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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Not only News Corp.'s contributions -- because of course they only did that because the Republican tax policies would benefit their corporate bottom line -- their on-air contributors also had quite a bit of activity in this election cycle: but Olbermann's $7,200 was clearly over the top.
  2. Not the donations themselves, the fact that he didn't ask for (or receive) permission from NBC executives before making them. One wonders what their response would have been if he had asked... not like it's any secret what & who KO would support. It sounds more to me like a power struggle between Olbermann and MSNBC president Phil Griffin... the two have knocked heads in the past.
  3. Cool, thanks guys... I'll have to track it down and catch up. Finale disappointment notwithstanding, WL.
  4. This thread reminds me that I never tried out "Rubicon" after it premiered on AMC immediately following the Breaking Bad finale... I just checked out the AMC site and they're on episode 13 now (???). Did anyone try it out? Seemed to be a reasonably interesting premise, even if the first episode itself was a little plodding. (of course, I was likely still in shock from BB finale for the first 20 mins or so).
  5. well, that is the sole reason I eat asparagus every chance I get...
  6. A friend of mine works for directtv out here in el segundo. Every year, Showtime sends out some of their 2nd tier stars to their annual summer party. For 3 yrs now, they've sent two actors from Dexter -- and for each of those seasons, one of the two characters that was sent got killed (Rita, Miguel, Doakes). This year, they sent out Masuka & Quinn. Seems very plausible for the pattern to hold. (and apparently when they told the actors about this coincidence, they were not terribly amused...
  7. I've never tried it, but staring at a light like that when I wake up seems like it would just make me really, really angry for some reason.
  8. agree, that was refreshingly hilarious.
  9. I didn't care for the soap-opery "This is how I can help Lumen get through this" ending, either...
  10. Agreed on all counts. I ordered this one (before they apparently ran out this AM), but I'd love something more substantial... given that he tends to do these things in spurts, that's hopefully right around the corner.
  11. My morning coffee is what I call a poor man's latte - cup of hot milk, 2 or 3 tbsp of instant coffee, dash of honey. Makes instant coffee actually tasty. On weekends or when I have guests I break out the whole beans & my grinder. I typically buy beans from Costco and get either their French roast or espresso roast. If I'm going through the effort to brew, I want it bold and strong.
  12. I just spent the last few minutes watching some of that dude's "sermons" on youtube. Wow.
  13. I do find it amusing that apparently Obama is both destroying the very fabric of this country as we speak, as well as being completely ineffective and accomplishing nothing. That's some crazy voodoo shit.
  14. Yeah, loved following his site in the 2008 race... not so much fun this time around. But seriously, he's a great resource. It'll be interesting to see if his models hold up as well this time around, because he almost perfectly nailed the outcome in '08.
  15. Kind of OT, but need some advice... I used StubHub for the first time last week to get tickets to the Sharks-Ducks game down here in early Jan. Great seats for a great price... only issue is that they haven't arrived yet. They were supposed to be e-delivered on 10/22, just got an email yesterday from them saying that the STH hasn't uploaded them yet (but I'm guaranteed seats of equal/greater value or my money back if they cant do it). Just wondering if anyone has had similar issues with StubHub and when I should expect a resolution either way. These tickets are going to be used to tak
  16. and 300+ posts, no less!
  17. Indeed... there's about a .0001% chance of UT making the RRHOF.
  18. I was raised in the Bay Area and grew up a Giants fan -- spent many a cold summer night at the 'stick, still have a few Criox de Candlesticks laying around the house. I've drifted away from MLB over the years as I've drifted around the country, but it sure is nice to see the team doing so well. I gladly admit to being a bandwagon fan this postseason -- it's been a great ride so far. On paper it doesn't really look all that close - Rangers should take this. But, pitching wins championships -- and right now, despite how good the Rangers looked over the Yankees, I'd have to give that edge
  19. Agreed. The worst mainstream personal attack that was levied against Bush was that he's dumb (which, even Bush supporters must admit, he gave us plenty of opportunities to 'misunderestimate' his intelligence). It's too depressing for me to look up the latest numbers (because I'm sure they've only gotten worse), but I recall a poll over the summer that reported something like 60% of all Republicans either believe Obama is not a citizen or have serious doubts about his citizenship. That's beyond asinine.
  20. gotcha... missed the implied sarcasm.
  21. wtf? Nice personal shot. I was merely trying to explain why reunion tours happen in the first place. It's not because the band thinks their fans "deserve" it -- it's because they're at a point where they can (and usually need to) cash in on their legacy. The Pixies haven't been touring these last couple of years because they really love playing "Debaser" every 3rd night for the millionth time -- sorry to break the news to you.
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