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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Absofuckinglutely! They would be an ideal opener for Wilco, imo.
  2. goddamn... I know I've been obsessed with Lucero lately, but it's still a bit surprising that my top 50 in iTunes is 90% Lucero/Ben Nichols live & studio stuff!
  3. It's been a while since I used last.fm... but at this site, you join a "room" that has (usually) 5 DJs playing songs. Rooms are usually themed by genre, etc. You can like/dislike songs that get played & there's a chat feature to discuss the songs or whatever. If a song is rated too low (35%, I think) it gets skipped. DJs get points based on how well their songs are liked. that's about it, nothing elaborate... but pretty damn addicting if you get into an active room with good djs. edit: forgot to mention that anyone can be a DJ... you just have to wait for a spot to free up.
  4. There doesn't appear to be a "Via Chicago" one, though there are a couple of (empty) ones that are Wilco-themed. Funny, I was just on that site and bitching about the crappy options for the currently active rooms. I'll have time to "play" in a couple of hrs... but in the meantime, you can create one & hopefully others will join.
  5. ...and I hope he makes one stop in the LA area on his way back from Hawaii!
  6. I liked the performance, personally... missed it live, but thanks to YT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFIyx4EaIkk ... though I do agree that their debut on the CF show last year was spectacular http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0wyP8Ekt9w
  7. I think I only have 4 so far... 1) Middle Brother - S/T 2) Dawes - Nothing is Wrong 3) DBTs - Go-Go Boots 4) Frank Turner - England Keep My Bones
  8. I didn't care for the title until I saw that video. So "the whole love" is a detective term from when they're about to get a full confession? I've never, ever heard that phrase before... still not crazy about the title, but at least I'm now intrigued.
  9. Really? I hope a video surfaces, 'cause I'd love to see it. Every other HV battle I've seen (in person & on youtube) has been heavily lopsided in Nels' favor, and some have been downright embarrassing for Pat. He may be a better showman than Nels, but IMO his playing isn't even remotely close.
  10. Agree on all points. My favorite FotC song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtfQg4KkR88
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MX4NKNJytUM
  12. um, wow... can't imagine what song this Nelsgasm is headed for... http://vimeo.com/22425702
  13. I remember being THRILLED to pay $149 for a 150MB drive. Less than a buck a MB -- we were amazed how cheap it all was! Now you can get a 3TB drive for that much... absolutely mind-blowing.
  14. Yep -- 4 games, carrying over into next year if necessary. Good call.
  15. another good one from Mr. Turner
  16. Geez, sorry to hear... sounds rough. It's too bad you don't feel able to take the kids to the festival alone -- could be a good dad-only bonding thing for you -- but I understand it must be pretty crazy in your world right now. Best of luck.
  17. That is a great song with some truly heartbreaking lyrics. Wow. Thanks for sharing.
  18. Crappy way to end it on a fluky bounce, but that's the game. (Good thing Versus found that angle showing what happened with the puck -- I was getting really pissed when they made it sound like the refs blew yet another call and were just going to let it go). But the icing call at the end of regulation... Regardless, I'm glad SJ didn't roll over; proud of this team & they deserved to win as much as Vancouver did. Congrats to the Canucks, though -- beat those mf-ers out east, whoever it turns out to be.
  19. I think it's more a case of rolling 3 lines almost the entire season and having that catch up with them now. They actually got some quality minutes from their 4th liners in the last 2 games, but the rest of the team just dies come the 3rd period... they haven't played a decent third since early in the Detroit series. And yeah, dumb penalties killed them last game... but that's often a sign of a disjointed team struggling to keep up.
  20. I think the line that gets crossed is when an artist is more known for his/her politics than their music. I haven't been a fan of U2 since the first couple of albums so I don't follow their music much at all -- but right or wrong that seems to be the perception of Bono to the average person. Much of that I'm sure is by being vilified as the prototypical activist musician, but I think his willingness to be outspoken on many political causes/issues is at the root of it. I don't think Tweedy is anywhere close to being in Bono territory, at least not yet.
  21. I don't know if I'm ready to give it to Boston... I didn't watch the whole game, but the parts I saw I thought TB were outplaying them pretty handily, just couldn't get the pucks in the net (in a few cases due to TT's heroics). But I think TB still has a shot. Vancouver/SJ... yeah, I'm not feeling like a big comeback is in the cards for my beloved Sharks. Hopefully, they'll prove me wrong -- or, at the very least play 60 full minutes and go out with dignity.
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