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Posts posted by Panther

  1. Geaorge Orwell was right in the controlled totaliatarian future WAR will be PEACE and FREEDOM will be SLAVERY


    what more can one say?



    I hate to be a moralist I know that tpye of thinking dosen't apply to the modern world with any succes but dam.





    I don't feel hatred for the man Im not that naive but ponder this question, if Barack Obama was a good and decent man at heart why would he wan't to be president

  2. In 2006 el perro del mar's self titled debut came to me from the skies in the midst of a cold cold winter and it warmed my then cold cold heart.

    Love is not Pop is a collection seven love songs that are with out doubt POP!! swedes do it better, you might think this is 50 years behind the curve of modern music

    but you'd be wrong its 50 years ahead, cause when the world goes to shit and the power is out theere wont be any HOUSE JAMS there will be POP.




  3. I was reading mojo magazines britpop edition a few weeks ago around and about the same time I gave this record a spin, Now this stuff has more to do with say 4ad or something more 80s than say PARKLIFE but I say thats just the fudge, the truth is the cold center of the ice cream itself!! naw what i mean!!! If you don't let me explain. Britpop never died you see, cos it can't at least not for another hundread years or so. If you think britpop was invented in 1990 your wrong it was invented when John Lennon decided he'd be bigger than Elvis playing real american music, but brits playing blues ain't blues its POP!!! especially when they infuse that english folk and music hall thing. Back to the xx . The year is 2009 Big Brother and the new world order is in full swing War is Peace Freedom is Slavery!!! with that in mind arent these the apropriate tones for modern brit pop , FORGET artic monkeys forget Pete dohetry (he's dead right?) Remember The xx because this is a stone cold classic!!! minamal this electronic that , this is brit pop in the age of aquarius!!!



  4. I'll bite: What does the scientific community (by scientific, I mean anyone not associated with right-wing lobbyist groups, oil / gas companies, etc.) possibly have to gain from pretending the Earth was rising in temperature when it wasn't?



    ever hear of the anti-Gore ? probably not because you live in a country where the news is well , you know .


    lets see what do they have to gain.. hmmmmmmm , preserving oil for fututre generations of elite control, blah blah control, tax control , you know


    the figures that Al Gore uses it his science fiction thriller are simply wrong mainly that the earths tempature will rise by 7 degrees or so in 150 yrs while the true figures are at this point .5 degrees .. so i should be the one bitting here lol. All evidence shows that global warming is not a crucial enviormental problem not on par with any of the majior concenrs. Even if you are concerned all scintific evidence shows that the universe yes UNIVERSE is heating at the same rate of the earth so it aint us boy, youve been HOAXED



    People who are worried about global warming ae almost as insane as people worried about endangered species or puppies without a home awwwwww

  5. I don't have much to say about this, its not like this is the first hypocritical choice for the Peace Prize, I guesse their role is to give legitimacy to villians in disguise i.e Al Gore (p.s global warming is a scam and everyone knows it).



    What I would truly like to say is this WHAT A JOKE , WHAT A BRILLIANT JOKE ... who among us can deny how funny this is?

  6. that's why it's better to go to Metacritic and see what the average is. if something gets a really high rating on Pitchfork i will usually try to find some tracks to stream. then if the general consensus overall is good, too, then i will look more in depth.



    its definetly not better to do that.



    I cry everytime I listen to this record and ive listrened to it from top to bottom endlessy since it came into my ars


    ALBUM OF THE YEAR, yes their are classic records in the land of Nod

  7. I never thought I would ever type this:


    I completely agree with Panther.



    My Life and Existence ins finally Vindicated!!1 YES!!


    no sarcasm it felt good to read that, im not sure why though maybe its cause for the moment i feel like I am in this band

  8. As stated, the author makes it sound as though this is some sort of new phenomena, when in fact, this arrangement has been the norm throughout our history. At what point in our past have things not been largely controlled by “a tiny oligarchy”? Primate societies arrange themselves in much the same way, with a “king” or “matriarch” at the top, followed by a few high ranking subordinates, and then everyone else (a gross oversimplification). Our society is immeasurably more complicated and sophisticated (well, sometimes), but still strikingly similar at its core. The same could be said for ant colonies. So, it should come as no great surprise that humans (unconsciously) model their society in much the same way. It does not make it right, and we should act to improve the lives of everyone, but to suggest that what we are now witnessing is somehow new or unique strikes me as naïve or intentionally misleading. Even if we were to shake things up entirely, and share power more evenly and justly throughout society, given enough time, the new society would arrange itself into something very similar to the way it is now, it’s in our DNA.


