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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. I have no idea about what happened w/ Max... but wasn't there a scene in IATTBYH where Jay laments his new diminished role now that Glenn has arrived and he & Jeff are collaborating so much now? I came away from that with the impression that he wasn't a fan of getting rid of Bob - but I could certainly be wrong. As for the Pat vs. Jay comparison: I love Pat, and yes they play many of the same instruments, but he's no Jay -- on the keys or on the guitar. To be fair, Pat isn't asked to play lead since Nels is there -- but I've never gotten the impression that he was even close to Jay as
  2. no one has mentioned Gene Wilder yet? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZ-aRwEbp5I (oh, I guess his Willy Wonka stuff would apply, also...)
  3. Dolly Parton (9 to 5, Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, etc.)
  4. a mellow banjo tune by one of the Avett Bros. nice song, but I don't get the point of this thread.
  5. aahhh... obnoxious memories of jr. high, when all the girls were desperate to write 1-4-3 on their pee chees and in their little love notes...
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnJfONKJZV8
  7. Wow, what time should I show up? I would love to get a Christmas feast like that. Unfortunately we're spending ours with the inlaws this year, who (aside from some awesome, albeit bought, traditional tamales) don't have a great track record for holiday meals. But there's always plenty of booze so I guess I don't mind all that much.
  8. This guy was clearly a rude asshole and undoubtedly said those things to intentionally hurt you. Uncalled for and indefensible -- and yeah, definitely would fit my definition of a "hostile workplace." That said, I think the comparison to Evangelical Christians is appropriate, and you might want to consider toning down your Wilco evangelism if it's gotten to that degree -- that is, repeatedly talking about your experiences with the band (i.e. trying to convert) to people who don't have the same, shared interest level. I used to work with a few born-again types and while I generally liked t
  9. It would be putting that album up on a pedestal, and I don't get the impression that the band thinks that's their shining moment. Also, as has been mentioned before, they've just released one of their best albums of all time. No need to turn their backs on the stellar new material.
  10. oh dear, that WAR ON CHRISTMAS is real!!!!! Happy Holidays, y'all!
  11. Because I'm young enough to be all pissed off But I'm old enough to be jaded I'm at the age where I want things to change But with age my hopes have faded I'm young and bored of being young and bored If I was old I could say I've seen it all before In short; I'm tired of giving a shit - Frank Turner, "Once We Were Anarchists"
  12. once upon a time, there was this great radio station in SF....
  13. Only if he/she is a bus driver or operates heavy machinery or something similar where your coworker's being high could result in someone getting injured or killed. Otherwise, I'd stay quiet and let your coworker deal with the eventual consequences of being high on the job. It'll catch up sooner or later. (Obviously, if you consider this person a friend this would be a good opportunity to intervene and help them get straightened out.)
  14. Excellent. Thank you - you put my mind at ease.
  15. Just found out that I have to be away from my computer tomorrow morning when tickets go on sale for the new LA date. I see that there's an app from LiveNation that appears to allow you to purchase tickets. Has anyone used this before?
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2S7ddl1tGg4
  17. "a handful of friends, one need a match, one needs some ice."
  18. not to be a dick, but the years seem to have taken their toll on Dulli. Will they even resemble the fury of the old Whigs -- or will they just be the Old Whigs?
  19. nostalgia and number threads converging... my youth cheering for the 'stillers' and their great LB duo:
  20. Should have picked the one of LT snapping Theisman's leg.
  21. I hear ya. Just some frustration on my part because Wilco is playing A TON of dates in the area, but I've been unable to commit to any of them for various reasons. I had planned on being pissed about having to miss this tour -- and then they announce a date that I can actually attend, only to find out that it's looking very likely to be exactly the Wilco experience I have little interest in. Oh well... I'll still (try to) get tickets & just hope I'm completely off base w/ my assumptions here.
  22. Was just looking up the venue for the new LA date on 1/27. I've never been to the Los Angeles Theater before... looks spectacular, BUT it looks like it's going to be a seated venue. Has anyone been to a concert there before? Those seats look too permanent for them to be easily removed. Talk about buzzkill - I have no desire to sit through a rock concert, nor do I want to get into arguments about it with my fellow concert-goers.
  23. Kinda interested to see what happens with GnR. Clearly, it's the original lineup that was inducted into the HoF -- yet you know that if it's left up to Axl he's going to be loyal to his current bandmates (as he probably should). And if the Hall tries to impose something on Axl that he really doesn't want, he's gonna walk.
  24. I only have 2 Wilco shirts right now, but I have a couple dozen from other bands. When I go see a band on tour, especially a band that seems to be just getting by and living out of a van, I try to buy at least a couple of shirts. (I guess it helps that I don't make it to shows as often as I used to!) The last Lucero concert I went to I bought 4 shirts for myself and 2 for my kids -- the girl at the merch booth was happy to say the least.
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