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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Not really... supply & demand. At least you "get" to go to a 2nd game instead of them just jacking up the prices for these games. I agree it's annoying - I won't do it (unless I had planned on going to the 2nd game already).
  2. wow - you're the first person I've seen say this. I personally love 'em.
  3. YES! I hate that with a passion! Not like it's a difficult thing to understand, either... like you said just drop the "___ and" and that's the pronoun to use.
  4. Kudos to Joyce for at least admitting he blew the call. http://wxyt.cbslocal.com/2010/06/03/jim-joyce-right-after-he-robbed-armando-galarraga-of-a-perfect-game/
  5. You wonder if MLB will reverse the call retroactively. They did it for George Brett w/ his "illegal" pine tar bat way back when... this is a much more valid case for reversal.
  6. I half-agree. Jingle is indeed a crappy intro, but Folker isn't what I'd call a great album. It's an ok album with a couple of great songs and a lot of bleah in between, imo.
  7. Without a doubt it's The Hold Steady for me. I've tried a bunch of times to get into them and, despite the fact that he seems like a cool enough guy in interviews, I just can't get past Finn's "singing" style. The band is pretty great, though.
  8. also very common this time of year: "Congradluations!" Which can be an ok little pun for a graduation card, but the problem is that people see this and think it's the correct spelling for use all year long.
  9. I understand there's some coastal property that could probably be picked up for a bargain right about now.
  10. I used to home brew before my kids were born. Got pretty good at it - great hobby if you enjoy flavorful beer. Will return to it eventually, just tough right now to find time for it.
  11. Funny, at the time I was shopping, Mitsu's were considered the cream of the crop for HDTVs. I have an 8 or 9 yr old 51" Toshiba DLP HDTV that I've never had to replace the bulb (or anything) on. It's on probably 6-8 hrs/day, and has been shipped cross country once (professionally) as well as two cross-town moves (where we clumsily moved it ourselves). The thing is simply rock-solid. Too much so... I'd like an excuse to upgrade!
  12. The Hives-Declare Guerre Nucleaire (Veni Vidi Vicious) Husker Du - Something I Learned Today (Zen Arcade) Lucero - Smoke (1372 Overton Park) Minutemen - D's Car Jam / Anxious Mo-Fo (DNOTD) Paul Westerberg - Baby Learns to Crawl (Stereo) Pixies - Debaser (Doolittle) Replacements - Kids Don't Follow (Stink) Sinead O'Connor - Jackie (The Lion and the Cobra)
  13. I assume this part from the article above refers to your book:
  14. Westerberg's 'Postcards From Paradise' cover on Stereo
  15. I agree that zero tolerance policies sometimes have unfortunate results - as it may be the case there. But again, this is a situation where we don't know the whole story. Maybe this kid (in addition to be autistic) has a history of violence or lashing out at his teacher? Not that I'm an expert on the condition, but I'd imagine that even an autistic 14 yr old is capable of being a dangerous threat.
  16. I agree we don't know the whole story... but the kid is FIVE. I can't imagine a scenario where a five year old is so "bad" that the best course of punishment is to have him fake-arrested and handcuffed like this.
  17. I shudder to think what this mom is going to do when this kid breaks a window playing ball...
  18. Your friends sound a little bit like my friends, but they should respect your decision to not get hammered. you're turning 40 after all, not 21. You probably shouldn't have even mentioned it to them and just dealt with it that night - milking drinks, saying you have a headache, etc. But I agree with what was said before about finding a friend to watch out for you in case they get you tipsy and then take advantage of that. but then again, if that's a real concern for you, you might want to skip it in the first place.
  19. GPs who can't identify scabies. Make that 3 GPs who missed it. After carrying around this "poison oak" for months, I've successfully infected my entire family. Good job, guys (and gals).
  20. a little surprised I'm the first to vote for Please be Patient with Me...
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