it, they have ambitions beyond us face it.


    dont listen to me lsiten to John lennon Im talking to you mister Tin Foil Hat

    "Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. ... I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it. "

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