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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. anyone who demonizes public school teachers is an asshole, by definition. they are some of the hardest working, least respected individuals I have ever met. "simplistic cartoon" indeed.
  2. Sorry guys. Wish it didn't turn out like this, but a 7:1 money advantage is hard to overcome. Let's just keep the good guy in the WH come November.
  3. Right, but that's kind of the point. You can have a perfectly fine literal translation of the text that sounds bad (like IMO this is), or an interpreted translation by a Spanish-speaking songwriter/poet that works better. And the fact that Tweedy's obviously not comfortable with the language doesn't help.
  4. I'd be shocked if Walker doesn't win. Yes polls fall into that range, but most I've seen show Walker with a comfortable lead. Hopefully all you WI dems get out there and prove me wrong.
  5. I agree Jules -- but who is intentionally misleading the American public here? Republican politicians and their media echo chamber is who. People only believe this BS because they're being told that's how it works.
  6. wow, Henry's story is indeed tragic... and not terribly uncommon, either. http://henrygranju.org/watch-henrys-story/ Glad the Tweedys made me aware of this charity.
  7. But it's ok since they're job creators. The more money they have in their personal bank accounts, the more people they will employ. Didn't you know that's how business works?
  8. So you think we should invade. How macho of you.
  9. Again, what more do you think we should be doing? We've imposed economic sanctions & diplomatic pressure on Syria. We're negotiating with the Russians and Chinese for them to impose their own sanctions and stop preventing the UN from taking action. What else would you like to see us do? Do you want us to go it alone and invade like a certain other president (that you don't like people mentioning) did? Again, it's tragic what's going on in Syria... but in no way is it worth another war, and certainly not in isolation. This shit happens all the time; the world is a terrible place some
  10. I'm all ears for how you think the situation should be handled differently, Master Obi-Wan.
  11. What's happening in Syria is tragic... but with China and Russia blocking any UN-backed military action, I'm not sure what more the administration can do. Increasing diplomatic pressure is about the only tool they have to work with right now.
  12. Or calling people sheeple. Just love that. Speaking of which, where's Sparky?
  13. I'm a fan of Obummer, personally.
  14. I've found that using belittling nicknames does wonders for convincing people to support your cause.
  15. The very next line literally made me lol... “What’s been the most fun to me, over the years, is that you can have 15 minutes of static and drone on a record, and somehow that’s less aggravating to people than a duet with Feist.” spoken as one who'd take drone over You And I
  16. You know this is going viral and they'll be on Ellen & there will be copycats galore, etc... but this is pretty cool nevertheless. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=5_v7QrIW0zY
  17. Yep... Diamond Rugs, Lucero & JTE have been my highlights of 2012 so far. And I was most disappointed with the new Delta Spirit. Not that it's all that bad, just pretty generic sounding.
  18. Yeah, I was going to mention that... and the 3 states that did worse than MA got hit by hurricane Katrina. And the things he did in MA that are commendable -- most notably RomneyCare -- he's distanced himself from. It's funny how the guy who wants the top political/public service position in the country only wants to talk about his private industry experience. GWB showed us that being successful in business doesn't necessarily translate into how well you run the country... though it does indicate the direction you'd take -- more business tax cuts, more deregulation, fewer environmental pr
  19. this kid sounds better than gaga http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5ftgv3BHd0
  20. jealous, jealous, jealous... a dream setlist from them.
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