    Well stated and very true, at what point in history has anything changed , we are living in the roman empire with computers, what has changed?

    Well thats all true and depressing and no i dont have any politcal solutions but the basic moral solutions you know like do onto others like youd have them do onto you etc. At the same time this is a vital time for change not because its a good opportunity but because soon it will be too late , in truth i dont know if that is true but it seems that way. Myabe this utopian global society will come crashing on its knees and change will be the only option.

  9. People usually back up their editorials with facts; that article doesn't have any facts we can have a rational discussion about, it has an angry person's opinion that is laughable as a discussion piece. I'd love to discuss this if you presented some facts, but as it is you quoted someone complaining and then complained some more. I am seriously, seriously asking you for some fact-based information to back up your assertions.




    Aren't I also exercising my own right to free speech by posting on the internet my opinions about these people? Don't insult me, either, for my beliefs. People were tear gassed all day because they provoked police, sir, not because the government enjoys denying people the right to assembly and protest. Peaceful protest almost never elicits tear gas. And don't tell me the FBI plants the violent protesters that cause the gassing; that excuse is childish, amateurish and worn. People who have the balls to protest ought to have the balls to take ownership for their actions.




    Maybe you could present some facts that would actually lead me to believe this statement was anything more than unsubstantiated assertions, or even a question worth asking?



    Take the situation in think and make your personal assesment, I dont understand where your anamosity comes from , i think the g20 meetings are very critical to the state of the world and the dessent of the masses is also important, we should at least let them now we dont agree if in fact we dont.


    What if nobody showed up to protest? Personaly its not gonna be me breaking windows but it dose put a smile on my face when i see it.

    What if nobody was hard on the elite, truly it wouldnt make much of a diffrence as most of are chatter dosent matter to them but when all is silent and no oine shows up to protest its a royal thumbs up from the peaseants to the kingdom, good job lads!!


    The one Claim that truly needs FACTS is that its FBI ggents causing dammage if it was true which i suppose is possible how could you futureage know this, i dont doubt just curious?

  10. Just because I don’t think a bunch of sign holding college kids (the same kids, who when they graduate and have a family, will inevitably end up working for the same corporations and/or the same government that just a few years prior, they were all up in arms about, just as their 60’s free loving hippy, “antiestablishment” parents did) meth heads and Trustfarians are going to play a serious role in shaping the global economy, doesn’t mean I’m not familiar with the issues being discussed at the G20 - I just don’t think there’s a damn thing that can be done about it. Well, perhaps there is, rather than walk down the street carrying a Pabst Blue Ribbon box on which there is scrawled some cliché’ about this or that, educate yourself, get involved with your community, maybe even run for local office, hell, or higher office, try your damnest to hold onto your idealism, and maybe then you can affect some sort of meaningful change. But I can pretty much guaran-fucking-tee you that marching down the streets of Pittsburg is going to amount to little more than blisters.


    It sucks, it really really sucks, but the bottom line is, with the exception of the police, pissed off motorists, and terrified shop owners, you’re being ignored.



    I think viloent protest are exactly what the elite prefer for many reasons, one being they can control violence they do have the upper hand you know, two privledged progressives the people who apparently want the world to change would never associate their thoughts with such scoundrals.



    what if all the citzens of the world walked out onto the streets and said enough of this corript system would that affect change,now thats laughable I knwo.

    But aren't public demonstrations worth something if the numbers were big enough and the majority of it was peacefull would that not cause a stir and at least get some recognigtion . I dont disagree with you infact Im the one in all arrguments throughout my life saying you cant change the world but man how can we just live with that.



    Okay now , first of all have you listened to this record....... ? Okay jsut listen to it nothing I could say will say more than listening to it.

