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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Absolutely glowing review at Slate. http://www.slate.com/articles/arts/music_box/2016/10/the_drive_by_truckers_american_band_is_the_perfect_album_for_the_year_of.html
  2. Really love this dude... "I'll stand here with my southern accent and say, 'Fuck you, Donald Trump. You do not speak for me. You do not speak for my family. You do not speak for my values. You do not speak for my vision of what this country could and should be.'" http://www.esquire.com/entertainment/music/a49069/patterson-hood-interview-drive-by-truckers-american-band/
  3. Been streaming the album on NPR all weekend. I think it's their strongest album in years.
  4. I had the same reaction -- Bernie, I'll give you that he's a radical lefty. But Obama and (especially) Hillary? They're about as moderate as Kasich is, just slightly to the left of center vs Kasich's right.
  5. It's pretty well established that Trump is a terrible person for all the reasons outlined above. And Hillary will have her surrogates and PACs out there to continue to inform anyone who's been living under a rock these past few months. But she, the person who wants to be the next President, should not engage in this tit-for-tat banter. It's like that old saying about wrestling with a pig - you both get dirty and the pig enjoys it. The fact that Trump gets away with it doesn't make it ok for her. Yes, it's unfair but it's reality. Sometimes it sucks to be an adult.
  6. That's a terrible tactic, though. No one is going to vote for a candidate (any candidate, let alone Clinton) because of the shame of keeping company with "deplorables." Someone on the right could very easily (and probably has already) come up with a list of terrible/controversial people (they would probably call them "thugs") who have endorsed or spoken favorably of Hillary. Is that going to change your vote? She needs to stop talking about how bad Trump is and how bad some of his supporters are and make the case for why she should earn your/my/Hixter's vote. The campaign has said that t
  7. Accurate or not, it was an unforced error on Clinton's part. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be for her to run against such an obvious con man, but anything you have to preface with "I know this is grossly generalistic, but" should be a RED FLAG to just stop. Nothing good was going to come out of the other side of that sentence.
  8. Of all pro athletes, NFL players are the most deserving of their salaries. The average career is only about 2-3 seasons and if they last longer than that their bodies and brains are often broken for life. It's a hell of a way to make a living.
  9. Yeah, that was rough. Poor guy doesn't even know how to BS his way through a question he was clearly unprepared for. At least Trump would have said "it's a disaster and all it's the fault of Obama's weakness and Crooked Hillary's lies" and they would have given him a pass.
  10. The eschatological rantings of some of my FB friends in '08 re: Obama seem a little less ridiculous to me now.
  11. Wow, that makes so much sense I'm ashamed to have not considered that as a possible outcome of his run. And now he has the Brietbart News guy at the helm of his campaign. Trump News, coming to a media outlet near you. (shudder)
  12. If anything, I thought Bill's hands seemed a little shaky during his convention speech.
  13. yes, as evidenced by his statement that he intends to return to the Senate as an Independent.
  14. I just had that conversation with a coworker (who dislikes both trump and HRC). His point was that Trump simply was saying "you already have them, so release them" and was not encouraging an actual hack. I told him that was a distinction without difference. We both agreed that it was a tactical move though -- he's successfully put his name (and the Clinton email scandal) back in the news this week. We're all talking about this instead of the DNC convention.
  15. Sanders was good, but Michele Obama delivered the speech of the night. One for the ages...
  16. I think it was a smart choice, especially given that Trump went with a hard line conservative for his VP. Presidential elections are won by attracting independents -- so as much as I would have loved seeing Warren on the ticket, it would have been a really risky move. That said, I wish Kaine had some mass appeal going for him other than his fluency with Spanish.
  17. https://twitter.com/michaelcrowley/status/755256679101411329
  18. Plagiarism or just a reeeally unfortunate coincidence? I can't imagine that anyone in the Trump campaign would have had her intentionally copy Michele Obama's speech, of all people!
  19. She was for $12/hr nationally and supported local efforts to raise it to 15 where the cost of living is high. I'm not sure how it's exactly worded in the platform, but a national $15/hr min wage would be a nod in Bernie's direction.
  20. The two big ones I know are debt-free public college/university education for families under a certain income level & national minimum wage increase to $15/hr. They've added the "public option" for healthcare back to the platform, too. Not a Bernie idea but a step in that direction.
  21. Born in '71. I think my first major "news" story I remember was the 76 bicentennial. That and the olympics - I distinctly remember being annoyed with my sisters because all they wanted to do was watch Nadia Comaneci and I was missing the monkees or something.
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