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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Gave me absolute chills when I first saw this scene... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQswjsiZtl4
  2. He'll get around to that right after implementing sharia law.
  3. My wife, kids and I will be participating in the OC march in Santa Ana. It certainly won't be as big as LA, but we've gotta keep the OC blue!
  4. I'll catch the highlights of the events on the news Friday night. And the childish bitter inner me is hoping for some strong swirling winds during the actual swearing in.
  5. Food for thought for those of you giving up on Booker already: http://www.thepeoplesview.net/main/2017/1/15/enemies-among-us-an-open-letter-to-those-attacking-senator-cory-booker
  6. Surprised there isn't a thread for him yet. Did anyone catch his SNL performance last night? Smoking! http://www.rollingstone.com/country/news/watch-sturgill-simpsons-fiery-snl-debut-w461175 Looks like I have another "must see" live band/artist.
  7. yeah, it's frankly difficult to take the golden shower fetish part of the report seriously. I mean, anything is possible I suppose, but that would be exceptionally reckless behavior on his part.
  8. I must admit to already feeling outrage exhaustion. One cannot say "fuck that guy" nearly enough.
  9. Not sure if it's been mentioned already but I only recently learned that UB40's "Red, Red Wine" is a Neil freaking Diamond cover.
  10. ... and the first time I heard it on that show I thought to myself, "what a terrible theme song!"
  11. Uncle Tupelo's version of "Effigy" before knowing it was a Creedence song. Elliot Smith's version of "Thirteen" before Big Star RHCP's version of "Love Rollercoaster" before knowing it was a cover. Replacements version of "Black Diamond"
  12. He would be running against a (visibly unhealthy and getting worse) 74 year old.
  13. Damn, I somehow missed that when it came out. Just read his blog w/ his rationale and it's all (IMO) bullshit. He's selfishly worried about estate taxes, everything else was bs.
  14. I finally got to see Jason Isbell for the first time this year and he absolutely blew me away. Great live performer.
  15. No Westworld watchers here? I was reluctant at first but it's definitely living up to the hype.
  16. Not sure if they qualify for "big" yet but every time I hear a Langhorn Slim song backing a commercial (which seems like every night.) I remind everyone around me that I saw them open for Lucero a few years back.
  17. I take it you guys have forgotten about the Reform Party? They were doing ok in the mid-late 90s (although Perot and Jesse The Body Ventura are the only two candidates I recall from memory) but they fizzled out after the 2000 election when people were reminded of the consequences of voting 3rd party.
  18. Trump certainly doesn't have a mandate given that he lost the popular vote, but the Republican party can make that argument since they're in control of both Congress and the White House. I'm really interested to see what they do about Obamacare -- it's been such an easy target for them to attack, but actually repealing/replacing it will take some actual work. I have yet to see a concrete vision of what they would replace it with, nor do I see anyone stepping up to the plate with specific ideas.
  19. Kamala Harris is the next Dem superstar. Not sure if she will be ready by 2020, but I fully expect her to run eventually.
  20. today i'm still depressed as fuck and not able to shake it.
  21. James Comey's next letter should be his resignation.
  22. Yeah, I was watching it live and thought he was actually being funny for a while... but then, yowza.
  23. I was trying to count how many biglies were uttered tonight when I realized that it's spelled big lies. How appropriate.
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