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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. In addition to everything else that they do right on this show, their music selection is almost always perfect. Never heard of Whitey before, but this song is just great. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogGTeurlqPI
  2. I believe all the players are free to transfer to other schools if they choose to do so.
  3. Indeed, but now his coaching legacy has been pretty much wiped out. Not that I'm losing any sleep over it.
  4. But it's true. It takes a lot more than just hard work to become successful. Ask any teacher, janitor, housekeeper, etc. if they work hard or not. Yes, you need to work hard (in most cases) to become successful in life... but where you started and what opportunities you received throughout your life has a huge influence on that, too.
  5. sounds like a Rev Wright message?
  6. I agree -- it is indeed revealing that a quote like that would make you sick. But seriously, what disturbs you so much about what he said?
  7. well, 'cause that would be cheating on Football!
  8. I must admit that my excitement over the Olympics has gone down significantly since I was a kid/young adult -- in part due to those NBC "tear jerker" stories that you love -- but I'm looking forward to these games. My son is about the age when I first became fascinated with the Olympics and I'm hoping to spend some time watching the games (especially the swimming & track & field events) with him. re: NBC -- one of the most unexpected luxuries I got when I used to live in Michigan was having access to CBC on basic cable. Back then at least, their Olympics coverage was 90+% sports a
  9. Well ya know.... But really- Also - it occurred to me as I was watching it on Sunday is that one of the things I appreciate most about this show is how there's no gap between seasons. We pick up right where we left off. So many shows (Dexter comes to the top of my mind) would benefit from this approach. Cliffhanger to end a season; immediate consequences & fallout to start the new one.
  10. The cold open from the near future (1 year) was pretty fantastic, too. Would be interesting if they keep that up all season - giving us glimpses into what the end will look like.
  11. What happened at PSU was horrible, but I don't see how killing the program is going to make anything better.
  12. Thank you for that article. I was looking for numbers like these: It sounds like a significantly more widespread problem than I thought.
  13. This is what I was getting at. Are we talking a few thousand people or a few million people? You need an ID to cash a check, drive a car, pick up a fucking will-call ticket. I suspect the vast, VAST majority of people in the US have some form of valid ID -- and for those who don't, making it a free (or very cheap) & simple process shouldn't be impossible. I realize that some folks who are pushing these laws are doing it for political purposes, but this is a case where I don't see it as a drastic infringement of our constitutional rights to have to show an ID. In fact, I've alway
  14. I would like to see some actual stats, because showing an ID when I go vote doesn't seem like a horrible inconvenience.
  15. Oh yeah? Well Barack and I are br0s... at least that's what his daily (and sometimes hourly) emails want me to think.
  16. I would like all the tax cuts repealed. Let's be responsible for a change.
  17. And I can't wait to watch the debates between the two of them and see Romney try to attack Obama for doing almost exactly what he did in MA. Good luck with that one.
  18. But President Obama would veto it anyway...
  19. I found this to be a good read on the Roberts opinion and how it'll affect future legislation. http://www.scotusblog.com/2012/06/sometimes-labels-matter-why-the-anti-injunction-act-didnt-preclude-judicial-consideration-of-the-individual-mandate/
  20. Honestly, I don't have the stomach for re-arguing this debate. The ACA is far from perfect (I'd rather have a single payer system), but there are a bunch of good things in the bill (no rejections due to preexisting conditions, no annual/lifetime caps on coverage, young adults can be covered by their parents plan until 26, expanded medicare coverage, etc). The mandate/penalty is the means by which those other things are possible. The fee only applies to people who can afford coverage, but choose to not buy it. I don't know the exact income level where that distinction is made, but I'm sure
  21. Pleasantly surprised by the ruling. Everyone seemed to be leaning to the mandate getting struck down.
  22. Not to me. First of all, it would have only applied to people who were kids (under 16) when their parents brought them into the country illegally. And it would only apply to people who've been here at least 5 years, graduated high school, gone to college or served in the military, and had a clean criminal record. It's not a reward -- it's saying if you were brought here as a kid and have been a good citizen in every other way since then, we're not going to punish you for the actions of your parents. Unless you consider the absence of an unearned punishment a reward.
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