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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. The illegals I know are a) only here to work, b ) terrified of doing anything that would get them deported, and c) politically apathetic/cynical -- so my guess is the the number is very low. Probably above zero, though.
  2. iirc, this happened in Ohio last election. not 100% of course, but minority turnout was higher than many people feared. While I agree that the motivation behind these voting laws is almost always political -- low turnout typically favors Republican candidates -- it's hard for me to object to everything that's proposed simply because someone with an R next to their name might benefit from it.
  3. In the spirit of bipartisan harmony, I agree with bleedo and hix on the .001% thing
  4. I believe that's the point. Of those items above, the only one I might have a problem with is the shortening of early voting periods... but it would depend on how short they want to make it. Reducing it from, for example, one month to 2 weeks wouldn't bother me; reducing it down to 3 days would.
  5. I spent pretty much an entire summer during HS reading The Stand. I remember being genuinely sad that the book had to end and those characters were no longer going to be part of my life.
  6. According to him he's just a "hugger" and this is all a big misunderstanding.
  7. Everyone needs to calm down a bit. There are clearly more important things going on today.
  8. In that vein (Obama's comments, not the Kardashian joke), I found this clip of Levar Burton & Time Wise relating their life experiences to be very enlightening.
  9. I wonder what Tweedy thinks about all this.
  10. Barkley has always been one of the more intelligent guys in sports, and he's never been afraid of voicing an opinion that might be unpopular. Didn't he consider running for office at one point?
  11. Yes, no witnesses... and given that he killed the only other person who really knows what happened that night, I'd hope you understand why many of us have a hard time believing that his account is 100% accurate.
  12. Agreed. Edit: Just started the NPR interview/performance and got goosebumps hearing "Cover Me Up"
  13. Because we can read his mind. Can't you?
  14. the best part of that pic is he's holding about a hundred bucks
  15. If I could add my conjecture to the mix -- without the gun in his waistband, Zimmerman stays in his car and does nothing more than report Martin to the police. If nothing else, hopefully this will serve as a reminder for people who possess CCW permits that they aren't cops and shouldn't behave like one.
  16. I also plan to have a burger meeting later this afternoon.
  17. Ah, the rich irony of him fearing the wrath of vigilante justice.
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