    The characters in this band have a intresting backstory involving millionaries and cults but who cares bout all that rubbish, ALBUM is a record about girls

    and heartbreak , well thats what its aboput lyrically at least. Ive been intranced by the recent resurgance of rock n roll or garage or punk or w.e this past year but Girls blow most of those records away and fit into the scene at the same time , they might not be the new Pavement or Pixies but dangit there a great rock n roll band and dangit these songs simply rule for a while i thought i needed to move to brooklyn to get my music carreer going but now i wanna move to sanfansico.


  12. I commended Pitchfork only yesterday for their Pearl Jam review, but they're back to their old shenanigans with this one - writing almost exactly the opposite of what I would have written. The only part they got right was saying that Mike Mogis is a highlight. I get the angle - Jim James is the only one stretching here, but who expected this record to be about each of these artists really stretching? Can't it just be good?


    And that Mogis solo on Conan was awesome.



    The succeses of pitchfork can be explained by the great Marshal Mcluhans main philosophy, its the medium not the message!!

    Pitchfork became relevent this decade because its a well functioning site, it has its ears on the underground and other cool features but

    theres not much substance to it. I also would add that the numbers they give to records don't make sense on a whole if you actualy read enough reviews, what i mean by that is when they gave SBS a 5.5 its more like their giving a it a 5.5 for a wilco album or saying its only half as good as say YHF.


    Personaly I only read Dusted magazine (which is a webzine) they dont cover everything porobaly wont cover this album but

    there heads are in the real world of culture where pitchfork is a cartoon.



    Im SUPER glad this record has come out to many people and aartist this deacde were looking for some new culture of the fututre or soemthing crazy like that the truth is we all want good songs, this is not a retro record its very NOW.



    I had a weird dream last night that inspired this review, most of it like all dreams would be imposible to explain

    but the just is VIVIAN GIRLS bass layer Kickball Katy was a highschool freind of mine. Along with another dozen peaople she crashed my house to hang out , waking my parents up and causing me to suh everyone out. I ahven't been in highschool in four years and remembering back i think it would have been allot more fun to hang with girls like Kick Ball Katy instead of the snobs I was subjected to. Everything Goes Wrong was recorded in California and although its sound is ruff and hollow repeat listen reward, not sonically but the songs shine threw. There debut was total New York summer cool LOVE , BOYS and Sun seemed to be an influence this record is more rustic more dark . Great Drum sound Great Wipers esq GUITAR solos and haunting vocals, I belive in this rock and roll group I belive in Cassie Ramone , and while they still seem to belive in nothing i have faith taht they will blossom further and make an absolue classic someday , someday soon.


    choice cuts Can't Get Over You , The End, Before I start To Cry


    my personal record of september, word is bond

  14. I ran this through a free online translation service, and this is what I got - not too surprisingly, the original's "unique" use of grammar and syntax was retained:


    Be not the most of you Noam Chomsky reading progressive? IF you are sure Im you are conscious that it compared American presidents and their administrations including Bush to the German Nazi are also far as their publicity of political fearmongering and and the armies of aggressive one.


    Obama far did not introduce so does not import what new to the bad trip of besides the additional salvages but what has it HAS CHANGES theres that this word should haunt again his administration of enitre in the spirits of any the one that is the half



    Their is a part of me that beilves that The President (that is how I like itself to refer for him) is a good man that understands the strength of corprate and private intrests that check the empire and tries to reverse that but this party of me has not any tangible reason to beilive this otherwise that the HOPE.


    An adtribute taht I would dispute The the President actions with Hitler or Staline or Mussulini is that although his first one it seems to have the capacity to type in the morals of its people all a ssudden the wars seem as the important missions in the democracy, something Bush tried but was not capable to achive, it did achive it with a small minorities of fringes and guesse Which now that fringes It runs wild.


    welcome to Babalyon




    Yes , but what do you think of what I said ? Has Naom Chomsky not compared previous administrations to the german nazis?



    To add I can see how the length and number of my posts could be offensive in that sense I will rein it in.

    To add I am not baiting maliciously I am simply trying to pick the brains of the people I find intresting and smart.

    Good Old Neon should be flattered , Im sure there is no way I could offend him with anything I said.


