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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. I think the VP debate will be very entertaining and each guy will come out swinging. I think there will be plenty of moments for fans of either candidate to relish. Ultimately, I'll be shocked if it moves the polls in a meaningful way... but we'll see.
  2. It's ok guys, you don't need to explain yourself or justify how Romney is materially different from GWB. I found a great representative of the conservative cause who gave me a number of compelling reasons to vote for Romney
  3. Yeah, people picking Romney because he will be "different" from Obama need to remember that those differences put us squarely back into GWB territory. With perhaps the exception that less brush will be cleared in central Texas. But seriously, I really like to hear from Romney supporters how that statement is untrue. What has Romney said/pledged to do as president that's of any significant difference from what Bush did? (And a nebulous pledge to cut tax loopholes doesn't count until Romney explains exactly what he envisions should be cut and how the math is going to work.) And if there
  4. Yeah, the note they posted from him on the website is insightful. Sounds like he's intentionally taking it very slow, which is probably the healthy thing to do.
  5. I haven't been following Molina's status very closely recently, but I came across this news from a few weeks ago: First Music From Jason Molina Since 2009 great news all around.
  6. Pretty great interview w/ Westerberg in Rolling Stone today Talks about the benefit for Slim, the prospect of a reunion, what's he's been up to the past few years and how he's coping with sobriety.
  7. I recall a lot of email-based politicking... but also bleeding into newsgroups and AOL forums (is that what they called them?). It all seemed grass-roots-based, though... I'm sure it wasn't entirely, but it didn't seem as obviously coordinated with major party talking points as it is now. And there were plenty of news sites covering the election, but I don't recall any large sites having a hyper-partisan bias and influence like we have now. Pretty sure that the Drudge Report was around at the time, but they didn't really seem to make major political waves until the Monica Lewinsky scandal
  8. I tend to listen to my entire catalog on shuffle 75-80% of the time, and then when a track plays that particularly catches my attention, I'll play the album in its entirety. That, plus the occasional new album every few weeks or so seems to keep everything feeling fresh and new.
  9. Of course not, but you're the one who made the blanket statement that the more people know they can depend on the government, the less motivation there is to be productive. I find that to be utter bullshit, especially when we're talking about something like healthcare. Nobody seeks out getting sick/injured to the point where they go bankrupt because they lack insurance (or are not sufficiently covered). And no one I know (who has a heart) thinks that's a good thing, hopefully including you. So expanding the "welfare state" to reform the healthcare system in a manner which prevents that fr
  10. So out of fear that some lazy people will take advantage of the system, we're making life shitty and risky for everyone else, especially those not fortunate enough to have been raised in a great, nurturing environment. That's a lovely world view.
  11. You can watch it for free now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A051B-uPopM FWIW, it didn't seem scripted to me at all. Some good moments, some honest conversation... and some silliness. If you have the 90 mins to spare there are worse things to do with your time.
  12. I think it's racist bullshit, to be honest. Why can't people just accept that Romney did better in the debate? It's not a ridiculous idea and there doesn't have to be some hidden reason why it happened.
  13. Mars was originally supposed to do the artwork for this project; I hope his "didn't want any part of this" is only related to the musical aspect of it. It's a nice (and generous) touch for him to provide a piece of art to help increase the amount of money they're bringing in for Slim. It would be a shame if those plans changed somehow. Also - Chris recorded a song for Slim's benefit earlier this summer.
  14. Oh yeah, you didn't hear? It was the only thing they agreed on. Said they were inspired by reading up about the issue on the Wilco news forum.
  15. How Obama’s debate strategy bombed Obama's obviously not the huge sports fan he claims to be -- everyone knows that playing prevent defense is about the worst way to secure victory.
  16. There's no trap being set, this isn't part of some brilliant strategy by Obama... Romney was simply more effective last night. I don't happen to think it was as bad as some are making it out to be, but let's see what happens in the polls. I seem to recall that the consensus in 2004 was that Kerry won all of the debates; didn't seem to help him much in the end.
  17. Last debate moderated by Jim Lehrer, that's for sure.
  18. My sincere condolences for your loss, Crow.
  19. Funny you mention that. In the Fall of 2000, I was working out of town with a bunch of co-workers. We all worked for the same company (a large IT consulting firm), but were from all over the country. It was a particularly shitty project (aka "death march") and we'd frequently go out and get drunk together after work; made life in a shitty suburban Philly hotel a whole hell of a lot more bearable. So when the debates came around, we decided to do that same as you're planning -- get some pizza, a few cases of beer, snacks, etc -- and treat the debate like MNF or the Super Bowl. Holy cra
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