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Posts posted by Panther

  1. I said double album worth of material sure its three sides on vinly so thats fair



    bollocks that review was definetly a B+ not my best wrk il admit but evrything i release has a spark of genuis to it Im like the old bob dylan . Joanna Newsom is the new Bob Dylan and Bob Dylan was the new shakespear and john lennon was the new Beck




    Joanna Newsom's first record was that of a strange early 21st century folkie princess steeped in modern classicism with a slight sense of 20 century postmodern irony, freak folk yea thats the word. Her second album had nothing ironic about it we were in the beggining stages of a new age and god dammint she was gonna make something worthwhile , i myself only listen to the first track emily when i put on that record but thats just me. Now its 2010 and she has transformed into the new Bob Dylan !! yes its true , she has the acid tounge and elastic vocabulary to lay claim to the thrown , she has added a double album worth of songs to the american songwriters cannon. Its not post modern and its not digimodernism whatever that is , its pure enlightenment and hey thats the way things outta be!! She makes fleet foxes look like peter paul and mary and makes Jeff Tweedys latest batch look like neil diamond. All Hail The Queen.



  4. I just want to point out that that was panther's 666th post. :)


    Also, dude, what's up with everybody calling one another dude like it was Miley Cyrus day or something, dude? :brow



    shit that just freaked me out i guesse it had to happen sometime , but still i retract that statement basedpurely on superstition.


    p.s Obamma is a liar , this is how he spends his days , he goes out to a podium spews some utopian bullshit then goes into a room somewhere signing bills to do the opposite of what he says in public. Sorry thats just reality.

  5. To combat this unconstatutional hidden aggenda style bill the white house is going to spend millionns over the next few months on public relations Obama will do his tour and the media will keep championing History has been made!!! CNN's anchors have been practically attacking ppl who oppose this bill its almost funny exept this is reality , i guesse well all se what happens wont we.


    P.S i dont want to go into personal arguments with anyone its clear many of you view reality the history of the world and current state very diffreently than I especialy the so called progressives around these parts but taking the argument to the republicans is foolish ur playing into the right left paradigm. Stating what you belive based on the lack of your support for the opposing view is insanity when you don't know the facts or the truth , its better than nothing? yea thats a great attitude. Just like the convenional notion hey Obama at least hes not Bush , when hes continued every policey that Bush was demonized for and infact pushed the agenda further on every issue FACT!! you name it , go ahead try.


    i do not know the details of this Bill but it is my estimation that if either the democrats or the repub;icans have anything to do with anything it aint good, now thats reality sorry.

    Go watch John Stewart and have sweet dreams.

  6. http://www.myspace.com/the123kidsmusic



    these guys are a Toronto band that by the end of the year will be buzzzzzzing with Toronto hype, trust me on that.


    Okay they are freinds of mine and I do work for there recordlable SPACESOUNDS but its beacuse i love the music .



    These are four POP songs they like to say "were a pschedelic pop band" and if u heard the stuff theyve been working out lately youd say so too.


    people of viachicago The 123 Kids , give em hell, and don't be suprised if they end up being another succesful band that you either hate or love.








    P.S they asked me to write their blog, now knowing me do u think that will help them or hurt them ? be honest.

  7. Isn't this really a joke? It sounds so fun! Two questions just come to my mind:

    1. Panther, how did you come up with the idea in the first place?

    2. Without a vinyl copy here... Any way of speeding up the sound on a CD player?



    just gave it a go is all........ im very genuine with my opinion on this , no chance with a cd as far as i know.


    This Is the craziest thing ever. I have actually done this. And "country disappeared" was phenom at fast speed. I totally agree. It gives new light to the melodies



    they should realyyyy try laying down tracks like that , they got pop majesty in them

  8. I thought Panthers was worried about child pornography, not radiation. :unsure




    That was just a snappy title


    I've seen what the scans look like and it's just blue bodies no ones getting off to that at the sane time I think it's completly insane !!!

    Englands parliment was talking about this and mentioned that they've orderedscaners from companies the funny thing is they ordered them b4 Xmas



    This was a long time coming I wonder what the rest of the year holds


    ps no children should be exposed blue or otherwise but it's notthe only issue

  9. Yes. No worse than eating food in an airport. If you don't like it, take the train.



    Intresting , your not wrong travel by plane is a privlidge not a freedom ifu don't like it to bad.

    Just as a exercise think of how many aspects of society are privlidges not freedoms then imagine the world were going to live in not that there's much left to save



    You should watch George carlins 1999 special and stop watching John Stewart


    I bet the Xmas day bomb atempt was a set up one failed atempt afer 9 yrs and there writing the patriot act 2




  10. Don't Ask Don't Tell is difficult to repeal purely because of the hit to his political capital. Iraq is a logistical clusterfuck, in which hundreds or thousands of lives hang in the balance. If he doesn't repeal Don't Ask he's a political whore and a coward, because he is placing his own importance ahead of other people's lives. If he doesn't get us out of Iraq in the time he said he would back when he didn't know all the details, he is someone who assessed a situation incorrectly.


    Edit: I would MUCH rather he wait until he is militaristically confident that he can pull out of Iraq in the safest way possible than do it when he said he could.


    I do think he will be the President to get us out of Iraq. I also think it will kill his political career.




    See in my opinion it's isane to feel that a gay tights issue like dnt ask dnt tell affects the lives of soilders with more harm than a pointless unjust perpetual fundamentalist warhawk WAR

    but I do agree obama is a whore and s coward just like every other commander in cheif in history and dnt give me that JFKnonesense


    the truth is America is the war hand of the global elite why aren't more countries in Afghanistan were there not bombings in Spain?

    The funny thing about the truth Is that it is what it is


    What was the point in the first place it's all about 911 isn't it or did evry one loose their minds over the last 9 yrs




    Did you know that the passport of one of the hijackers was found in the rumble of the collapsed towers now isn't that strange




    Obama is bcming a master firgure head while he is vunrable to the lunatic right he can mold the morals of the left into fascist war strategist by attaching leftist new world coming sentiments

  11. I like the album a lot, the restraint in the instrumentation is very refreshing to my ears. It's a little overhyped yeah, but go figure.



    I don't understand the idea of baclash when it comes to supposed overhyped records . walk through your neighbourhood and ask every one you see

    what they think of the xx and you know what they will say , well of course you do. how can something that is not even a cultural refrence be over hyped? becuz some critics like it which many did with this one. Lady Gaga is overhyped the world cup is over hyped, though i love one and sorta like the other.





    right , right, right, you know what im saying you know whats happening

  12. can i have some of whatever you took?



    the ghost of electricity howls in the bones of her face .. is that how that line goes?


    I should know I often proclaim to myself that "visions of johanna is the best song eva"

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