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Posts posted by Panther

  1. since were on the topic of whose these canndidates are associated with I think we should include The Bilderberg group meetings that are taking place this week

    in Virgina. Apparently both Clinton and Obama are heading there yeaaa I know its illegal to set policy in secret but thats exactly what goes on there.


    As for important associates heres this years bilderberg group offical participant list

    Official 2008 Bilderberg Participant List , why isnt CNN intrested in this?ever



    June 6, 2008


    DEU "Ackermann, Josef" "Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG"

    CAN "Adams, John" Associate Deputy Minister of National Defence and Chief of the Communications Security Establishment Canada

    USA "Ajami, Fouad" "Director, Middle East Studies Program, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University"

    USA "Alexander, Keith B." "Director, National Security Agency"

    INT "Almunia, Joaqu

  2. Can anyone speak intelligently to this blog or this rumored rant tape? A friend just sent it to me. Is this some stupid HRC supporter with a blog stirring up nonsense, or is this for real? Oh man.




    intelligently no, I posted what I heard about this in the last election 2008 thread(page 49 i think), from what I heard its a hoax.

    If its not then we all no why Hillary hasnt dropped out yet.

  3. "All this navel gazing crap with Florida and Michigan leads to a question. What is really the value of the long and elaborate dance known as the presidential primary season?, asks the simpleton Canadian."


    well we let are four parties pick their own leaders , were not to hip to this republic thing kinda stuck in the monarchy days(hail the queen,mandatory)

    Yet somehow this unique brand of socialism hasnt collaplsed unto itself.


    I think thats the Change Obama wants to bring American socialism, finally(globalism)

    That scares me though as Im sure the smarter of you all know that wont work in a rebulic(not democracy).

    Still i'll support Obama until he dose something crazy like cary staff as if hes a religious leader, oh wait he did that today in Virgina, still better than Mcain by lightyears.

    I think that whole Ron Paul thing could've had a real shot if Colbert didnt destroy him in the eyes of his liberal vewiers, Im rambling.


    For the record, Obama the next president of the united staes, I'd love to see that.

  4. why is Hillary still in this and Im not gonna use the word conceed cuz she shouldnt even have that option its called you lost simple.

    Im afraid she knows what shes doing yet again, aparently theyre have been rumors of some Michelle Obama tape that has some contraversial racial remarks

    but the sources have all been conservative blogs , so Im sure its a hoax. dont hold your breath therye gonna try to destroy him.


    dont belive the hype, seriously this time

  5. http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_ra...essmen_deri.htm


    151 Congressmen Derive Financial Profit From War


    Ralph Forbes


    May 28, 2008


    Who profits from the Iraq war? More than a quarter of senators and congressmen have invested at least $196 million of their own money in companies doing business with the Department of Defense (DoD) that profit from the death and destruction in Iraq.


    According to the latest reports, 151 members of Congress invested close to a quarter-billion in companies that received defense contracts of at least $5 million in 2006. These companies got more than $275.6 billion from the government in 2006, or $755 million per day, according to FedSpending.org, a website of the watchdog group OMBWatch.


    Congressmen gave themselves a loophole so they only have to report their assets in broad ranges. Thus, they can be off as much as 160 percent. (Try giving the IRS an estimate like that.) In 2004, the first full year after the present Iraq war began, Republican and Democratic lawmakers-both hawks and doves-invested between $74.9 million and $161.3 million in companies under contract with the DoD. In 2006 Democrats had at least $3.7 million invested in the defense sector alone, compared to the Republicans

  6. do you all know or have an idea of what jeff tweedy means by "happening stone" in "patient"?


    i'm listening to sbs every day (tinnitus therapy!), and it's about the only thing that i can't

    figure out for myself. so far.


    "Im this apple this happening stone when Im alone" "oh but my blessings get so blured at the sound of your words"

    I think it is simply saying that the blessing is life being alive ,

    you know when your alone and thinking strange thoughts and your like wow I fucking exist what a blessing or something...and then someone talks to you and all you focus on is

    the conflict the conversation w.e you forget the simple blessing and focus on the complexity of conflict. I think thats what hes saying.


    By the way are there still those of you out there who still believe the album was dissapointing lyricaly cuzzzz your insane.

    I suppose disapointment is totally subjective so thats not fair but still come on.

  7. anyways all I was saying is it was not a nothing comment and I was questng why people defend politicans as my previous posts says.

    I dont think it was the most significant thing she has ever said but for people to say its a nothing comment,well I dont know where your coming from.


    Anyway peace, that still works right?

  8. "How can you say it was a nothing comment she was clearly saying the race isnt over yet remember when RFK was shot in june so there is still hope for me yet."


