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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. You know this shit really isn't necessary.
  2. Among my circle of friends, the Oatmeal comic seems to be a big reason for the visible backlash this year. People may have already had these opinions, but nothing beats the ease of clicking on "share."
  3. My kids LOVE lima beans but won't go near a bowl of chili. Maybe I should make one with them in it. The lima beans, that is. Not my kids.
  4. Tracking the progress of the health exchanges: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2013/10/04/us/opening-week-of-health-exchanges.html?ref=us&_r=0 Fwiw, I had no problems accessing the CA exchange earlier this week to price out plans (even though we already have coverage through our employer). The issues with the federal exchange are indeed embarrassing. Shame for the GOP that everyone is talking about the shutdown and debt ceiling or it would have been the lead story all week.
  5. Love AB, but I'll never forgive him for the home brewing episode of good eats. It was so full of errors and bad advice it made me question whether he/his staff actually knew anything about the other topics they tackle.
  6. Jacques Pepin is his name. Used to love his show, too. One of my most satisfying cooking accomplishments was finally learning how to crush garlic into a paste the way he does it. Seemed like magic the first time I saw it... now I can of it too!
  7. Chili sin nombre Heisenberg's StewDefund Your Colonoscopy Boehner's Bawlin' Brew Anything But Obstructionist
  8. at the risk of sounding like a pathetic uber-fanboy... I envy you & your wife. Enjoy the ride!
  9. It was on Netflix UK, so move there? It'd be worth it.
  10. That was as close to a happy ending as possible in the Breaking Bad universe: - all the bad guys are dead (Walt included) - Jesse is free (but psychologically damaged beyond repair) - the White family gets his money (and lives with the shame of how Walt destroyed everything and everyone around him) - Walt dies on his terms
  11. Muslims are also a target in parts of the United States.
  12. A fittingly terrible end to a series that became more terrible as the seasons piled up. I read the leaked plots for the last few episodes and couldn't believe that was how they were going to end it, but they sure did.
  13. Homeland is a lot like 24 in that if they had just kept it to one season (with Brody going through with it) it would have been brilliant, historical TV. Season 2 was a bit of a letdown, but still pretty good IMO... but I'm not enthusiastic about how they set up s3. I'll watch, but I'm not expecting it to be great.
  14. Just checked the auctions and the highest one is at $355 now but there are still a bunch at $50. 3 days left.
  15. Should have been more precise -- nothing changed at the federal level. Yes, a few states and local jurisdictions passed tougher gun control laws (while twice as many relaxed theirs)... but as long as I can go into the next county or buy something online, it doesn't really matter how tough my local laws are. There needs to be a consistent national standard for how firearms are bought, sold & tracked. And yes, criminals are always going to have access to guns on the black market. That's a law enforcement issue and I agree that we need to everything we can to strictly enforce the laws al
  16. Well, after 20 little kids get mowed down and literally nothing happens it shouldn't be surprising that people lose faith that anything will ever change. The gun lobby won. Just pray that you & your loved ones aren't in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  17. That is a beautiful shot. Notice that there are actually 3 heads there -- Walt, Heisenberg & Mr. Lambert (his new identity)?
  18. So I did confirm that both transactions went through successfully... out of dumb luck I got 4 tickets for Sunday and 2 for Thursday. Lucky me. Will be contacting friends to see who can join me, but in the event that I truly have "extras" I'll post something here on VC.
  19. Well, that was interesting. I tried to get 2 tix for the Sunday night LA show at the Largo and kept getting server errors upon checkout (after entering my CC info). So I switched dates and tried for 2 tix to the Thursday night show. More errors before checkout; server kept timing out on me. But then I got a confirmation email that I managed to purchase 2 tix to each show -- both Sunday and Thursday. And now I got another email that I got 2 tix to Sunday's show only. Oh boy. did I just get 2, 4 or 6 tickets? Looks like I'll be on the phone here...
  20. I think the average listener just thinks that's how that style of music is supposed to sound... whether it's being used to hide a singer's lack of talent or not is beside the point. Reminds me a lot of the psychedelic vocal effects used by some in the late 60's & 70's.
  21. I was wondering about that earlier today, amid the sea of "never forget" reminders about 9/11, what we actually learned from it. I didn't come up with a very satisfying list.
  22. Is it true that yoga classes are the best place to pick up single women?
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