    Sincerly ANTHERP

  15. Aren't most of you Noam Chomsky reading progressive?

    iF you are Im sure you're aware that he has compared american presidents and their administrations including BuSH

    to the german nazi's as far as their policies propaganda fearmongering and and agressive militaries.


    Obama so far hasn't introduced anything new to freakout about besides the additional bailouts but what has he CHANGED

    theres that word again should haunt his enitre administration in the minds of any one who is semi-conscience.


    Their is a part of me who beilves that The President (which is how i like to refer to him) is a good man who understands the corprate power and private intrests that control the empire and is trying to reverse that but this part of me has no tangible reason to beilive this other than HOPE .


    One adtribute taht i would argue The President shares with Hitler or Stalin or Mussulini is that although its early he seems to have the ability to tap into the morals of his people all of a ssudden the wars seem like important missions in democracy , something Bush tried but was not able to achive , he did achive it with a small fringe minority and guesse what now that fringe is running wild.



    welcome to Babalyon



    at the same time he's only the president

  16. Aren't most of you Noam Chomsky reading progressive?

    iF you are Im sure you're aware that he has compared american presidents and their administrations including BuSH

    to the german nazi's as far as their policies propaganda fearmongering and and agressive militaries.


    Obama so far hasn't introduced anything new to freakout about besides the additional bailouts but what has he CHANGED

    theres that word again should haunt his enitre administration in the minds of any one who is semi-conscience.


    Their is a part of me who beilves that The President (which is how i like to refer to him) is a good man who understands the corprate power and private intrests that control the empire and is trying to reverse that but this part of me has no tangible reason to beilive this other than HOPE .


    One adtribute taht i would argue The President shares with Hitler or Stalin or Mussulini is that although its early he seems to have the ability to tap into the morals of his people all of a ssudden the wars seem like important missions in democracy , something Bush tried but was not able to achive , he did achive it with a small fringe minority and guesse what now that fringe is running wild.



    welcome to Babalyon

  17. But there is a difference - Bush was responsible for some real evil shit while he was president, torture, fabricating a war, at least partly responsible for the economic collapse etc etc etc. If the US didn't play by its own rules, there is a very real possibility that Bush and his cabinet could be prosecuted for war crimes - and should be. Of course, the same right that was actually supporting and or justifying Bush's actions, is now attacking Obama for what? Aside from fabricated stories and outright lies, what, exactly, has Obama done to earn the title of Hitler?


    I'm all ears.



    I'll explain it though i do not speak with authoprity Im simply a child of God . Obama has inherited "the crown" of the evil empire , America is an inherently evil empire therefore every president is inherently evil as bad or worse than Hitler and I do not say that simply to rattle people the Nazis were brutal but their ideoligy and propaganda looking back now was obvious, luckly the world only had to edure 4 years of their rein yup thats right they lost!! and america won , the world has had to endure half a century of the new world empire.


    As for why all of a sudden the right wing , once the empires blind cheerleaders have turned mainly its about Race and Socialism to fabricated fears, although fear of socialism has some stable grounds. They were fooled by their repulican leaders during the bush administration but who else can they turn to in the fight against socialism, the trap of the two part system in the modern american empire.


    a simple answer would have to be stupidity and ignorance.


    Welcome to Babalyon

  18. Weren't you the guy posting Alex Jones talking points? A couple months ago you were convinced of the camps. That's right they don't want to imprison you. But thanks to you going off about camps no one takes the credible information seriously. Don't tell me about FEMA camps you idiot I'm the one who told they don't exist and have since you posted that shit on this board. I don't care what you find of intelligence most of your posts are severely lacking in that department.



    ive posted all kinds of crazy stuff on this site chill out Im not responsible for disinformation , I enjoy seeing what people have to say about such things wheather its coming from the mouth of a charlatan like Alex Jones or whomeever. I understand yuour fustration and I can clearly tell that you truly belive in what your saying , cool.

