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Posts posted by Panther

  1. This album wasnt trying to be classic in the Srgt Peppers YHF kinda way...... if its to long your not depressed enough

    Nobody in Indie land has achivied what Conor Oberst has achivied this decade wherther its post 911 paranoi or Spiritual awakening hes been through it all

    Lifted is a classic... I dont care if you think Ironand Wine make better records they arent important.. Conor Oberst will have a fanbase until he dies



    and Lifted is a classic

  2. I like the phases concept, though I'd bump AM up to Phase 1 (in which Doris gets her oats).


    Yeah I can see that but the whole concept of A.M is like the new day , all the breakup songs, lost love , drunk driving

    It seems like the begining of something more than the end and Anodyne is certainly an album about the end even if only in my head


    Murray Street only proves that Jim O'Rourke improves everything.


    Fair, but allot of people hattted NYC ghost and flowers

  3. So this is a response of sorts to the should wilco calll it quits thread.

    The one thing I found intresting was how diffrent I view Wilco's and more importantly Jeff Tweedys currrent status in the face of his past.

    Let me explain.


    Wilco is not on the outs after 2 quick masterpieces and 6 short albums(of course I would say 6 quick masterpieces)

    Instead Jeff Tweedy is on the brink of his fourth phase and Wilcos third


    Take a look



    No Depression (June 21, 1990)

    Still Feel Gone (September 17, 1991)

    March 16-20, 1992 (August 3, 1992)

    Anodyne (October 5, 1993)



    March 28, 1995 A.M.

    October 29, 1996 Being There

    June 23, 1998 Mermaid Avenue

    March 9, 1999 Summerteeth

    May 30, 2000 Mermaid Avenue Vol. II (with Billy Bragg




    April 23, 2002 Yankee Hotel Foxtrot

    June 22, 2004 A Ghost Is Born

    November 15, 2005 Kicking Television: Live in Chicago

    May 15, 2007 Sky Blue Sky


    Including :January 28, 2003 Loose Fur CD, vinyl

    March 21, 2006 Born Again in the USA CD,





    Al;though it could be argued that Sky Blue Sky was the transition album into a new phase for Tweedy I imagine that this upcoming release will cement that, fact.



    So call it quits at the tender age of 40, just when things are blooming again hmmmm .... I could be wrong but I dont see it happening



    This is also relatable to Sonic Youth in the mid to late 90S while in their self proclaimed second phase , ppl were telling them to call it quits then they made Murrray Street

    and have you heard Rather Ripped staright up classic


    NEVERMIND Dylan ... geeesh what a wealth of genius Tweedy keep on writing and if you feel like singing a song well... no oine needs to tell you that

  4. They don't even hide it now.......This was once considered crazy conspiracy stuff......Now coming to reality like most of the other so-called conspiracy theories about global governance......Do you think this will be a democratically elected world government concerned with the right of the people or the interests of the super rich and powerful?


    Personally I think it will be much closer to a democratically elected goverment than a tyranical goverment at least in perception.

    At the same time it all depends ...... insome ways this is happening very slowly , verment power and banking power are becoming more and more centralized

    but the idea of soverign nations still exist. When the power is completly trsansfered it wont matter if you belive in your symbolic country. In many ways the new wrold order is already here. The only way I see a real world goverment being rushed in is if there is some unimaginable disaster that forces a "temporary" cenrtalized world goverment to take over only it never leaves. Its also possible that a majority of the massses will praise the conception of the new world order and over time we will simple get used to the way things are.

  5. Panther, I don't think Brown was using the term in the same way that you're always using it. It's simply not what he was talking about.



    How do you know this?


    honestly I dont think you or any of the other coincidence theorist on this board(no disrespect but you all are) are qualified to make such a statement.


    This is a simple explanation as to why I geniunely belive and fear this........... its a matter of math and your asking me to belive in some crazy coincidences


    "When we are successful,and we will be. We have a real chance at this New World Order. An order in which a credible United Nations can use its peace keeping role to fulfil the promise and vision of the UN's founders."


    George Bush Sr - September 11,1991


    here see for yourself... this video also contains a CFR press confrence on september 12 2001 claiming that this disaster could be used to carry out a new world order


    now that might seem strange to some but not others so here is a video where Bill Clinton in reference to George Bush calls for a new world order


    so they are clearly talking about the same thing


    and hey its not just american leaders

    "We are moving toward a new world order, the world of communism. We shall never turn off that road."

    Mikhail Gorbachev


    But maybe I just dont understand politics .. lets ask Ron Paul what he thinks about the new world order and global governace


    more recently Gordon Brown calls for a new world order


    and ofcourse again at the G20 he called for it again




    And then we can go all the way back to H.G Wells the sci-fi writer and his book on the world goverment of the future entitled The New World Order


    P.S i dont think the words new world order being said over and over again are the most significant aspect of the evidence.

