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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Well, given that many/most of the songs mentioned here are not on that list, I think there's still plenty of room to discuss the topic.
  2. Well lookie here... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_songs_that_retell_a_work_of_literature
  3. First one to pop into mind is Paul Westerberg's "Crackle and Drag" (about Sylvia Plath - title taken from her final poem, "Edge") Also not sure how strictly you're defining "literary" but Lucero's "The Devil and Maggie Chascarillo" is based on the character in the Love and Rockets comic series.
  4. every time I hear this, I can't get over how young Westerberg sounds in this song... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDZdqA_BWac
  5. eh... he gave the kids a thrill - something they'll remember for the rest of their lives. I don't begrudge him for that.
  6. No mention of Prop 8 being overturned? No mention of Elena Kagan's confirmation? No mention of AZ's 1070 partial repeal? No mention of the Oil Spill for a few weeks now? Are we all just exhausted of all the political BS going on? (I know I am) I found this Daily Show clip especially poignant: http://www.thedailys...?xrs=share_copy
  7. ^^^ absolutely can't wait for season 5. Looks like it's going to be one hell of an intense season, possibly bringing us the conclusion of the series. If not this season, then next - I really don't see them continuing on for much longer. I must say I'm a little disappointed that they didn't have Dexter clean up the scene before the cops arrive - but this storyline with them discovering a not-quite-Trinity kill of his wife in his house will definitely create a lot of external pressure on Dexter. I just hope they don't rehash some of the old plotlines and make Quinn behave like the next Doak
  8. Lost Coastlines - Okkervil River Effigy - Uncle Tupelo Fuck School - The Replacements Hand Me Down - The Wallflowers Handshake Drugs - Wilco Blood Bank - Bon Iver Terms of Psychic Warfare - Husker Du Wreck of the Old 97 - Woodie Guthrie Sadly Beautiful - The Replacements Mr. Mudd and Mr. Gold - Steve Earle
  9. They put up the finalists for the photo contest... some great pics here: http://solidsoundfestival.com/contest/finalists
  10. I take "flawless to you" to mean those albums where you not only love every song, but every moment of every song. "Flawless to you" as in you wouldn't change a thing on it, not necessarily note-for-note musical perfection.
  11. funny - I was coming in to post this one, which I love. A friend recently turned me onto these guys... great, great band.
  12. I was pretty disappointed with the remastering done for the Replacements reissues. All they seemed to do was make the tracks louder, with less range. Someone analyzed them when they came out and showed the differences... can't find the link, though.
  13. back left and i'm a righty. seems to work for me - pull it out & open with the left, use the right to retrieve whatever you're looking for. I usually wear jeans, so the front pocket is a pretty uncomfortable location. I only do that during concerts or when I'm standing in a crowded bus/train - situations where there's a lot of incidental bumping and the pickpocketing chances are higher.
  14. But if the Ghana player hadn't taken the obvious dive to draw the penalty (also "cheating" in my book), they wouldn't have had those chances in the first place. Had they scored in those final seconds, would you be complaining that they won because they cheated - or, rather, that cheating gave them an opportunity to win the game?
  15. Recently played the Cowboy Junkies "Trinity Session" from '89/'90-ish and I'm not sure I'd change a single thing on that album...
  16. Don't be so ignorant. I bet he posts this stuff on many Internet message boards.
  17. a few based on what I have loaded into itunes: Afghan Whigs - Black Love The Black Lips - Los Valientes del Mundo Nuevo Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago The Hives - Veni, Vidi, Vicious Husker Du - Zen Arcade Lucero - 1372 Overton Park Minutemen - Double Nickles on the Dime TV On The Radio - Dear Science Paul Westerberg - Stereo Wilco - YHF & AGIB
  18. Last night's season finale was just phenomenal. At first, I thought Walt really was selling out Jesse - but that was a brilliant move to trick Mike into letting Walt call him to take care of Gale. Gus showed that he's willing to play hardball if he needs to, as did Walt. How are they going to work together again? One also wonders what this is going to do to Jesse's mental state... he really, really didn't want to do that, but he knew it was the only thing to keep Walt (and himself) alive. You know it's a good show when you're pissed that it's over... I don't want to have to wait until n
  19. My kids (4 & 6) can't get enough Ramones these days, especially these tracks: Howling at the Moon (Sha-La-La) Do You Remember Rock 'N' Roll Radio? Rockaway Beach Sheena Is a Punk Rocker Cretin Hop Blitzkrieg Bop Rock 'N' Roll High School
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