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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Oh hey sorry for the interruption but another couple of dozen good folks got mowed down over the weekend. But he was a white guy so it's cool.
  2. Is there a legit reason to have more than one passport? I can't think of any.
  3. Ain't that the truth. But it needs to be stated (because you rarely hear this in media) that the Russians bought controlling stake in Uranium One because they wanted the uranium mines in Kazakhstan (where the highest quality, weapons grade uranium on Earth is located). The handful of mines that in the US that were owned by U1 were comparatively useless (lower quality, only useful for power plants).
  4. I don't like either team, but as a Giants fan I certainly have one team that I'm rooting for, lol. Tonight's game was insane. This is as good as it gets.
  5. do we have to fake a local address or is the truth ok? Also - who the F are these bands? Do we need to vote for all positions or not?
  6. Agree. That's just what I hear when I tune the radio dial.
  8. I think your sarcasm detector might need new batteries...
  9. A friend of mine posted this on FB and I think it's my new life goal: Vonnegut: When things are going sweetly and peacefully, please pause a moment, and then say out loud, "If this isn't nice, what is?" Stay in the moment. Enjoy life.
  10. Sadly, I related to "the truth proves it's beautiful to lie" way too much for far too many years.
  11. My experience, as well. I've attempted to keep pace, but I tend to fall asleep almost every night (can only find time to watch late at night). Might have to dedicate a couple weekend afternoons for it.
  12. Bob's message was indeed nice; hopefully that is an indication that things between them were on the mend. Many of Grant's songs were special to me and I've been playing them since I heard of his death. RIP and F-u-c-k cancer.
  14. And Jose is now a Cat 4 storm and pretty much following the same track as Irma? Those islands are going to be wiped clean...
  15. It's just terrible and apparently will only get worse over the next week or so until the storm moves out of the area. Thoughts and prayers for all those affected.
  16. According to the Vox article I posted above it was 15% -- but IMO the jump from Clinton to McCain is nothing compared to the jump from Bernie to Trump. But had McCain defeated Obama by a tiny margin (and McCain turned out to be a disaster like DT) I would have called them out on it, too.
  17. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/8/24/16194086/bernie-trump-voters-study
  18. So apparently they've determined that 12% of Bernie supporters ended up voting for Trump last Nov., and in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania it is estimated to be larger than Trump's margin of victory. So they essentially get the "credit" for giving us this lunatic POTUS. Great job guys! You really are proving that they're "all the same!"
  19. Hopefully he'll still be able to read the teleprompter...
  20. Speaking of covers, GC took his turn at a few over the years: http://www.spin.com/2017/08/glen-campbell-covers-foo-fighters-replacements-u2-green-day-velvet-underground/
  21. I agree. Pence, for all his faults, seems like a fairly typical politician. I would be much less concerned with him at the helm if some world or national crisis were to happen.
  22. Getting rid of The Mooch is probably the right thing to do here -- he clearly didn't seem to have the temperament for the role. But I can't help but wonder if we're going to get an early morning tweet from Trump throwing Kelly under the bus for doing this. I can imagine a scenario where Trump told Kelly he had complete control over his staff, without realizing that meant Item #1 on his fix-it list would be to fire the guy who was just hired. It's just really amazing how inept this admin is.
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