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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Common problem with a simple solution. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvcM9g4k_YI
  2. ih8music


    I know people who commonly use "Caucasian-American" and "African-American" when talking about race -- talk about coming across as being ridiculously politically correct.
  3. Was just reading that Mike Tyson announced in Sept that he was starting P90X -- only to find out that he decided to quit because of travel. That's a shame, I'd love to see the progress that a once-stellar athlete like Tyson could make on the program.
  4. I despise of the idea of having to "opt-in" for core services like fire protection (does it apply to EMS & police coverage, too?) -- but why couldn't they have a policy in place where the homeowner would just be fined for the cost of putting out the fire? Pay $75/year or risk having to pay $5000 for your house to be saved (but it will be saved). Whoever came up with this law either didn't think it through or is one cold-hearted SOB.
  5. Great performance... http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/361309/october-06-2010/mavis-staples---jeff-tweedy---you-are-not-alone
  6. Same here. We've actually had to impose a "One Phineas & Ferb per day" rule at our house, 'cause that's pretty much the only thing they want to watch these days.
  7. I agree, although it was refreshing to see Dexter relate to people like people again. I guess he really needed that kill . Speaking of which, the "bad guy" he's currently stalking looks to be one of the weakest characters they've had yet. Why they felt the need to spread his role out over more than one episode, I don't understand.
  8. Especially since that comment came out of the ashes of Uncle Tupelo.
  9. This hurts me about as much as when I found out about Ted Nugent's political views... that is, not much at all.
  10. Actually, doesn't Craig Ferguson still use this as his theme? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36_9eUt4blQ
  11. maybe not the best, but I have to admit that I enjoy this one when my kids watch the show http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoFERECnYno
  12. I would have bolded all of those... especially Boyz N the Hood, American Beauty and The Shawshank Redemption, which are just fantastic movies.
  13. I'm taking the year off in hopes that my interest in it (and fantasy football) will be rekindled. For the past 2-3 years, fantasy sports has been more of an annoyance (and time suck) than something I enjoy. As for this NHL season... I'm a Sharks fan, so I have the usual "excitement-mixed-with-fears-of-almost-certain-disappointment" feelings headed into the season. Hopefully the NItty/Niemi duo will prove to be a constructive competition and not a distraction, and that the rest of the team can build from last season's mostly-good run.
  14. Finally checking this out, listening on headphones... eargasm!
  15. I love the technique for getting motivated, gogo -- whatever works, works. Congrats on the great results so far & I wish you the best of luck continuing the journey. My story is kinda the opposite. I was always an athlete through grade school, HS & college. Even after college when I started my career and stopped athletics, I managed to stay in decent shape for my 20s, mostly by being careful about what I ate. Although I progressively was getting flabbier due to reduced activity, I never really appeared "out of shape" at all. Then when I was in my late 20s, I suffered
  16. Apparently he's had substance abuse problems in the past, who knows what really happened. In any case, it's definitely a shame -- funny dude. R.I.P.
  17. I have no idea what to expect, nor what I necessarily want in the next album. I guess I hope it has good, genuine songs that aren't forced into being "different" or "harder" just for the sake of doing it, nor do I want anything overly "radio-friendly." If that means more rockish stuff or more cutting edge stuff, then fine... but if that means more soft, introspective, ballads from Tweedy that's fine, too. In WTA, it seems like they tried to cover all their bases, and a bunch of them fall flat to me. I can't listen to "You and I" because it seems like it was too much of a "here's a sweet
  18. I've given up trying to understand the rationale behind the RRHOF nomination & selection process.
  19. For me, it's late night snacking. I eat really well-balanced, sensible meals during the day, but if I'm up past midnight then chances are close to 100% that I'll have an extra beer or three, plus chips, salsa, etc. I've lost 8 lbs in the past 2 weeks doing little other than making sure I get to bed before 11 pm. Problem is, with my work schedule, it's really tough for me to turn in that early -- I have to make up for it by starting work at 5 am... and I am SO not a morning person.
  20. It really does, but that should not be a surprise -- you're working out 1-1.5 hrs a day, 6 days a week for 3 months. Pretty much any type of exercise you do with that regularity will give you results. But what's good about p90x is that it's a fairly well balanced workout between strength training & conditioning, and Tony Horton -- while he can be annoying at times -- is really good about coaching you through the workouts & showing how to adapt the exercises to your fitness level. I'm totally the same, which is why these 60/90 day programs are good for me. I plan out my work/worko
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