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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Still trying to wrap my head around this news... Har Mar Superstar DOESNT JOIN the Replacements as Guitarist
  2. Surprised he was only 51. Way too young. Rip
  3. If you're in the Detroit area you have to hit Dragonmead. It's been a few years since I've been there, but they always had a ridiculously large selection of great beers, all brewed on site. The bar/setting is not much to look at, but the beer will bring you back for more.
  4. lost highway is making all kinds of sense ITT.
  5. So stoked to hear this news! Now I need to decide which one to go to... before the tix sell out. I doubt Mars is involved at all (but I'll be thrilled if that's wrong) and Slim is still bed-ridden so there's no way he's playing. Paul & Tommy + whoever they want for drums & guitar is perfectly fine w/ me.
  6. Nice move by Jack. http://www.freep.com/article/20130604/BUSINESS06/306040092/Masonic-Temple-Jack-White-Detroit
  7. I don't think "acts" like this serve any purpose other than to reinforce stereotypes and get people riled up. But if it entertains you, then who are we to tell you to stop? Just don't expect folks to pay much attention to your posts... brah.
  8. Alaskan cruise planned for late July. Looking forward to the destination (glaciers national park), but not so sure about the journey -- this will be our first cruise. Hope to be pleasantly surprised.
  9. To be fair, deciding to not run for reelection isn't quite the same as quitting mid-term ala Palin. I've heard some speculation that she's considering a senate run vs Al Frankin. That would be immensely entertaining.
  10. lol, was just coming here to post that. absolutely amazing footage. here's a slightly longer version -- and supposedly they got nearly 3 mins of IMAX footage before the camera got knocked off its mount.
  11. Off the top of my head, I think I'd start with: Anthony Bourdain Bill Murray David Letterman Louis CK
  12. I'll be happy if he/Congress manage to get Gitmo closed. Anything beyond that, I have my doubts.
  13. Terrible. Not sure why it's in this thread, though, unless someone is going to argue in favor of the terrorists.
  14. Not sure if I agree with this statement. Most battles around social rights are being waged in the courts, so it's vital who's in the White House picking the next SC justice(s).
  15. Damn, that's what happened to my book -- it was gogo'd.
  16. The inability to act on intelligence leading up to 9/11 was the fault of the Bush administration. But it's just speculation that by the time the intelligence was available whether any action could have prevented 9/11 from happening anyway. I suspect it could have been prevented, but hindsight is always 20/20.
  17. It's called compromise. Increase tax revenue and cut spending. What a novel idea. Just because the "other side" isn't interested in it doesn't make it bad policy.
  18. I was 17 when the radio station I liked at the time (Live 105 in SF) used to do "trippin' Tuesdays" where they'd play 3 songs from the same band. On this particular day, they played 3 from the Replacements -- Alex Chilton, Can't Hardly Wait & I'll Be You. Up to that point, I had heard (and liked) each of those songs individually... but when I realized they were from the same band I had to check them out. Needless to say, I became a huge fan... the next one came much, much later in life (embarrassingly so) when I finally got around to checking out The Minutemen's Double Nickles on the Di
  19. CA has a few nice places to visit.
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