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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Thanks. We'll see. I tend to be hard on myself but man that was brutal.
  2. and I pretty much bombed it. yay me.
  3. interview day today. tech screen. i hate these things...
  4. Wife and kids got me an ice cream maker for Christmas this year. Made two bases last night for a NYE party -- a blueberry-limoncello sorbet and a super decadent vanilla bean custard. Holee Shiznit this is going to be a dangerous hobby...
  5. I find grilled octopus to be spectacular but the sight of it makes my wife nauseous.
  6. Right... I get that the Replacements aren't everyone's cup of tea and that mats fans can be obnoxious about our love for them... but they were much more than just a band that played drunk. The fact they (and Westerberg's songwriting specifically) inspired and influenced a number of artists that we Wilco fans love says something. As for the RRHOF - I have no idea whether they "deserve" to be in the hall because I don't quite understand the criteria for admission. But I was pleasantly surprised to see them nominated and completely unsurprised that they didn't get in.
  7. I actually just kind of hop and effortlessly remain in the air as long and as high as I please. Not flying ala superman I guess, but I think it still counts.
  8. I've had very lucid dreams of being able to fly for pretty much all my life, so I guess that's what I'd pick, too.
  9. People don't despise kale as much as they despise people who eat kale.
  10. Totally agree about Mama. Sucks that we're losing her show out here in so cal. (Yeah, there's streaming and podcasts but they aren't the same.)
  11. I told my neighbor that he had a busted sprinkler head when we saw each other this morning. I guess if I lived in Hixter's hood I would have done the repair for him myself.
  12. That's pretty crazy. I've worked for some jerks in the past but nothing on that level. That's a hostile workplace, especially for the female employees... I understand needing a job an all, but it's surprising that those folks (including you) are still there. I'm still technically self-employed here (though I'm looking for a new traditional job) so I can't complain too much about my current boss. Just wish he was more reliable I suppose
  13. It was a fun show. I'm not really a fan of Jeff Garlin's style of non-comedy, but his opening chat was a pleasant surprise. Then again, I've also dreamed of being the first porn star on the moon so that anecdote hit home I guess. Despite his apologies, I thought Jeff's voice held up very well for most of the night. By far the highlight for me was Radio Cure -- chillingly awesome. Also fun were the callbacks on Someday Soon and the ooh, ahhs on HMD... though I agree that the crowd was a bit overly "polite" at first. I think Jeff losing his shit in SB over that dude for his ill-timed cl
  14. we call those "nut horns" (which looks weird as I type it, but that's the name)... a "nut roll" for us is a typical jelly roll-style bread with the same walnut filling. Was never much of a fan of those as a kid, but I now associate those treats with Christmas so it holds a special significance.
  15. I shun the ignore feature here much like I rarely de-friend people on Facebook. It's so much more fun to read the ridiculousness than to ignore it. A girl I grew up with has turned into a mega birther/end-times believer/Obama is the anti-Christ type. She's a hoot.
  16. My kids (8 & 10) are sadly growing out of the "I like whatever daddy likes" phase, but hopefully I've planted enough seeds with them these past years that by the time they hit college they'll come back to liking wilco, the mats, ramones, etc. But the next decade or so is going to suck -- already getting my fill of Katy perry, one direction & the like.
  17. I read everything posted here, usually without having to move my lips.
  18. More than just cool responses -- since you're new to VC, you might not realize that srmt is Jeff's wife, Sue.
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