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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. That's a historically low approval number, though. I don't think it's possible for it to get much lower. edit: had to check... http://ijr.com/2014/08/166936-president-approval-rating-absolute-highest-lowest-post-world-war-ii/
  2. One of my other hobbies is being a grammar nerd, so this thread is a bit irritating.
  3. Most of my hobbies are cooking/baking related. Lately i've been on an ice cream kick, which is a lot of fun and rewarding but terrible for the waistline/arteries. I have also dabbled in making unique sodas, with mixed results. I used to brew beer but got out of that when I decided to stop drinking. My wife and I have also gotten involved in some local political causes, and I think that's something we'll continue with.
  4. Spicer actually downplayed Paul Manafort's role in the Trump campaign? He was the freaking campaign chairman for like 6 months! My spidey senses think there's something new about to come out about one Mr. Manafort.
  5. Saw Jason Isbell & the 400 Unit last night in Anaheim. Terrific show; they played a new one off the upcoming album. The name of it escapes me right now, but it was a tight, rocking, catchy song. If the entire album is like that, he's got another winner ahead of him.
  6. The stack of paper is smaller so clearly it is much better.
  7. Well, they apparently barred the NYTimes, LATimes and a few others from a Spicer press conference today. I'm sure his fans are thrilled. The 1st Amendment is overrated anyway.
  8. After a few years of torturing me with some just TERRIBLE Nickelodeon and Disney teenage-y sitcoms, my kids just "discovered" reruns of Modern Family. I was never a huge fan of the show myself - but man, compared to the crap we used to endure, it's like the pinnacle of TV comedy as far as I'm concerned right now.
  9. It's nice that apparently the relationship is on the mend and they are communicating. I don't know if the world needs a full-blown UT reunion, but a guest appearance at either ones shows could be something to hope for.
  10. I think the chances of Flynn being used as the fall guy for any Russian collusion are very high.
  11. He promises to take it up to the Supreme Court. IN ALL CAPS!!!!
  12. Perhaps if we start talking about gun control again he'll come back. Gonna go get me a "so called" assault weapon now.
  13. Because they believe that the private sector can come up with a better outcomes and that government influence, if any, should occur at the local level and not originating from DC. That's Republicanism 101, and to be fair is not necessarily a bad belief system to have. The problem is that philosophy only works w/rt education in affluent communities and doesn't scale for the nation as a whole.
  14. That guy actually advises the president? Makes me ill just thinking about it.
  15. Indeed they were a bunch of assholes -- and I really appreciated how Mehr didn't pull any punches w/ that respect -- but I think that's far from the only take-away I got from the book. What was new to me was the really rough early life of the band, especially Bob, and how that fueled both the creative genius as well as their self destructive behavior. They were terrified of failure almost as much as they were terrified of success -- and thus they sabotaged opportunities left and right. They were really flawed, vulnerable people who never let their guards down and would look at their more su
  16. lol, I had the same reaction last night. from "we got this!" to "this can't possibly be happening..." to "oh damn, I can't believe that just happened." slightly less significant of a loss this time, at least.
  17. Re: the immigrant and refugee ban. We've made sure that our kids know their heritage well - great-grandchildren of Polish immigrants from my side, grandchildren of Mexican immigrants on my wife's. They know that both groups came to America for exactly the same reason - for the opportunity to make a better life. Whether one group was called "legal" and the other group "illegal" is a reflection of the political climate at the time; the people and their motivations were the same. To their school's credit, they have been doing a LOT of family heritage sharing this year. Not sure if it's just
  18. Oh please, he was just kidding around. World leaders in charge of the greatest and most powerful military ever known to mankind are always joking like that.
  19. Getting less attention, but more frightening IMO, is the order he signed saying that the White House will now publish a weekly list of all crime committed by illegal immigrants. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-publish-weekly-list-crimes-immigrants-commit-refugees-aliens-executive-order-us-a7546826.html Straight out of fucking Nazi Germany. Forget the fact that immigrants are less likely to commit crime than native-born citizens. The sole purpose of maintaining a list like this is to demonize and stir up prejudice.
  20. Spongebob is fine, but Phineas and Ferb is the best.
  21. What's going on with the blatant, obvious lies out of the White House is no accident. They're picking this fight with the media so that everything is up for debate now. Steve Bannon is a master manipulator and these actions have his fingerprints all over it.
  22. We took our 11 & 13 yr old kids to the march. Even though they knew on a superficial level at least why we were going, it wasn't until the "this is what democracy looks like" chant got going that I think they finally started to understand why it was important to be there. But it's also entirely possible that they were just humoring us so that we'd stop for ice cream on the way home.
  23. Isn't it awesome when the person who creates a lot of the music you love turns out to be a pretty fantastic person, as well?
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