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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. no kidding. it was sickening to watch the cars scramble out of the way of the wall of water. can't imagine how terrifying that must be.
  2. holy shit, they just showed the tsunami just tearing through a farming community. yikes
  3. live footage can be watched at http://jibtv.com/pro...een.aspx?page=0 looks like the tsunami has struck some coastal areas. lots of damage, but honestly it doesn't look as bad as you'd think for an 8.8 edit: that was definitely a premature statement on my part. looks like some very devastating damage in areas. definitely hope the people in these buildings got out safely.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41DlKiDvox0
  5. Rich people don't create jobs; economic demand creates jobs. Business only add new people if demand for their product/service increases beyond their current capacity. Aside from their personal staff (housekeepers, etc.) rich people don't create jobs at all. And let's not forget that businesses aren't there for charity; they exist first and foremost to create profit for their investors. Labor is an expense that eats away at profit -- businesses are often more concerned with removing jobs under the edict of "cutting costs" in the form of workforce reduction, outsourcing, automation, etc.
  6. That's the part I dislike the most about this thread. As important as what's going on in Wisconsin is, it isn't even remotely close to being on par with the revolutions taking place in the Middle East.
  7. ih8music


    Have you guys ever exchanged email directly? If so, and one of you (or a mutual friend who's been in contact with each of you) used the "friend finder" then that's how they inferred the connection. I had a similar thing happen to me recently when FB suggested the mom of one of the kids on my son's soccer team. We have absolutely nothing in common, no mutual friends, nothing. All that connects us in the vitrtural world is that we've both been on the same soccer team-related email list. I figure that someone along the way (i.e. one of the other parents) gave FB access to their address bo
  8. Could have sworn I heard the krautrock intro of Spiders used as bumper music for the Randi Rhodes radio show.
  9. Reporter Mike Tobin is the same dude who recently got "punched" during a live report. http://www.liveleak....=d2e_1298976953 and they wonder why people are chanting "Tell The Truth" and "Fox News Lies"
  10. I guess I must have misunderstood what you meant by "softest job on earth." btw, most K-12 teachers I know do have help in the classroom in the form of teacher's aides and parent volunteers -- still doesn't make their job "easy" any more than a prof with 100+ students who happens to also have to manage a team of TAs to execute the course properly. But I'll stop my side of the "senseless bickering" so we can refocus on the important debate -- whether posting articles in their entirety with little commentary really does anything productive.
  11. Why is it either/or for you? Did anyone say K-12 teachers are slugs? Like I said, my wife is a professor at a cal state university. Her base workload is 4/4 (4 classes, plus office hrs, each semester). She's also expected to conduct research and publish 2x/yr. She's also expected to participate in various university and community service groups, as well as attend at least 3 conferences per year. Her typical day starts at 8 am and ends at 11 pm (she teaches in the masters program so most of her classes are in the evenings), with extra time on the weekends when she can fit it in. Her su
  12. my wife teaches in the Cal State University system... I can assure you that you are mis-informed.
  13. I was thinking the exact same thing.
  14. I am always absolutely floored when I see someone on Fox (usually Shep Smith) so bluntly telling the truth to their viewers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuuUV94bOW0
  15. Lucero will be on Last Call with Carson Daly tonight @ 1:35am -- so set your DVR. :
  16. I agree that today, a worker does not need to be in a union in order to have a safe workplace. I also agree that without the power of organized labor, holding onto those safe workplace laws (aka "business-stifling government regulations") will be an increasingly difficult task. But here's where people need to be honest about the political ramifications of what Walker is attempting to do. In 2010, the top political contributions made by outside organizations (PACs, 501Cs, 527s) were: 1. US Chamber of Commerce $32,851,997 C 2. American Action Network $26,088,031 C 3. American Crossroa
  17. And the "this is our moment" stuff should leave no doubt that his goal is to bust the unions and that this has very little to do with the WI budget.
  18. Also the part about having considered planting "troublemakers" in the crowds, but decided to not do it for political purposes (apparently has no moral objection to the practice).
  19. Governor's office has apparently confirmed the call as legit. http://www.todaystmj.../116739254.html edit: the audio is up on youtube also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBnSv3a6Nh4
  20. I've given it a few tries now and I'm definitely in the blah camp.
  21. Even though I think he pulls it off pretty well, something's just wrong with Steve Earle doing reggae. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cF4rMuT1nso&feature=player_embedded
  22. Again, this is not about the unions being unwilling to consider a pay or pension cut -- it's about Walker trying to eliminate their right to collective bargaining. If he drops that part of it, this whole thing goes away.
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