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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. ^ same Also, Jawbreaker via Lucero's cover of "Kiss the Bottle"
  2. It is my understanding that the "biometric" information which will be required during the application process will include fingerprinting.
  3. Sure they broke the law coming here, but as far as I'm concerned it's on par with something like speeding, not homicide. And besides, deporting all 12-20 million illegals in this country is not only unrealistic, it's damn immoral. I'm happy that the president took this action... and if republicans have such a problem with it, then they should pass a damn bill. There's been one sitting on Boehners desk for a year and a half.
  4. Haven't read it yet, but I agree w/ your assessment here. It's sad that we won't prosecute criminals because of their political & economic power. Yet, that's the world we live in.
  5. That game was amazing. You couldn't ask for a better situation to end the game. Home team underdogs down 1 run, bottom of the 9th, 2 out, runner on third, your all-star catcher at bat, an insanely hot pitcher on the mound. Luckily for this Giants fan, the fairytale script broke and the good guys won. But seriously, I was impressed with the royals. I never watch AL ball so this series was my first exposure to them. They're a great young team that should be in the postseason for many years to come. And what about those Giants?!? 3rd World Series title in 5 years -- just amazing! As a f
  6. Giants are one win away from another WS appearance. Bruce Bochy is indeed kicking ass with this roster.
  7. I think a case can be made for Joan Jett as one of the first prominent female rockers. Her influence on rocker girls of the 80s is hard to dismiss. Then again, this is the RRHOF so I have no clue how the votes will land. The replacements didn't get in last year and aren't even nominees this year.
  8. I've never been to a good one.
  9. So congress approved a nice vague authorization to support the Syrian rebels. Which rebels? Why, the good ones of course! And they're ignoring their responsibility to authorize military force in pursuing Isis, solely for political reasons. I'm a big supporter of the president in most cases, but I hate how this is shaping up. Unless some miracle happens and a true reliable coalition of Iraq & its neighbors shapes up, there's no way we can "win" this not-war from the air. This is either going to be an expensive failure that lasts a year or so, or an even more expensive failure that
  10. You're unemployed Hixter? Sorry to hear. I was "in between jobs" for a good 6 months late last year/this year. Sucks & can be nerve wracking when you're in your 40+s. Best of luck.
  11. High end (c-level) is obviously higher. Low end is much lower than a comparably skilled SE. I make enough to be satisfied; this truly is a what-do-you-want-to-be-when-you-grow-up decision.
  12. Today I'm contemplating whether I should remain a professional geek (software engineer) or move into a management/leadership role. At 42, I'm quite older than most SEs -- but that's still the type of work that excites me the most. How/when does one decide to step away from being a do-er to a manager?
  13. They sounded fantastic, and westerberg only flubbed a couple of lyrics!
  14. Happy Labor Day to our beloved Union Thugs everywhere!
  15. That's ridiculous. Even a really nice rasp should only set you back $10-15.
  16. Depression sucks. And depression fueled by substance abuse is like throwing gasoline on a fire. It's a horrible loss. Hug your loved ones -- you really don't know who's suffering inside.
  17. I'm a bit fat and only getting fatter. Plenty of excuses for why I don't exercise more. Some of them are actually legit.
  18. Today I found out that a sobriety buddy is drinking again. Really bummed me out.
  19. Perhaps we could install a strong-arm dictator.
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