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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Just streaming, no. But when "Heather" pops up and invites you to a private chat (that requires you to install a special app), just say no.
  2. Most analogies suck but that one fit as nicely as a comfy old pair of Levi's.
  3. Well yes and no. The real problem is malware -- apps that say they do one thing and are actually maliciously trying to steal info from your phone -- vs. someone "hacking into" your phone. Android devices are more susceptible to this because the security model for android apps is different than for iOS apps -- basically it is impossible** for one iOS app to read the data that another app saves; this is not true for android apps. Also, the requirements for getting listed in the AppStore vs. GooglePlay vs. Amazon are very different, with Apple being the most restrictive (and painfully slow, fr
  4. many people use their smartphones more often than computers for internet stuff. a hacked phone is just as dangerous as a hacked computer.
  5. I didn't mind the warm and fuzzy ending as much as how they ultimately tracked down Reggie. So the Yellow King has green ears in that one girl's drawing, which happened to resemble the color of some house on file, the owner of which (who's now a old woman) remembers when it was painted 20+ years ago, and through her tax returns they find the name of the painting co, which had a business license on file, which led them right to Carcosa? I mean, I'm all for suspension of disbelief but that was some incredible (literally; not credible) shit there.
  6. Pretty sure it was the White House's idea.
  7. Yeah, the bass was one of the first things I noticed, too. Initially I wasn't sure if I was just looking for it given Shonna's departure, but he really adds a lot to this album.
  8. Oh no, I agree it is. It's a "shame" in that that's what caused the friction in the band and led to his departure. The albums he was a part of are DBTs at their best, IMO. But yes, the end result is that Jason is sober now and making terrific music on his own. And Patterson/Cooley sound great on the new album (working my way through it now).
  9. Happy Fat Tuesday, everyone! Or just "Tuesday" as it's called in my house.
  10. And it's a shame to hear that they pretty much kicked Isbell out of the band because of his drinking and belligerence. All along I had assumed it was his desire to spread his wings and not be a 3rd wheel. But it seems to have all worked out in the end for them, especially Jason.
  11. Freezing the assets of the Russian oligarchy is also a likely response, and probably the best thing to put real pressure on Putin.
  12. Looks like Putin's big balls are escalating things rather rapidly here.
  13. ... or, as characterized by someone in my FB feed "Here we go....sign of the times .. decreasing our military might & world power ... in addition to horrifically decreasing our nuclear arms which MOST of the general public are completely unaware of... BUT.. it's all part of God's plan for this country in these end times ... are you prepared & ready?!?"
  14. Some Christians in the wedding industry (florists, banquet halls, event planners, etc) are worried about getting sued if they refuse to work gay weddings. I say just give a horribly high bid for the job and either you'll be spared the horror of it all or make a nice profit for your trouble.
  15. I will be shocked if Brewer doesn't veto the bill. It's not just George Takei making threats, a lot of large companies have publicly expressed their opposition to the law.
  16. Having watched Nels's rig rundown a few dozen times, I'd be personally offended if he smashed any of those beauts.
  17. No kidding. Just got caught up... another tremendous show!
  18. Wrapped up House of Cards S2 this morning. Probably better overall (at least more consistent) than season 1, though it's a little predictable when you become conditioned to assume the worst out of Frank Underwood. That said, he is someone I would definitely not want to meet in real life! (Don't click if you haven't finished the season) However, I will say this about "binge watching" a series... I do miss the ebb and flow in between each episode/season. With everyone churning (racing!) through the episodes at their own pace, there's very little room for discussion. At times durin
  19. House of Cards season 2 was just released. And oh boy what a way to start it off.
  20. Every time I see that obnoxious Cadillac ELR commercial I have an uncontrollable urge to throw something through my 70" TV.
  21. Thanks for sharing, irdb. Glad you're clean now. A friend of mine lost his brother to opiates & alcohol a couple of weeks ago -- he went to sleep and never woke up. He was also only 46.
  22. I think very few would disagree with that perspective, PopTodd. Taught as a philosophy, a set of moral guides, historical context, etc. religion has its place -- even in public schools, IMO. But not as science.
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