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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Links would be frowned upon here as it is a rip of a commercial release and all... but GIYF.
  2. I just caught the last few minutes of the chat earlier today & missed the part about OSM being a one-take song. That's borderline unbelievable. wow.
  3. Yeah, you guys may very well be correct. Looking forward to the 'official' lyrics either way.
  4. Hmm.. could be. But calling religion "the long lie" sounds pretty rough coming from Jeff (I don't think he's an atheist, is he?). And if it's coming from the perspective of the singer (J.S.'s boyfriend, I assume), I don't get it either. If he's an atheist and doesn't believe in an afterlife, then why would he later say "I feel relief, I feel well / Now he knows he was wrong" -- wouldn't he simply think that his father is worm food? I guess "the long lie" could just be in reference to the version of Christianity that his father worshiped -- but again it seems like an awfully damning dismi
  5. I hear plenty of various noises in that section, but nothing I'd consider "awful" or characterize as a "squeaky squawk." I think we can all be reasonably sure that every sound on that track is there on purpose.
  6. dribbling? are you sure you're not thinking of aussie rules football? in that sport, the ball has to touch the ground at least once for every 10 (or 20 or 30?) meters run. Regardless, both are fantastic sports. I used to play a little rugby in high school for a small club we were starting -- wish I had stuck with it.
  7. Reading that review one wonders what it takes to get a 5/5 from that guy!
  8. Man, it's going to be tough - but I'll have to ignore that comment about them all being Rush fans. had a roomie once who played them 24x7. 'nuff said.
  9. I don't hear the first "that" but I think you're correct w/ the 2nd.
  10. I pretty much avoided TV/radio/etc all day yesterday. I'll never forget 9/11, but I had no desire to wallow in a day full of retrospective misery.
  11. Took my own stab at the lyrics. So wonderful... I've been so mesmerized by the music and the vibe of this song that I only caught a few lines here and there. But putting it all together and this is just magical. This is how I'll tell it Oh, but it's long One Sunday morning Oh, one son is gone I can see where they're dawning Over the sea My father said what I had become No one should be Outside, I look lived in Like bones in a shrine How am I forgiven Oh, I'll give it time He's silent without warning Holding my brow In time you thought I would kill him Oh, but I didn't know how I sa
  12. I certainly don't hate it -- it was my first "new" Wilco album and I absolutely loved it. That said, after exposing myself to everything else they had done up to that point, it settled into my 4th/5th favorite (and now with TWL it'll likely fall to 5th/6th). That's not a condemnation of SBS, but more a statement of how great the rest of their catalog is.
  13. I could totally be wrong, but the solo in Standing O sounds like it's Pat, or at the very least a Pat/Nels solo-battle. At least I can see him rocking it out at a live show.
  14. So assuming they're going to play both the ~7:00 Art of Almost and the ~12:00 One Sunday Morning on this tour, does this mean we've seen the end of the ~15:00 Spiders live freakout/rhythmic clapping lesson?
  15. One Sunday Morning is a fantastic album closer, but I'm not sure if I'd want to end the night on it. I am curious how they're going to work it into a live show. My guess is probably a mid-set tempo-changer, though it might even work better as an opener. It's definitely one hell of a mood-setter... I've been starting off my day all week listening to it.
  16. This is the closest we have for the font I use for email (Lucida Console). I really liked it when I switched over, but not so much now.
  17. "Standing O" reminds me a lot of "I'm a Wheel" -- a fun, simple tune that will work well in a live setting. Some would call that a throwaway, but I don't mind it at all.
  18. Was listening to the stream over my phone at various points today while doing some work around the house... but the stream kept dropping off so I never got the whole album experience. (Of course, I got to hear Art of Almost a bunch of times and it got better with each repeated play. ) But listening to the whole thing now with headphones on - and wow, just wow. This is the Wilco I love.
  19. I'm shocked at how much I'm enjoying this album.
  20. Glenn Campbell's Ghost on the Canvas on sale today for $3.99. He's said it will be his final album (was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's). Contributors include Paul Westerberg, Billy Corgan, Brian Setzer, Jakob Dylan, Chris Isaak, Bob Pollard, Dick Dale, Teddy Thompson, Keith Urban, Jimmy Webb & more. We're probably looking at a Grammy winner here.
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