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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. I also love using IM during conference calls. you can bitch about your boss/coworkers in cognito with your (trusted) friends in real time!!
  2. I find IM in work situations to be a wonderful tool. It's more immediate than email, but not nearly as intrusive as a phone call or a face-to-face conversation. I don't have to stop what I'm doing to respond to your IM - I can do other work while keeping the window in the background, only re-engaging in the conversation when it's a convenient time (but usually within a minute or so). I can also carry multiple conversations at the same time. Try doing any of that with a phone call or face-to-face chat. Granted, I'm a professional geek (software developer/consultant) - so it's pretty much
  3. this might help with the plot: But seriously, it's a very good movie. Everyone talks about the special effects because most of the movie is computer-generated... and done exceptionally well. What the main story line may lack in originality is more than compensated by the stunning visuals. It's one of those movies where it's worth the $ to see in a theater (3D, if possible) as opposed to waiting for dvd/blu-ray.
  4. I think so, as long as he's not overly sensitive about loud noises, etc. and you're not overly sensitive about violence. There's nothing terribly "bad" in it in terms of sex, nudity, etc. and the language isn't bad at all (at least as far as I can remember). But it IS an action movie at the end, so there are a lot of explosions, fighting, people dying (though not gory), etc. Nothing much worse than what you'd see in a Star Wars movie, if that helps. 8 is right on the cusp, though... I don't think my 6 yr old is ready. edit: found this content review http://www.kids-in-mind.com/a/avatar
  5. and yes, I've noticed a lot of feline avatars 'round here lately. Well, y'all play 2nd fiddle to this bitch. http://www.vancouversun.com/health/Retriever+saves+year+from+cougar+attack+Boston/2401815/story.html
  6. how'd ya know? well, at least part of his face is hidden behind that nest.
  7. That's true, but not entirely relevant. There's a big difference in brevity between "one thousand nine hundred ten" (7 syllables) and "nineteen ten" (3 syllables), but not quite as big of a difference between "two thousand ten" (4 syllables) and "twenty ten" (3 syllables). The correct comparison IMO are the years 1009, 1010, etc... was it "one thousand nine, one thousand ten" or "ten oh nine, ten ten, etc." FWIW, I find that I read 2010 as "twenty ten" but if someone were to ask me the year I would say "two thousand ten."
  8. heh. actually, the more I think about it, I think it's a pretty good example of the OP's point/question. I wouldn't go as far as calling the lyrics AWFUL, but there's nothing really special there (aside from "liberty is a lie" I suppose)... but yet the song is one of the greatest, most gut-wrenching performances ever.
  9. hmm... truly great song? absolutely. AWFUL lyrics? not quite awful, but the song certainly doesn't read well. Unsatisfied Look me in the eye Then, tell me that I'm satisfied Was you satisfied? Look me in the eye Then, tell me that I'm satisfied Hey, are you satisfied? And it goes so slowly on Everything I've ever wanted Tell me what's wrong Look me in the eye And tell me that I'm satisfied Were you satisfied? Look me in the eye Then, tell me I'm satisfied And now are you satisfied? Everything goes Well, anything goes all of the time Everything you dream of Is right in front of you
  10. One word: unobtainium. Are you effing kidding me? That sounds like something my six yr old would come up with. Basically, if you've seen Dances with wolves (or a dozen other similar movies) you already know 75% of the plot. That being said, the visuals are stunning and it is definitely one of those movies you really should see on the big screen. The predictable script didn't detract from my overall enjoyment of the movie.
  11. Depends where you live and how narrow your taste in music is. Here in the LA area, you could see quality live music pretty much every night of the week, and definitely someone "big" and "good" is around at least once a month. I would imagine the same is for any other major metro area.
  12. "Person of the Year" isn't necessarily a good thing. People like Hitler and Stalin have won the title in the past. It's just meant to recognize the person who was most influential and/or notable in the news that year. And yeah, from what I've read, Bernanke is going to have a tough time getting re-upped. Bernie Sanders has said he'll block his nomination personally.
  13. no, but the plan has been adjusted now to have all combat forces out of Iraq by the end of 2011.
  14. again, if that's the impression you got then you weren't really listening carefully to what he actually said. I just did a quick search and came up with this article from last summer, right in the midst of the pres. campaign: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/07/15/obama.iraq/index.html so you're right about his promised timeline for Iraq withdrawal not being met, and that's a legit beef. But to think that he was opposed to all war is just inaccurate - he consistently talked about finishing the fight, etc. in Afghanistan.
  15. To be accurate, he never said he was against "war" in general. He was opposed to the war in Iraq, as he thought it was unnecessary in the first place, but he consistently said that the war in Afghanistan was where our focus should have remained all along. I'm not thrilled with the plans to escalate the war, but it comes as no surprise to me.
  16. My "it's just a show" moment was when Dexter magically transported himself into the detached garage (and into the coffin no less) in less than 5 secs with the SWAT team surrounding/breaking into Trinity's house. How the hell could he have pulled that off?
  17. extended version of the interview that aired right after the finale: http://www.sho.com/site/dexter/interview.do
  18. Yep, that's what I was thinking as well. Not to mention that there will undoubtedly be an internal investigation about how Trinity's DNA got planted at the trucker's house. It'll come down to Masuka vs. Dexter... and Masuka knows about Rita's "affair" with the neighbor. Having her dead (or missing) now will make Dexter a person of interest. Quinn already thinks he's up to something - all they need is Angel to remember having seen Trinity at the station before. Bring up the surveillance video and boom, there's Dexter talking to Trinity. He's going to be in a big mess next season, no matte
  19. "Dead Kennedys" always seemed like a rather tasteless name for a band... and fittingly so.
  20. was this true when AGIB won?
  21. but if you've been reading here then many of season 4's surprises and twists have been spoiled for you!
  22. I don't see what the big deal is... mostly lame, but it got a chuckle out of me.
  23. I also hate car salesmen... which is why I try to use auto brokers when possible. I did that for my first 2 cars and was happy w/ the results (few hundred bucks over invoice price, incl broker fees)... but I know they're not legal in some states (not sure why).
  24. Pretty much anything by Stone Brewing Co. is right up my alley... been on a real Ruination IPA kick lately.
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