    The most significant evidence is public countless books memoirs and speeachers coming from the rulers of the world about global goverment.

    which if you havent figured out yet I am against.

  6. Including one of the most unique Wilco performances ever!


    Ya but with no Glen, I went with my dad who never heard wilco but is a neil young fan, and i had to say there allot better with there real drummer


    its was cool none the less no complaints.



    thnks for the responses I didnt realize that the shows on wilcoworld were not the summer tour, cant wait

  7. And I don't know that the G20 meetings are any more than largely a symbolic action to put people/businesses at ease.


    I disagree



    I agree that a majior part of it is symbolic but dont be naive there were countless secret meetings during the last two days openly admittted but secret.

    there were actually things done and a trillion dollars promised to save us, YAYYYY leaders who have always controlled and lied to us want to save us.


    YEAHHHH RIGHT ..... I dont like think sooo

  8. Another of these threads?! :stunned


    what are you talking about, there havent been any threads on the G20 meetings .


    Personally I find it funnny because fore decades conspiracy theorist have used the term New World Order to lable the end goal of the rulers of the world.

    mainly this theory includes globabl governance, globabl banking and well anything that envolves centralization now in actuallity this is very complicated

    and would be very difficult to pull off, of course who knows what the future holds. Now the reson these theorist use the term New World Order is well beacuse "they" use it.

    Now I understand and also agree that this view tends to come packaged with sensationalism , but that dosent matter if its actully happening.


    the truth is the truth, dosent matter how crazy it seems.

  9. I'm really not sure why I should be particularly concerned.



    concernerd? what are you talking about , geesh one piece of international news and your anoyed sorry.

    the G20 meetins were held to save the world because yeah its a mess , so I think its relevent , i think their solution should be disected but us the great unwashed masses.

  10. In 2006 I saw Wilco at Massey Hall it changed my life, in 2007 i saw them agin 2008 no shows thats cool, 2009 wtf there better be a Massey ahll show.

    seriously, I guesse it will be in september or early fall that sucks.

  11. Before you all impale me, hear me out:


    1. The general consensus is that AGIB is not quite as good as YHF, and SBS is not quite as good as AGIB. (personally I agree)


    2. Not everything can be a masterpiece (as is YHF) and AGIB is still a very good record. SBS is a good record taken on its own account BUT it does represent a 3-record-long downward trend.


    3. As far as the new record is concerned there are several possibilities: a. the trend continues with something not as good as SBS b. something about equal to SBS c. something better than SBS but not another masterpiece, or d. another masterpiece.


    I would suggest that if the new album is indeed choice "a." Wilco should break up before ruining their legacy completely. If it is "b." the same would probably hold true. If it is "d." then they should break up because it's better, as the old cliche goes, to quit while you're ahead. Leaving "c." which is in my humble opinion the only way they can continue without losing...well, something. My interest at least.


    I just think that they've made a damn a good run of it thus far and would hate to see my favorite band slip into mediocrity. It would cheapen their legacy.




    Your dumb, Jeff Tweedy is a true artist if he retired from music and just wrote poetry I would be intrested. AGIB in my opinion is alot better than YHF and YHF is a masterpiece and so is Summerteeth , and while SBS was not their most cultrally enjoyable record as an ART piece I found it to be a improvment on AGIB i found YOU ARE MY FACE to be one of the best Wilco songs of the last five years. Even if Wilco broke up which I only could see if Glen and John were out of the picture Tweedy would probably do somethings else and I would listen. You must have a hero complex with Wilco, I llok at them more as artists....... Cant wait for the next 5 records.







  12. The truth is I agree with you and also believe in the NWO agenda. And if people believe that depopulation is not a big deal because it won't affect them then they deserve what they are going to get. If you truly believe in this agenda and believe it is completely evil like I do then be careful about people giving you advice to rise up violently. They are also not your friends and are leading you right into the trap of martial law and a police state, which is their ultimate goal.


    If people don't believe this they are right now building a wall around Baghdad similar to a castle wall with only three points of entry. Armed guards at every point and no entry without the proper papers. It really is no joke. And if you want to read about their ultimate plan just read Brave New World or NWO by HG Wells. They are both based on the ultimate NWO agenda.


    The way to fight it is awareness and fighting these policies down to stall the agenda. Public awareness and knowledge are the ultimate key to winning. Sending teabags to DC and violent demonstrations are ultimately playing right into their hands, will get you labeled a terrorist and should be rejected. I will likewise not post about it anymore. People can believe it or not but these are giant steps towards it right now and the time is now to start to fight these policies and the lies of globalization.

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