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Posts posted by Panther

  1. The hype for this has collapsed in a way I've never seen before. Look for the street teamers to hit back hard.




    Don't do it. It's not even really live.





    Umm..AC worships Barrett era Floyd and the Grateful Dead.


    yea but their not teenagers


    I love it and I don't need a respected music critic to tell me how good it is :)


    Yea same thats why i write my own reviews, its like therapy after reading pitchfork reviews

  2. argentina and the united states have far more differences than commonalities and your reliance on that example as to why you know what will happen in the future is absurd.



    what ? thats such general bullshit, first of all I didnt say I know what will happen in the future.

    all I did was provide an example of the same thing happening in another country, why can't you just take it for what it is and try to learn something.

    Because it can happen here even though we've been promised that it cant, right? the great depression never happened its as real as petter pan.

    this generation has never expirenced real hard times..... and I just dont wannnnnna okay :realmad you cant make me :realmad

  3. there is some serious bullshit in this thread you know, genralizing and acuusing people of spreading conspiracy theories is bullshit,

    Ive done my part to sread many ridiculous theorie I will admit but all the agruments futureage has made are of a diffrent order.


    and while treating his opinions like crap might seem easy behind a wall of leftist delusion in the rational world it is not.

    have a real debate for once when presented with this very legitiment viewpoint. explain with detail what you disagree with

    what you find to be basseless, thats fine, but catergorizing and generalzing is an act of censorship even if you cant see it.


    In my humble opinion to quote Angela Chase

  4. wake up people your an idiot if you can't see it , i think we could all use a healthy dose of that anyone disagree?


    There has already been a test run of this in Argentina. Another central bank controlled country. Again, it is laid out for people to see.


    have you read my last thread americans dont give a fuck about argentina or FACTS!!!!! lol

  5. So did any of you actually watch these two videos? lol


    Adrian Salbuchi is a respected author and researcher and writes eloquently about Argentinas struggles with financial collapse.

    He can shed a light on what is happening here because it already happened there.


    so watch and learn an express your opinions or carry on




    this is american music nowc'mon

  6. well reality is a fucked up thing.......... better off i guesse thats a realative term.... the bailouts delay the inevitable which is a broken system and unpayable debt, most buissness or economic students would probably laugh at me for saying that though.. debt lol thats how it all works

  7. PANTHER, sorry to pick on you, buddy, but this is one of my pet peeves - words that end in "ist," such as "artist," "soloist" and "scientist," still require a final "s" to make them plural.



    thats fair, im wrking on it .... slowing down and reading wht I type

  8. i'm kidding, just found these 2 kind of out of the blue.


    prior to this album i found them to be the most overrated band of the '00's...


    I know what you meant by overratted , but looking at it from another viewpoint i think animal collective and there contemporaries are so underated

    not in indie circles but genrally.. what i mean is that this should be the music of this generation it should be on radiostations.


    instead most teenagers are wasting their time worshiping pink floyd or bad dance / rap music

  9. shit band


    he's not THAT young, he's 22 (he just looks like he's 15). the No Age guys aren't that much older honestly.


    and why don't you expect a follow up... this *IS* his follow up... it's his second record in the last year


    oh no i know how old he is and 22 is young lol

    and my point wasnt that no age is old its that this aint like the last no age record which it has been compared to

    the point about the follow up was that this isnt the "next" band this is a record of the moment and I am also aware that this is the second wavves record


    thnx for reading more reviews to come............ :thumbup

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