    "She wasn't saying that -she was stating that the nomination was still (arguably) up in the air at the time he was killed, which was in June, which is next month. "


    "the nomination was still up in the air" "the race isnt over yet"


    "at the time he was killed" "remember when RFK was shot in june"


    yes , it is the same thing the only difference is for some reason if Hillary says its not over yet "I will not be defeated" to quote John Stewart it is okay for her to refrence

    an assasination in that persons opinion. I am not arguing what she said we all not what she said I am just arguing that 1. it was not a mistake and 2. it was not okay(well a little beyond not okay)

  9. She wasn't saying that -she was stating that the nomination was still (arguably) up in the air at the time he was killed, which was in June, which is next month.


    thats the same thing, I know that she was talking about the nomination not being over yet but to use that paticular scenario causes uneeded tensions,

    she used the word assasination even if she didnt I would have still assumeed thats what she was refering to but she did her choice not a mistake.


    play this scenario in your head Hillary Clinton has the democratic nomination all but rapped up but Obama says not over yet when stating that we all remember RFK was assasinated in june of 68, so yea maybe its to early to call great point Mrs Clinton thank you for serving your country and not your career.

  10. How can you say it was a nothing comment she was clearly saying the race isnt over yet remember when RFK was shot in june so there is still hope for me yet.

    evil evil evil evil if I ever saw evil. Add to the fact that Barrack is the first real chance of a half black president, there is no reseaon for it unless there is a reason.

    Now I dont think she wants that to happen at least I have no reason to think that but I do think it was said on purpose to again play on fears and tensions.

    Please dont infect me with your apathy that was not the biggest no comment ever, come on guy.



    Aswell may I appoligize for being Canadian and having an opinion on American politics, its just the view up here makes it look like were stuck with eachother.

    oh yea and NAFTA, arent we one country yet? no not yet.

  11. yes, that was almost my opinion, but there was no should in it, if you'll take another look, which means it was an opinion.

    isn't every post anyone ever writes just an opinion? that's how i take them. doesn't mean a person can't or shouldn't counter

    another opinion with one's own. it's okay, don't worry, really, it's okay! :cheers


    word is bond, as its said wu tang clan

  12. regarding the RFK remark I think it was strategic maybe just to get the ball rolling she has nothing to lose at this point.

    I find it strange how people take out the majior issue of power when defending the actions/remarks of politions,

    as if theyre all running for the people and not for their own carrers and ambitions.


    Did any of you catch this

    very disturbing but I guesse if you laugh when suggesting assasination its okay thats FAUX news for ya'

  13. For me Sky Blue Sky is a certain type of record its not a expansive pop record like YHF so natrauly not as many people are going to get it, fair.

    For me Wilco was hugely succeful in their attempts to make this type of record mainly the production and tones.

    For me its simple if you don't like this type of record thats fine and Im not saying how much I love it to out weigh the opinions of others.


    The only problem I have is when people make satements suggesting theyve been personaly violated by something six artists that they do not personaly know have made.

    I would also like to say I really love this record and its not for any other reason than I like the music.


    The thing is Wilco has been the rare band where their fans liking evreything they have done is justified, its not blind love Jeff Tweedy isnt Rivers Cuomo.

    Yankee Hotel Foxtrot never needs to be made again A.M was successful at what it attempted to do and that sound will last forever, you can say the same thing about

    every Wilco record and Sky Blue Sky keeps the train going, Sky Blue Sky is perfect and never needs to be made again.

  14. I just picked up the new record this week its been in heavy rotation so let me say I think its great.

    Its not as progy as the reviews have led on but you certainly have to put effort to get something out of it which isnt a bad thing considering how great soem moments are on this record, personaly I highly recomend it, great songwriting great arrangments the best montreal band of this era.

  15. also, it cant be understated what Dylan created the beatles would have continued writing meaningless lyrics if it wasnt for Dylan or maybe the correct statement would be they did what they did because of Dylan, who knows what would have happened without Dylan.


    I think its fair to say that Bob Dylan invented alternative rock, if you look at the times it makes sense. Before Dylan How much is that doggy in the window was pop music.

  16. I think Shake it Off is music geared twoard the lyrics and sure as a song it dosent flow but hey arent Wilco an art rock band I think its a great art rock track very Deerhoof.

    I like how the guitars sound tough when he sings the shake it off part , its funny and endearing, also somewhere theres a war sometimes there is art is my favrite line on the album. Plus it makes SBS wilcos loudest recorded which is also funny, dose anyone remember laughter?(lame,I know)

  17. Shake it Off is definetly the most challenging song on the record but I think sitting threw it really sets the tone for side two

    its like please be patient with me and HIH are the cure.

    Also personaly I think Shake it Off is very profound lyricaly although the vocals hide that.

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