    To be specciffic I have on many ocassion said that I think people like Alex Jones are frauds when posting articles from infowars.com I dont expect you to know that so its cool that you think Im an idiot . You could try actually reading what I said in response to you and see that I was being sincecre I was trying to pick your brain. Plus I nebver once said anything about fema camps, most of what I talked about surrounded the singular phenomenon of the phrase "new world order" and not realy the details of what that means as i do not know , i think its fun to talk about this stuff, even though their is a dark seriousness to it. I can see that your post was not only an attack on me but more accuretly the semi-asleep generation of conspiracy dwellers who do nothimg to help anything and play into propaganda.



    P.S there is no such thing as the enw world order

  19. Since your reply is disproportionaly more aggressive than my own, in which I was trying to be half way fair, I’m just going to take the gloves off and tell it like it is - you’re a total fucking moron - really, it‘s true. The same moron who, shortly after the swine flu outbreak, started ranting about quarantines and government crack downs, the impending switch to the Amero, and a dozen or so other things, all of which, as was pointed out to you, were works of fiction. The same moron who derided someone for pointing out that, no, swine flu cannot actually be contracted by eating pork - yes, that moron.


    Is there a moneyed class that manipulates policy, both financial and social, for its own benefit, absolutely, as has been the case from the beginning - hell, that sort of behavior can be found in primates, among other mammals. There’s nothing new about your “news” - and just as there has always been greed and selfishness, so to with crackpot conspiracy theorists such as yourself.


    Tell me, where is the Amero at today, the same Amero you predicted would be rolled out within the six months or so, about six months ago?


    just because its an obvious fact that the "world" is run by a "moneyed" class dose not mean that it dose not play into this debate.

    I understand your fustration with this type of rhetoric and can see how its irelevent to the details of a discussion on health care among other things, but is it not fair to be of the opinion that a disscussion regarding american politics is inherently idiotic . the reason being that the same tricks are being played and the same people who blasted Bush are defending Obama. I could go into detail and I understand why liberals feel they must defend The President and why conservaties feel they must HATE him but i dont feel that those feelings are of intelligence.


    regarding the kind of n.w.o fema camps are coming rhetoric that is around and in some mislead casses part of the far right in these tea part rallies let me say this. The ruling elite dose not want to imprision and poision everyone , they already have us trapped in their system but what if the system collaplses which is seemingly possible would they not go to every measure to keep their power and control? if their brilliant civilization came apart? would you put anything!! past them?


    In conclusion to quote George Carlin fromone of his last hbo specials "life is worth losing"

    "you have no choice, you have owners they own you, they own everything"

    "its a big club and you and I are not in it"



    continue with the wonderful debate of details being honest I have only read some of these replies in truth I have no intrest in such things

    which is why i can understand fustraion on the part of others for taking up space with seemingly unrelated material.

  20. They won't be going back to the Democrats either. Independent is the fast growing party in America. It's funny that the attention is focused on radio talk show hosts as what's wrong with America. There is not one person I know who cares what he says or what Keith Olberman says. They are both sellouts. The real problem wouldn't be Wall St. owns our Govt. now would it? But then pointing that out might affect these guys ability to go on cable news. I don't like Limbaugh or Beck or anyone of them but Obama's problem is he's corrupt and sold out his base. The danger lies in running back to the mainstream Republican party, which are controlled by the same interests. Sure these people are misguided but so are the people defending Obama carrying out Bushes policies.


    It's even more hilarious that the Neo Cons thinks he's bad. I would think they would like him since he carries out their agenda. Behind closed doors I'm sure they do. But as Rome burns let's worry about a fat ass blowhard down in Florida. Putting up straw men is getting very old and I would think fairly obvious by this point but not according to this thread. And in my opinion Jimmy Carter set race relations back 30 years. But I guess that gives Obama some cover to keep carrying out the wars and bailing out the banks. But neither side gives you the whole story. Bush created the deficits and Obama has expanded them into oblivion. Just like you can't worship Reagan if you oppose deficit spending and you can't like Clinton if you are a populist.



    Intresting... I gather you belilve the Two party system is what is truly in need of reform as your country has become a single idealogy state with two publicly competing parties whose only role is to divide the masses and keep the political system twirling .. the real contorllers and their intrest surely prevent any real change.



    p.s no such thing as the new world order

  21. With all apologies to the mad genius of PANTHER, I have attempted to make it a bit more coherent (not changing any content):







    feel free to do this to any review I write , i know i wont + :thumbup

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