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Posts posted by Panther

  1. This is what Star Trek is ALL about. Preparing the human race for one government (the Federation) and congress with aliens (Vulcans, green women, Tribbles).



    ill make a bet that you didnt watch the video lol you probably assumed it was a conspiracy version of world goverment , huh?

    all that conspiracy nonesense (yes i said it) just helps fog the truth

  2. aebc5945-b244-4f9f-9a42-afa4ede31a78.rp350x350.jpg



    Hopefully this dog dosent die tragicaly cause CNN would run like a month memorial like all day now on 360 the death of americas dog,

    now on larry king tragedy in the white house now on the situation room ........ and before you blink they invade iran or somethingg


    man im a dick , cant even be positive about a little mut , im sorry and i love animals :cheekkiss

  3. i missed your alternative to the bailouts.


    Thats a bullshit thing to say, and brilliant at the same time. its called PROBLEM REACTION SOLUTION


    "they" created this problem and knew what would happen we reacted "whats your alternative to the bailouts" and they gave us there grand (illusion) solution.


    BAILOUTS WOOOOO WHO grand illusion thats a styx album right?

  4. Chunky noise rock and it aint nothing like them NO AGE(ERS) this boy has an age its young.

    everything about this sound points to young , people with hair on there heads.

    it aint Sonic Youth quality or anything and their ist really any one great song it just plays and rips.

    I dont expect anything from this boy I dont expect a follow up and I dont care about his life, finally were getting back to basics.

    Remember Sufjan Stevens?(i love that guys music and all but Im glad this decade is done its 1989 and Im ready for Nirvana)


  5. I liked Straberry Jam, no!!! I loved straberry jam. Its the record that got me intrested in animal collective. This record was instantly better.

    Instantly better than anything released last year and the year before. Is this their Srgt Peppers? NOOOO its not fuck that generation!!!

    Hommie this is my day (kanye west). "If i could just leave my body for a night" and thats what it sounds like for real family.

    Is it one of the best records of the decade yea probaly but thats not the point, the point is the moment.

    In the moment of listening to this "electronic music" there is no past there is no death there is only LIFE so for those of you who think modern music aint as good as them old days your wrong, and if you think death will ever beat LIFE you are also wrong.




  6. Why, oh why, will they just not legalize weed so they can tax the hell out of it? I have my theories on why this will never happen, but it is getting kind of absurd now.



    Why was it made illegal in the first place? only completly fascist minds can possibly argue for that shit.

    It wasnt a problem until it showed up on colledge campuses and started expanding the minds of the slave force.


    who among us can tell GOD that weed is illegal?

  7. To points, one, Neon cool stuff forsure , Two if the unierse is expanding what the hell is it expanding into my point scientist still dont know shit


    I wouldnt worry about the decay of matter scientoligist belive in eternal life and they seem pretty spot on

  8. evidently jeff just said the title of the album is "Hemispheres" at the show tonight



    yea right ......................................................... WILCO - HEMISPHERES



  9. The sun it rises in the morning, the sun it rises in the east..... happy east friends


    I was watching jesus christ superstar last night awesome movie... I love the jesus story despitte the church


    a little something from bob dylan


    Precious angel, under the sun

    How was I to know you'd be the one

    To show me I was blinded, to show me I was gone

    How weak was the foundation I was standing upon ?


    Now there's spiritual warfare and flesh and blood breaking down

    Ya either got faith or ya got unbelief and there ain't neutral ground

    The enemy is subtle, how be it we are so deceived

    When the truth's in our hearts and we still don't believe ?


    Shine you light, shine your light on me

    Shine you light, shine your light on me

    Shine you light, shine your light on me

    Ya know I just couldn't make it by myself

    I'm a little too blind to see.


    My so called friends have fallen under a spell

    They look me squarely in the eye and they say, "Well all is well'"

    Can they imagine the darkness that will fall from on high

    When men will beg God to kill them and they won't be able to die.


