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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. I don't think the (?) is necessary... warning, graphic:
  2. heck, Davis is only 1-2 hrs away from the Bay Area, depending on where you live. Go for the foursome!
  3. I'm on board with a lot of what the OWS people are protesting about. While the vast majority of Americans are seeing increasingly tough times, corporations and their executives are doing better than ever. CEOs used to make 30x what their average worker made; now it's closer to 300x. And Wall Street specifically - we spent billions of dollars bailing out the banks over fears of economic collapse, and now that they've recovered they're literally sitting on billions of dollars and not putting it back into the economy. I'm fully in favor of returning marginal tax rates for the top income earn
  4. I somehow missed that Frank Turner was in town last night. grr!
  5. eff the Beatles, having not watched The Big Lebowski is just indefensible.
  6. First of all, I heard AMC is considering breaking up the final season's extended 16-episode run with two 8-episode mini-seasons broadcast over summer 2012 & winter 2013. If that's the case, expect a mid season mini-cliffhanger (like Hank connecting the dots on Walt, or Jesse learning that Walt was behind Jane's death and/or Brock's poisoning, or someone coming after Walt for taking out Gus). I agree that Hank delving into Gus' empire will be a huge part of next season. I think it's inevitable that he finds out the truth about Walt at some point -- only question is what Walt does when h
  7. Wait, this is about well-accepted "greats" that you don't personally like? There's nothing inherently wrong with that; it's called personal taste. I could probably pull dozens of well-known "greats" that don't do much for me. But what you did in the other thread was dismissed The Beatles as "drivel" despite never having listened to them beyond radio/tv osmosis. That's very different than saying "I gave them a try, but still don't care for them." One is an informed opinion; the other isn't.
  8. 60+ replies and not a single mod has changed the thread title?
  9. I can respect not liking Nels' aesthetic and what he brings to Wilco, but to call him not a great guitar player is just ridiculous.
  10. A Being There-era Capitol City would be interesting to hear.
  11. http://wilco.kungfustore.com/category/38-posters/product/3135-dia-de-la-mariposa-poster-wil465
  12. He opened for Wilco when they were in LA for the WTA tour. I didn't care much for his act, but the people I was with liked him.
  13. No kidding. I'm not a huge Beatles fan by any means, but to call anything they did drivel is just silly.
  14. GnR will make it because they were the biggest rock act for a long run there and sold a bazillion albums. Doesn't mean they deserve to be there ahead of numerous others, though.
  15. Agreed - I really like this track. More bands (esp. bands as skilled as Wilco) should be willing to include an instrumental on every album.
  16. I can't decide if all these weird alternate versions are cool or just annoying. I bought the Deluxe CD. I "stole" the vinyl version of OSM & Sometimes It Happens. I'll probably "steal" the iTunes version of SIT (what an unfortunate acronym!) also. At the end of the day, I will get to hear these songs in all forms... so why not just pick the version you (Wilco) like and keep things simple? I mean, I understand how there are physical limitations on the CD and vinyl, but surely you (Wilco) can come up with something that works in all media formats. OK, I guess I decided -- annoyi
  17. No, I think OSM is as close to perfect as I could hope for in a song. The vinyl version is even more perfect, if that makes any sense whatsoever.
  18. mp3 rips of the 14-min OSM and Sometimes It Happens are out there. a link was posted on the At Ease (radiohead) board.
  19. That's what a lot of people thought when the doc was getting made, but the director has been pretty adamant that licensing and $$$ were never the reason for taking this approach. Read this thread over at the Westerberg forum for more info... Gorman was posting as he was conceiving/creating the doc: http://paulwesterber...lay&thread=6395
  20. Indeed. I have no problem with a horns section, when done properly. Still a funny line, though.
  21. FWIW - pretty much every review I've read, from both critics & viewers alike, has been very, very positive. I'm also curious about it because it doesn't sound like the kind of documentary about a band that I would enjoy, but if it ever comes around here I'll definitely be there. The director, Gorman Bechard, said in one of the interviews I read about it that even though people don't see / hear God that doesn't stop them from telling wonderful, compelling stories about him... so he figured the same would work with the 'mats (he's apparently a HUGE fan). He set out to do something no
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