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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. So you condemn an entire continent as a "hellhole" based on one visit. That's logical.
  2. Lucero is opening for the DBTs these 2 dates? Wow, that'll be insanely great!
  3. *sigh* indeed. at least he's still involved with Soul Asylum. and the irony of that name - Soul Asylum - just hit me.
  4. You really don't want anyone to take you seriously, do you?
  5. Yep. We'll see how much the House wants to get something passed, as their only realistic option is to pass the Senate bill as-is. I suppose they could try to race it thru before the election results are certified, but I suspect that would go over really, really poorly with the avg person.
  6. ^^^ pipe dreams, on both sides. If the Republican wins, I suspect the House will pass the Senate's version of the health bill, bypassing the need for a Senate vote. Still a shitty outcome, but I doubt they'll allow a loss in MA kill the whole thing. But I could be wrong. These are Democrats, after all.
  7. So much for the Fox position being an effective platform for her to establish credibility.
  8. not sure if it's been mentioned here but if you text "HAITI" to 90999, $10 will be donated to the American Red Cross for the Hati relief effort (charge will appear on your phone bill). quick & easy way to send a little cash to the effort.
  9. well hey it's gettin' late you gotta get the kitten fed you gotta kiss the little woman put the children in the bed check the sports and weather and the livin' and the dead you don't have to read the headlines you can hear what Johnny Carson says. old fart here
  10. (yeah, it's been done a dozen times before, but this one is quite funny)
  11. And I would now agree. Which is precisely why I've been reluctant to make my best-of for the last decade... there's obviously a ton of great stuff out there that I've yet to discover. for the record, kudos to PoppTodd for including Guitar Romantic on his best-of-00's list here. Think I might check out a couple of his other suggestions...
  12. damn, another one... and Mythbusters! How the hell did I forget about Mythbusters?!? (edit: and Deadliest Catch... and Everest...) Lately, with very few exceptions like Dexter and Breaking Bad, non-fiction is much more appealing to me on TV than fiction.
  13. some of you guys are making me re-think my list, namely w/rt "reality" shows I love, such as: Top Chef Survivor Amazing Race Project Runway The First 48 Intervention Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations Good Eats
  14. Just heard about these guys a few days ago. I'm hooked. Such a shame we'll never hear anything from them again.
  15. ^ yeah, I love Dave, but name-calling like that comes across as petty, childish and unnecessary.
  16. The clip referenced in the blog post is available here. It's Patton Oswalt going off on Jay Leno, comparing him to Richard Nixon, of all people. (it'll probably get pulled, as the first clip did)
  17. A little bit too heavy on the gossip, IMO. My impression from what's been released so far is that it's a lot of stuff from anonymous sources. That's fine in small doses, but I don't think I could take an entire book that's sourced like that. What Schmidt said on 60 mins resonates much more with me because at least he's willing to stand behind his version of the story. Other "insiders" of the various campaigns who've aired their dirty laundry for this book should take notice.
  18. I'll stick with 9.5... Breaking Bad Cheers Dexter The Office Seinfield The Simpsons The Sopranos St. Elsewhere Star Trek: The Next Generation (Eureka)
  19. My understanding is that the ratings for Leno's show itself, while not stellar, are pretty much what everyone expected. What wasn't expected was the negative impact his show was going to have on local news at 11pm (down approx 30% on avg). People seem to be used to getting their Leno fix and turning in for the night, regardless of what time he's on.
  20. Now that would be a funny twist... if NBC decides to buy out Leno and he jumps to Fox instead of Conan.
  21. Actually, one could argue that it is. The reason for all this coming to a head is because NBC affiliates are experiencing an average 30% drop in ratings for their 11pm news since his show began. Less viewers at 11pm means less available viewers at 11:35pm, too.
  22. Yes, loads of fun! Another game that I enjoy... but def. much riskier. encrypted chat FTW! Learned that lesson a few yrs ago while on a "difficult" project with a "difficult" client who we learned was snooping in on our IM conversations.
  23. This is tough because all bands I know well enough to have a strong negative opinion of were at least great at one point in time (U2, REM, GnR, etc.). Whoever suggested American Idol was on the right track, I think. Not necessarily for anything musical, but if it wasn't for that show we would never have had to endure Simon Cowell, Ryan Seacreast, or the unholy return of Paula Abdul!
  24. GtrPlyr really nailed it. All 'mats journeys must start with the holy trinity, in any order... then you move up or down the catalog, depending on what you like about those middle 3. And if Folker has made you want to hear more from Westerberg, then Stereo/Mono and Come Feel Me Tremble are the next places to go. S/M is a truly GREAT album and one of my alltime faves - it came at a perfect time in my life (and Westerberg's, as it was the opening salvo in his late career renaissance). 49:00 was also classic Paul - flawed greatness - but it should be pointed out that you won't be able to f
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