    Sister, lemme tell you about a vision that I saw

    You were drawing water for your husband, you were suffering under the law

    You were telling him about Buddha, you were telling him about Mohammed in the same breath

    You never mentioned one time the Man who came and died a criminal's death.


    Shine you light, shine your light on me

    Shine you light, shine your light on me

    Shine you light, shine your light on me

    Ya know I just couldn't make it by myself

    I'm a little too blind to see.


    Precious angel, you believe me when I say

    What God has given to us no man can take away

    We are covered in blood girl, you know our forefathers were slaves

    Let us hope they've found mercy in their bone-filled graves.


    You're the queen of my flesh, girl, you're my woman, you're my delight

    You're the lamb of my soul, girl, and you touch up the night

    But there's violence in the eyes, girl, so let us not be enticed

    On the way out of Egypt, through Etopoia, to the judgement hall of Christ.


    Shine you light, shine your light on me

    Shine you light, shine your light on me

    Shine you light, shine your light on me

    Ya know I just couldn't make it by myself

    I'm a little too blind to see.

  10. I appreciate all the tongue-in-cheek responses to this thread, but I have to admit: I don't understand all these conspiracy theorists.


    We have a serious problem in the world trying to get muslims to stop killing other people. Why micro-analyze tenuous pop-culture references that a dude in Kabul has never seen. It won't stop him from strapping on a suicide vest and running into a crowd.



    Thats absolute bullshit........ we have a serious problem? maybe if the west didnt absolutly destroy the east for the last 50 years with wars and sanctions people wouldnt be so crazy over there. The problem is the power that be ... its not crazy muslims .. crazy muslims are the gun in the debate of gun control...

    we dont need less guns or crazy muslims what we need is less poverty less oppression..



    yayayyayayayayyaayayaya... an how can you possibly ingnore the strange coincidence of this episode you dont have to micro analyze anything to see it...



    hidden in plain sight

  11. wtf wtf?!


    "Tall buildings shake

    Voices escape singing sad sad songs

    Tuned to chords strung down your cheeks

    Bitter melodies turning your orbit around


    Voices whine

    Skyscrapers are scraping together

    Your voice is smoking "


    It was supposed to come out exactly on September 11, 2001...Your X-files BS is nothing... please at least admit that you are completely wrong....at least


    No !! Love and Theft has way better lines , it is pretty cool syncranicity I wonder what Tweedys thoughts are , but really its just that one line "tall buildings shake "

    The X files episode however talks about how they will attack and how they will be able to blame it on foreign enemies.. geesh man thats cool c'mon



    Or maybe its just an example of where crazy conspiracy theorist got their ideas from.. exept there was a terreorist attack so yea pretty strange

  12. This will definetly sound crazy but Im being honest and thats all I can say... here it goes


    This last month the world changed ... it was a paticualr night I was in a car getting stoned with some friends and I was silent because I knew it was happening,

    I felt it it wasntt the way things look or the way things sound neccassarly it was just a feeling about the way things are.

    I kept to my self alll night and barley spoke .. I was trippin


    and the next few days I felt more aware of things though thats not the word, there is no word to describe this

    its jsut felt and still feels like a shift... of course this could just be in me.. but all the things people around me were saying the sudden awarness though thats not the word..

    I dont know really how to explain this but it feels definet... and i think other people are feeling it to.. I mean dumb freinds of mine who dont think about the world seem to be thinking, but they are to afraid to admit it yet or something Im not sure... maybe this is completely isolated


    I promise you all that Im not trying to say some crazy shit just to get a reaction.. although I really am intrested in a reaction especially if anyone else feels this.



    I wrote a song a year ago called 1993 is a feeling and it was about certain moments where i think of childhood an I get this sorta clear feeling though clear isnt the word.

    And now it sorta feels like that all the time .. somethingt very positive has happenend to me ... although to quote Bob Dylan "sometimes satan comes as a man of peace"



    anyone out there?

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