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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Did Ham actually say that? That statement is almost poetic in its stupidity.
  2. Thanks for that. I don't really care for Brand too much, but that's an excellent article.
  3. Yep, he had 23 years of sobriety and relapsed. Now he's dead. Tragic.
  4. Why do we universally cheer people who say they're quitting smoking but are suspicious about people who say they're quitting alcohol/drugs?
  5. turn on - hips an engaging personality turn off - bellies narcissism
  6. That's one of my all time favorite PW lines. Right up there with handful of friends. For a klunky PW/mats like look no further than my usernamesake - I hate music/got too many notes.
  7. I flipped over to MSNBC last night in time to hear someone talk excitedly about how Obama is back in his 2008 form and just generally gushing praise upon praise about the speech. It was more than even this libturd could handle so I had to change over to Fox, which was conveniently re-airing the speech in its entirety. I'd estimate that I caught the middle 2/3rds of the speech -- before I apparently was so enthralled with it that I fell asleep. I did wake to one of Fox's talking heads calling the speech a disappointment and boring, so there's that.
  8. I don't see the speech tomorrow making one whit of a difference about anything. Maybe he should give a nod to the grammy's and turn it into an awkward and ill-conceived duet with Boehner.
  9. Just another law-abiding and harmless gun owner we hear so much about.
  10. I originally heard that line as "black with disgust" and I still prefer it that way...
  11. It was a really cool scene that lasted 90 mins or however long the movie was. I enjoyed it, but there wasn't much there beyond the spectacle.
  12. Really? I have the opposite reaction to Beck. Everyone I hear talk about him seems to praise him for being such a genius and then I listen to a few songs and think, "Well, this is nice but what's so special about it?" Which is exactly what was going through my head listening to "Blue Moon" -- it's a nice song, one that I'll probably appreciate more after a few listens, but it certainly doesn't grab me on an emotional or musical level. so no, I don't really care all that much... at least not more than any other "highly respected" artist.
  13. It's hard for me to come up with "lesser known" bands for this community because this is one of the places I use to learn about new bands and expand my horizons. When I mention what I'm listening to to pretty much any person I know IRL, I get the "who the hell are they?" look 98% of the time. That said, I noticed that nearly all of Glossary's videos on YT have less than 1000 views (and I don't recall seeing them mentioned here), so I guess they count.
  14. I have no problem with passion, and we all know that trash talking is part of the game -- especially between receivers and corners. But I'm not going to give him a free pass because of that. You don't talk shit about another player on national TV like that.
  15. I went from mildly supporting the Broncos to now hoping Manning & crew makes this asshole eat his words.
  16. So I thought this Christie "bridgegate" thing would have started to blow over by now, but it only seems to be gaining momentum. Perhaps this will hurt his 2016 aspirations after all.
  17. It's this weeks episode. I recorded it Saturday night I believe.
  18. Neko Case and Jason Isbell on ACL. Great show; they each deserve a full hour.
  19. Moron / Mormon. Used to get them confused as a kid. "You shouldn't call him that; that's offensive to the real Morons."
  20. Stewart's take on it last night was very funny - how as a Jersey guy he was offended at how lame the scheming was. You don't come out and say "time for a traffic jam in Ft. Lee" or whatever it was, you need to be more discrete about it -- "you remember that thing? yeah, time for that thing." But unless something new comes out directly linking Christie himself with this mess, this will all blow over in a matter of weeks, and certainly in time for the 2016 race. People have been fired, apologies have been made, it's only a matter of time for something new to take the national attention away
  21. Paul, Tommy & the gang are getting together again to play Coachella this spring. Bleah. I guess I can't blame them for cashing in, but it's still disappointing that they're going this route instead of a proper tour.
  22. Growing up, I had a neighbor whose family was from Paulsboro, NJ. The son was a good kid and close friend of mine at the time. But hearing the dad (who was a bad, bad drunk) talk about how great life was in Paulsboro, you'd think the place was Shangri-freaking-la. Years later I was staffed on a project in suburban Philly and just had to take a drive out to see the place. If this had happened during the facebook era, I would have likely posted an unflattering pic of the town and cyber-bullied them to tears (no, not really). But instead I just continued driving, feeling smugly superior to m
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