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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Even if you dislike Nels' playing, you can't ignore the impact he's had on the band. He's such a force, especially live, that he has influenced and evolved Wilco's music tremendously. You can say he sucks / they suck now and still agree with that statement.
  2. What you describe isn't an "artist" in my opinion. It's a media whore. Sorry... a World Famous, Provocative Media Whore. The best evah!
  3. This is going to be a long election season.
  4. Can't decide what I like best about that cover: - that they made Hall & Oats sound good? - that she whips out a surprisingly great kazoo solo in the middle? - that they did this while driving along in their van.
  5. Just stumbled upon this one... an excellent Elliot Smith-like version of UT's Gun.
  6. Yeah, this ain't gonna happen. But we can all dream.
  7. "We’re going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share. In theory, some of those loopholes were understandable, but in practice they sometimes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing, while a bus driver was paying ten percent of his salary, and that’s crazy. [...] Do you think the millionaire ought to pay more in taxes than the bus driver or less?" - Ronald Reagan in '85, months before he signed the '86 Tax Reform Bill which, among other things, eliminated the special rate for capital gains, taxing them the same as
  8. People need good paying jobs. And since companies won't hire them until demand for their goods & services increases (which I completely agree with, btw), then who's left to hire them? That's right, the goddamned evil government.
  9. 18,000 LA douchebags. Bad acoustics (although I guess it's significantly better than before). Horrible LA traffic to get there (I live in orange county). Sad to say, but I'll probably pass on this one if that's the only venue they're playing down here.
  10. That's funny. I don't recall too many other on the right running with that particular complaint about Obama's paper clip, though.
  11. of all the stupid "controversies" this ATM thing might take the prize for being the dumbest.
  12. Yeah, I'm not all that interested in seeing them at the Hollywood Bowl.
  13. The meth epidemic sucks, but it gave us the brilliance of Breaking Bad... so I guess it's all good.
  14. Yep, same here. Lifelong Catholic and I realize that what my Church tells me isn't what my government should tell me (or frankly, care about).
  15. To be honest, I think it'll hurt him more than help him. Put it this way, do you think any Romney voters are going to suddenly support Obama now because he's in favor of gay marriage? Not likely. I think Obama is more likely to lose (some, not a lot) support from religious democrats and independents, especially in the black and latino communities. It probably won't be significant, though, as those voters still have many reasons to stay with Obama, even if they disagree with him on this issue.
  16. I think it's safe to put WV into the "impossible to lose" category for Romney.
  17. That's the saddest thing I've read in a long time. damn.
  18. I think it would be an uphill climb just finding a producer/director willing to take on the project, simply because of the inevitable comparisons to IATTBYH.
  19. Not sure if that's a joke or not, but I was referring to Skrillex getting #100 -- the first "page" of the article. edit... didn't see the subsequent clarification.
  20. Yep, these lists are not intended to gain credibility; they're for generating page views. And they obviously think putting a controversial pick on page 1 will do that for them. I hope they fail, because it's pretty insulting to the hundreds of skilled guitarists for whom an argument could be made for deserving to be on a top 100 list like this one.
  21. Also realize you don't have to be 1st in line to be in the front row.
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