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Posts posted by Panther

  1. I think SBS is excellent foundation for a more experimental record -- much like A.M. and BT were foundational for ST, YHF, and AGiB.


    Totally agree, Look at a band like Sonic Youth who have survived this long making great records they couldn't try to make DN every time if they wanted to survive.

    Sometime records are made out of transition. Sonic Youth had there 80s records (phase one) 90s (phase 2) and 2000's (phase three)


    Wilco are on similar path though not by decade A.M, BT, ST, YHF, AGIB, PHASE ONE 95-04 SBS, lp7, Lp8, lp9, lp10 Phase two.


    In some ways they have done something even more amazing you could argue my point to say that there have been 6 phases of wilco from record to record and I wouldn

  2. this really shook things up. not for people who actually follow politics but for the rest of the population. its an intresting tatic since Obama has begun to be tuff and that has worked. The image of Biden debating Palin might backfire. This also might be the most desprate move in republican history.

    Romney was never going to happen one evil smirk is enough to sink the republican ticket this year and the monster morman would of been an atom bomb.

  3. That's how some of us feel about Sky Blue Sky. I understand you really like the album and I respect that opinion, and I've made my opinion on the record fairly clear over the last year since it's been out, as well.


    I don't necessarily think people want the next Wilco album to be a carbon copy of YHF or A Ghost is Born or Summerteeth or for the band to morph into Loose Fur, but rather for the new Wilco album to return to the quality of those releases.


    I see Sky Blue Sky as the Let it Be (the Beatles one, not the Replacements) of Wilco's discography, it's not a bad record but it's not exactly Sgt. Pepper or The White Album or Abbey Road or Revolver.


    Thankfully, Phil Spector never got his hands on the mixes on of Sky Blue Sky.




    As another person who really likes SBS let me say that I respect your opinion and I understand how/why you really don

  4. Moe knows. I find this post to be spot on. I have been listening to Jim's Insignificance a lot with both Jeff and Glenn play on and the interaction between them is wonderful. The little shifts into the unexpected like that on Ghost and BAitUSA are wonderful, and sadly I think that's part of what's missing on Sky Blue Sky. I'd be very happy if O'Rourke eventually joined the band full time.


    Mastershake's suggestion of bringing Bennett back into the fold in a "Brian Wilson" role is actually pretty interesting. The arrangement Jeff and Jay write the songs, the band records them, O'Rourke mixes it, worked really well.


    We've talked about this ad nauseam in the seven years since he's been out of the band, but regardless of what you think about him as an arranger, guitar player, white guy with dread locks, person, etc. The dude co-wrote some of the best songs in Wilco's catalog. I don't think they need him to make a good album, I don't think they need him to make a great album, but there's certainly part of me that wonders "if only the guy would have shut up about the damn orchestra going into Heavy Metal Drummer" what might have happened?




    "exactly what do you want me to be" I think that was a rhetorical question. I don't disagree with you becuz I love that era of songs but there is so much material to listen to.

    I am honestlly excited for the next album and not becuz Im a fanboy thats a b.s argument. SBS was this lineups A.M so maybe the next album will be a double album.

  5. what i wish would happen would be for jay bennett to re-join the band, help jeff write all the songs, do all the deconstructing/looping/noise work in the studio, then leave the band and let the current cast play the songs live.



    Have you heard Jay Bennett

  6. So hey there freinds , I'm in a two peice band looking for are third and final member the bands name is Toronto Panthers.

    Are sound is sorta Dylan meets Sonic Youth but not really. Its really just strong songwriting meets an adventure of sound or w.e suits the song.


    We have over 70 songs and will be recording all year.

    I have a feeling 2010 will be are year.

    All musicans wanted multi talented players are very welcome since we sorta switch it up depending on the song.

    The idea is to find the perfect thrid member so I thought I would give it a shot here.


    thnx ahead of time.

  7. Wilco as literature


    Music aside the Wilco discography is also very literate or at least since Summerteeth.

    So not counting the music take out your lyric sheets and share your thoughts.


    Personally as books of poetry this is how I rank them

    (And yes I know there is actually a Jeff Tweedy poetry book)









    For me AGIB reads the best without music especially Hell is Chrome

    and Company in my back.


    YHF obviously has some great moments and can be recited like poetry or nursery rhymes. My favorites are Kamera and Poor Places and well obviously IATTBYH


    This might sound stupid to some of you but sit their and try to read the In Rainbows lyrics not so much fun.



  8. how about no more of this well thats your opinion or music is subjective stuff, well obviously. Unless some of us are controlled by some demon evreything anyone says is their opinion so from now on I will refuse to use IMO again. Sometimes people have opinions on other peoples opinions its called a discussion or wait an argument.

  9. More than you were looking for (?). If so, sorry. It's been a couple of years since I was in school and I miss writer's workshop. Keep writing!


    Im not sure what I was looking for but that was great thanks.

    they are both ruff drafts and like I said before Im more of a songwriter than a poet so I know what you mean, thnx again .. I like this I''l post more

  10. Hello Friends this will totally bomb if Im the only person who writes their own embarrassing poetry but if not it could be fun.

    Personally I don't consider myself much of a poet but I do write songs and its part of my method to write off the top of my head poems for ideas.

    So tell me what you think maybe only one line is worth keeping maybe you think its all hopeless maybe you want to share your own poems.

    Don't worry I won't be sensitive I

  11. Having a camp and t-shirts=religion? :huh I went to Girl Scout camp, and wore the t-shirt...even drank the kool-aid! :beer


    I get what your saying, but labels don't apply to this belief. That's what confuses the masses. People think for themselves. To each their own though. I believe people have the right to think what they want, just don't cram it down my throat. Help guide my soul, just don't try to own it.


    "Help guide my soul, just don't try to own it." I really like that thought.

    I didn't mean to be aggressive in defining atheism I

  12. No because christianity is already a religion so they just have to deal with it if they choose,

    Atheism is apprently becoming a religion for some and is something else for others I was just saying what I would do.

    Explaining the misconception is fine it accomplishes the same thing as saying what you think Im just saying whats the point why keep the lable why keep the word.

  13. Again, this is where I have a hard time with the popular interpretation of the word "atheist." Folks like Dawkins surely hold some responsibility, but so too do people of faith who can't accept that a simple lack of a belief doesn't constitute an affront and an active disbelief. How would you (not specifically you, PANTHER, but the royal "you") feel if you were lumped in as sharing the same values as Fred Phelps just because you called yourself a Christian. Hardly seems fair or productive. As for why the labels? I don't require a label, but if asked what am I to say? Seems a little like "don't ask, don't tell" to me.


    I agree that lumping Christians with Fred Phelps is just as bad as lumping atheist with Dawkins so I guesses you could say I was playing devils advocate with my statement.

    But this sort of validates my point that you will be categorized as something that you may not be by claiming atheism so why bother it

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