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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Finally get to see 2 of my favorites live for the first time tonight -- Damien Jurado opening for Jason Isbell! So stoked!
  2. Colin Powell will be nearly 80 yrs old when the next president takes office. But besides that, no he couldn't win as an independent. There isn't a person alive who could break the 2 party system when it comes to the White House.
  3. Jason Isbell w/ Damien Jurado opening tonight! Oops, that's next week. Wilco at the Greek tonight!
  4. We took my mom and aunt to Poland last summer to visit the original homestead and meet our cousins who still live there. It was an awesome experience - something I'll never forget.
  5. There were still a whole lot of people cheering on that blowhard. He isn't going away any time soon.
  6. You've never heard Lindsey Graham speak?
  7. Langhorn Slim opening for Lucero at the Belly Up in SD last year. Not that Lucero had a bad night or anything, but that dude blew me away with his singing and energetic performance! The band is perfect for his style, too -- highly recommended if they're ever in your area.
  8. Thrilled that I got a chance to see them on this tour - one of the best shows I've seen in ages. I think these rumors are premature, but if Paul and Tommy decide to call it quits after all then I'm good with that. Better to end it on a high note than keep going and suck all the fun out of it.
  9. 5 (1976) - The Monkees (thanks TV), The Kingston trio (thanksbutnothanks dad) 10 (1981) - Joan Jett, Cheap Trick 15 (1986) - Prince, Springsteen, Yaz 20 (1991) - Replacements, Pixies, Nirvana, Primus 25 (1996) - Westerberg, Replacements, Green Day, Afghan Whigs 30 (2001) - Westerberg, Replacements, Minutemen, Husker Du 35 (2006) - Westerberg, Green Day 40 (2011) - Westerberg, Wilco, Drive By Truckers, Lucero 43+ (2015) - Jason Isbell, Justin Townes Earle
  10. Love Bernie, glad he's running, but he doesn't have a shot in hell of winning ir even getting on the ticket. He's there to raise issues and force Clinton into a more populist message - which can only be a good thing.
  11. It was an "H" in Portland. I think we have a puzzle in the making.
  12. Nice way to open this leg of the tour in Seattle last night
  13. I wonder what an acceptable deal would look like to the people complaining about this one? Aside from total capitulation -- which would never happen -- what is their realistic alternative that Iran would agree to? Or is war and regime change the only choice?
  14. "Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix."--Judge Leon Bazile in Caroline County Court, 1958
  15. . It is if you turn them down because of who they are and not because of what they do. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protected_class -- sexual orientation should be on this list. . Ridiculous comparisons. It can be argued that a swastika is a form of hate speech and the baker can refuse to participate in it on those grounds, regardless of who asks for it. And there's no law saying that someone is entitled to get something not on the menu.
  16. I've heard that argument and it makes me laugh every time. So we're supposed to let the free market decide whether this form of "freedom" is allowable -- by having a strict government mandate that forces these businesses to publicly announce their controversial stance? Seems a bit odd, no?
  17. Better Call Saul has been consistently good/very good so far, but tonight's episode was off the hook great. I'm a sucker for backstories, and we got a deep dive into Mike's tonight. I think Jonathan Banks just earned himself an Emmy. If you're a breaking bad fan and not watching this, you're really missing out.
  18. Fuck Israel. Nothing good has happened as a result of our blind love affair with that false nation.
  19. At the risk of sounding like an elitist, shouldn't the fact that Walker lacks a college degree exclude him from running? I mean, I know there's nothing written for that specifically in the constitution... but geez, if you don't/can't graduate from a university with at least a BA then I'm not sure if you have the qualifications to be in charge of the free world.
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