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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. I could possibly see Jeff & Jay doing a one-off acoustic "set" of a handful of songs at some random charity event that they both believe in... but a full-on UT reunion? It'll never happen -- those kind of shows only take place when the careers of the individual musicians have stagnated and they all need the money - and that's certainly not the case for Jeff w/Wilco and Jay w/Son Volt. If & when that happens (years from now), the money would be in a Wilco reunion tour, not UT.
  2. I'm no surgeon, but severing a nerve to remove a cyst sounds like a little more than just a "less than perfect" outcome. If my livelihood was jeopardized by a mistake like that, I'd also be inclined to sue. For the doctor's sake, I hope he explained that this was a possible complication of the surgery and Braden knew the risks going into the procedure.
  3. http://www.bloomberg...-loopholes.html I would argue that this form of corporate fraud is very much built into the system as well, but nobody is going to jail for it because it's all perfectly legal.
  4. I'll stop calling them "Teabaggers" when they stop calling the healthcare reform act "Obamacare"
  5. Saw this posted on the PW board... someone just upped a few Replacements videos from '83, when they were apparently opening for X. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MW1E1XwDMJE&feature=player_embedded Love watching the old stuff. I think Tommy is about 17 here.
  6. ^ No doubt. Although, to Johnny Knoxville's credit (he was/is an actual fan of the band), I think more people have been introduced to their music from Jackass than by any other means. This one might be my favorite all time Minutemen performance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAmQlXUtcG0
  7. Doesn't it just depend on what your default sort settings are (at least in iTunes)? Mine changes depending on whether I'm sorted by album, date added, title, # plays, rating, etc.
  8. Survival of the fittest, fuck everyone else. It works magnificently well in the animal kingdom; should be fine for me and my fellow Americans. Some days I wish we could give Libertarians their own state and let them have at it. None of that evil federal funding for bullshit like welfare, public education, medicare/medicaid for the poor/elderly, social security for those who never made enough to sufficiently save for retirement, etc., etc. All those like-minded folks could move there and enjoy that Utopian life of every man for himself. Hell, I'm sure the ones who survive would be happy
  9. That was my point. Dress respectfully (doesn't have to be fancy - just not sloppy) and act respectfully and people will treat you in kind.
  10. Tip for Americans... be polite, smile a lot, and don't expect people to speak English to you. Also keep the jeans, shorts & t-shirts at home. Despite it's reputation for rudeness, we met wonderfully kind and helpful people in Paris -- I think simply because we weren't the typical obnoxious American tourists (yes, they stick out like a sore thumb). You reap what you sow.
  11. Unless Jack Black has dropped about 50 lbs since the last time I saw him, I think Jeff would be a little offended at the suggestion. (but he could totally do it) maybe Dominic Monaghan for Pat? Hair is close and Pat's been sporting a beard recently, hasn't he?
  12. the only thing wrong with that song is John's whiny vocals... but oh-man-oh-man, they're a killer for me. Indeed. Now if the OP was actually referring to "Grandad's Little Ditty" from Primus' Sailing the Seas of Cheese, then they might have a case...
  13. my idiot tourist moment was when we did a Europe trip in '98 and made a special stop in Milan just to see da Vinci's "The Last Supper" -- only to find out that it was in the process of being restored and therefore unavailable. Something we could have easily figured out with a single phone call / check of the website. It was quite a National Lampoon's Vacation moment. (In case you're wondering, if da Vinci's stuff isn't available and you're not into high-end Italian fashion (we weren't) there isn't a whole hell of a lot to do in Milan. At least that was our impression... luckily we were
  14. Hell, you can win millions in foreign lotteries via email, so why shouldn't you be able to be sued via email, too?
  15. Not to be mean, but I don't think Mr. Fox could successfully play a drummer these days.
  16. Ahh the C-64, my first (& favorite) computer of all time. Thanks to my generous-yet-cheap dad & a subscription to Compute's Gazette, I learned how to code on that computer. (He bought me the computer but wouldn't buy me any games, so I had to code them "myself" -- by typing programs in from the magazine. Thanks to the inevitable typos and learning-by-osmosis, I eventually learned the syntax and how to do some some basic algorithms.) 64K of memory... "More than anyone could possibly need" Yes, I am prone to romanticizing things.
  17. this would likely change on a weekly basis, but if I think I'm about to croak today I'd ram in: Minutemen - Double Nickles on the Dime Paul Westerberg - Stereo/Mono Wilco - Summerteeth
  18. 91.7% Correct. damn... why can't I play guitar for shit? edit: I think they're confusing "World-class musical abilities" with "you're able to listen carefully"
  19. For Jeff's sake (and let's face it - for many of us facing the same situation), here's hoping he/we bald like and not
  20. very cool . another alternative when Pandora, iTunes, etc. become tiresome -- definitely bookmarked.
  21. Might be worth checking out.... Deep Breakfast is the one I tend to enjoy the most.
  22. great topic. I had a roommate in college who was really into new age music (and prog rock). While I hated most of what he played, I developed a fondness for some of Ray Lynch's work. I play the following 3 albums on a semi-regular basis -- at least once every few months. Very bubbly, light & mysterious -- puts me in a great mood. I have yet to come across anything else called "new age" that has the same effect on me...
  23. "Blips and Beeps and Drum Machine Beats" would be an awesome album title.
  24. http://www.youtube.com/user/tippexperience
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