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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/brexit-referendum/britain-s-brexit-how-baby-boomers-defeated-millennials-historic-vote-n598481 75% of those 24 and under voted to remain. 61% of those 65+ voted to leave. Which group is going to be impacted by this decision the most? I've often wondered it would make sense to have a maximum voting age. if a 17 year old is too young to vote, perhaps a 70/80 yr old is too old? They certainly aren't going to have to live with any bad decisions very long.
  2. It got a little awkward after he kept saying "ha ha, suckers!"
  3. The more we hear about this guy and his familiarity to the Orlando gay community, he seems like a closeted gay man full of self loathing and hatred who snapped. To what degree he was also inspired by and affiliated with Muslim extremists is still yet to be determined... but I wouldn't be surprised if that was just a convenient macho cover story that he used to justify his rage. His story, so far at least, doesn't seem to resemble that of the San Bernardino or Boston terrorists very much. You can shout all you want that this is only about Radical Islamic Terrorism!, but I think that's ignor
  4. Despite his inarticulate initial reaction, this tragedy will almost certainly help Trump the most. It plays right into his rhetoric and Hillary has to be careful about only making this a gun or LGBT issue -- the country doesn't have the stomach to consider gun control or anti-gay rhetoric, but terrorism? That plays well.
  5. Or just admit that you're voting for the jersey and not the orange-faced buffoon wearing it.
  6. The most accurate thing Trump has said this entire election season was that he could shoot someone on the street and his supporters wouldn't care.
  7. I misread that and thought he said Hitler not Hixter.
  8. Grilled cheese sandwiches aren't even grilled!
  9. So it seems that the GOP has realized that it has no other choice but to rally around Trump. I'm afraid it's going to be an astoundingly ugly campaign, as their only path to victory is to make Clinton seem like the absolute worst person on the planet. God help us all survive these next 6 months.
  10. Today I had to tell another parent that her 10 yr old told my 10 yr old that he wanted to "suicide" himself. 99% sure he didn't mean it, but on the off chance something is going on I had to tell her. Pretty scary - and quite an uncomfortable conversation.
  11. Yeah, it looked pretty rough for a while there. But to her credit Hillary strongly supported Obama once she dropped out and virtually all of her supporters followed suit. I fully expect Sanders to do the same.
  12. He's fine -- it's his most fervent supporters (and the GOP trolls egging them on) which annoy me. But that's politics. I still think it was worse in '08.
  13. I was a huge fan in grade school -- I had every song from 1999 and Purple Rain memorized -- but I got older and my taste in music changed to the point where I lost interest in his music. Fast forward about 30 years to a couple of years ago and I was in Vegas for a friend's bachelor party when we heard that Prince was doing a last-minute show at the hard rock. None of us were particularly big fans but we decided to go on a lark. Suffice to say it was one of the best rock shows I've ever seen. Straight forward, no theatrics, just him & a 3-piece backing band making great music. I'm so
  14. Pretty much zero chance of any republican winning MA (or Ca, Ny, etc)
  15. One must really have a hard on for the Clintons to consider voting for "whomever" as a valid response. IMO, the appropriate thing to do is either abstain from voting or vote for a 3rd party candidate if you find both options detestable. I recall living in Michigan in the late 90s when John Engler was gov. Couldn't stand him and wished he was out of office. But when the democrats put Geoffrey Feiger up as their candidate, I couldn't bring myself to vote for such a clown. I sat out that election.
  16. McConnell blames Obama for politicizing the SCOTUS nomination process. That's rich.
  17. He very well might be the only (or one of a few) qualified candidate willing to be nominated at this time. He's going to be used as a political pawn all summer and even if Hillary wins in Nov there's no guarantee that she'd keep his nomination open (in fact, I doubt she would).
  18. Don't disagree with that assessment of the GOP as a whole -- I was talking about the motivation behind my friends' personal decision, in response to Louie's question.
  19. There's definitely an element of "he won't be able to accomplish anything anyway" to their rationale, but I think they genuinely don't want Trump either and find Bernie to be at least an honest man.
  20. Precisely. Between the two, a Sanders presidency is much less troubling to them than having a "criminal" in the WH.
  21. Curious what the crossover vote looked like in MI and whether that's what put Bernie over the top. Two of my republican friends (yes, I do have republican friends!) did it because they're resigned to Trump getting the GOP nomination and would rather have Bernie as Pres than Hillary.
  22. Indeed, and there's a great interview with Mehr about the book on the most recent The Ledge podcast http://theledge.realpunkradio.com. Definitely worth checking out.
  23. Same here. The world needs more uncool2pillow conservatives!
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