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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. I'm not thrilled with the realignment as it stands right now. Seems absurd that the conferences with only 7 teams have the least amount of travel (FL teams excluded). Also the geographical layout of the eastern conferences is unusual, to say the least. I'm also concerned about playoffs being a lot more predictable, at least as far as who gets in every year. If you're a Red Wings fan, you've got to be thrilled that your team no longer has to compete with SJ, VAN, ANA, COL, LA, PHX for a playoff spot. Those 7 team conferences where only 3 teams get eliminated are a joke. If the NHL is d
  2. Yay, I can actually make it to this show... hopefully I'll be able to get tickets this time.
  3. I need the smell of a real tree in order for it to feel like Christmas (luckily our allergies aren't bad). My parents went artificial trees a few yrs ago, and while they're nice to look at, it just doesn't have the same effect for me -- too perfect, symmetrical & evenly decorated. I like my trees to have character, require maintenance, and smell up the house... kinda like me!
  4. I made a pledge to one of the local NPR stations last year and got a big-ass coffee mug & a LA restaurant guide that I've yet to use (and likely never will). But Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me is so freaking funny that it's worth it.
  5. Glossary is a really, really good band. Long Live All of Us is very good, but it didn't captivate me on first listen nearly as much as their previous album, Feral Fire -- which is by far my favorite of theirs. (wow, old thread!)
  6. My wife and I have been married 16+ yrs. We had a relatively cheap wedding (we were young and had to pay for most of it). She regrets many of the decisions that we made to save money; I only regret that we hired a bad photographer. Try to think 5-10 yrs ahead and determine if you're the type that will regret the decisions you make now to save money/hassle. You (hopefully) only get married once...
  7. Delta Spirit have made their first EP available for download. I believe today is that last day to get it. http://blog.deltaspi...ive-found-it-ep good stuff.
  8. Ramones, Replacements, Husker Du or Minutemen. Then SY, then Wiiiiilco.
  9. Wish I could help (I'm a SW developer), but I have barely enough time as it is. Maybe if I find myself in between projects and in need of something to do, I could lend a hand -- but (lucky for me) that's not for the foreseeable future. In the meantime, is there any progress on the idea of funding the site as-is? I'd be happy to drop a few bucks to a paypal acct for it. I suspect many of us would.
  10. If the cover is of a song I like, then I'd love to hear their take on it. x100
  11. Bah. I'll be willing to talk about Christmas AFTER next week! Thanksgiving rules; always has, always will.
  12. top 5, in no particular order (yes, it's been a very middle brother-inspired year): Dawes - Nothing is Wrong Deer Tick - Divine Providence DBT - Go-Go Boots Middle Brother - Middle Brother Wilco - The Whole Love Close 2nd 5: Bon Iver - Bon Iver Frank Turner - England Keep My Bones Glossary - Long Live All Of Us Glen Campbell - Ghost on the Canvas Tommy Stinson - One Man Mutiny TV on The Radio was probably the biggest disappointment this year; just never clicked with me like their previous albums did.
  13. The decision to keep things covered up came from the top; and that's Paterno. He's clearly got to go. The graduate assistant (McQueary) who witnessed the actual abuse in 2002 and never contacted police should also step down. Too many people worried about protecting the program and not offending King Paterno here. I tried reading the grand jury's report but couldn't make it past the first couple of pages. Disgusting stuff, on par with the Catholic Church's many scandals.
  14. Well, I finally got to see this last night... and I must say I was not disappointed in the least. I was reminded of what made them special for me; why, despite how much I might like band X or Y, there will never be another Replacements for me. I did not miss the music at all, although I would imagine that someone not familiar with the songs might get lost without being able to reference the soundtrack in their heads. But my wife, who's heard a lot of these songs by osmosis but couldn't name a single one of them, loved it also. The stories are so entertaining and richly interwoven that it'
  15. From the idiocy of his 9-9-9 plan, to his mishandling of the harassment allegations, to the weird online ads, to randomly saying dumb stuff like this -- I'm convinced; he really doesn't want the GOP nomination. Seems like he's been doing everything in his power lately as if to say "no, really, I was just running to boost my speaker fees and get a better book deal -- I never thought you guys would take me seriously!" Yet he's still leading in most polls. The anti-romney faction of the GOP sure is willing to cut off their noses here.
  16. I have never been through a divorce, but my wife and I have had our share of ups & downs. I would suggest you attempt marriage counseling before jumping into a divorce, though -- even though you guys seem to be headed in the opposite directions, it might help bring your paths into closer alignment.
  17. That only counts if you lied to people and called it "Spooky Hazlenut Spread" or something along those lines. Now that would have caused some genuine terror!
  18. Really tempted to vote for OSM, but I think it might just be current infatuation talking. Reservations gets my vote... for now, at least.
  19. I was thinking the same about Can't Stand It -- the only song on ST that I'm willing to skip.
  20. That's quite a list. Love Art of Almost, but IATTBYH, ALTWYS & Misunderstood are still better IMO. Nothing wrong with being #4 when those are the top 3, though.
  21. The bit about a live UT album being done and mastered and sitting on a shelf somewhere is a little sad.
  22. if by 'those assholes' you mean arabs, then yeah -- there's apparently no direct phonetic translation from arabic to english, which is why the OLB/UBL and MK/MQ/MG variants exist. As for this story - Khadaffi was apparently taken captive by rebels while alive, then beaten up & shot twice, then paraded & dragged around town while barely still living, only to be pronounced dead on his way to a hospital. fair treatment for the guy, I dare to say. edit: gotta love that internet thingy... another graphic one.
  23. Same here - Go Ags! Unfortunately I live in southern Ca now, so no Davis trip for me... but I'll hopefully be able to catch the LA & SD shows.
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