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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Titus Andronicus did a few respectable 'mats covers a couple nights ago at the Our Band Could Be Your Life 10th anniversary party. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qri6V6rSmLQ (w/ special guest Craig Finn on blowhorn)
  2. It's odd how sad the news of his death is making me. So many childhood memories are flashing back... God forbid the Hulkster passes any time soon!
  3. Frank Turner will be on Last Call with Carson Daly tonight. http://www.nbc.com/Last_Call_with_Carson_Daly/calendar/
  4. I was about to write those exact words.
  5. Lucero added a horn section for 1372 Overton Park, with arrangements by Jim Spake. I thought the results were excellent. http://vimeo.com/6854181 http://vimeo.com/7233422 http://vimeo.com/6853929
  6. Appreciate the offer, but it really is a tiny little speck on the map near the Ukranian border. We just recently found out about it; not sure (highly unlikely) if any distant relatives live there. http://maps.google.c...75,0.00751&z=17
  7. I'd like to take my mom to the old country (Poland) and visit the town of ~100 which shares her maiden name.Machu Picchu would be awesome.Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece have always appealed to me... don't think either place is terribly safe these days. The idea of traveling to an Asian country without a native speaker terrifies me. But beyond that, I'd love to visit China, Hong Kong & Japan.Would love to go on an African safari and witness my own My wife somehow thinks an Alaskan cruise would be a dream trip, but I have a hard time understanding the appeal.
  8. Speaking of which, I just came across this video and I must say the background song kicks ass. I assume it's from his upcoming release.
  9. Very interesting (and long) interview with Vince Gilligan, mostly about Breaking Bad. Great stuff for BB fanatics. http://www.spoilertv.com/2011/05/breaking-bad-vince-galligan-hints-to.html
  10. That game 7 last night was everything I could have hoped for -- just an excellent way to end an excellent series. Kudos to the Wings for not giving up when down 3-0, kudos to SJ for not panicking when it became 3-3. I think Thornton has fully exorcised his demons -- he was a beast all series, especially game 7 -- and it was nice to see Marleau get the game winner. FU jeremy roenick. On to Vancouver! Honestly, I have no clue what to expect. The Canucks are a great team and are definitely better rested right now... but will that rest turn to rust? We shall see...
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAaRFrbB4UQ&feature=feedlik COUNTY LAW! COUNTY LAW! COUNTY LAW!
  12. Get diagnosed with COPD -- worked like a charm for my Dad, who smoked 2-3 packs a day for 40+ yrs and refused to even ever consider quitting all that time. Yet, when faced with his own mortality and the prospect of never knowing his grandkids, he was able to quit. Imagine that. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he did it... but it just pisses me off. Instead of trying to quit all those years when my sisters and I begged him to do -- when he was younger and before the medical problems set in -- he waited until he had the choice of life or death. I'm happy he chose life, but that life is now ti
  13. Cool. I don't watch that show as much as I used to, but it's still fun to catch on occasion. Good luck to your friend (although it was probably taped months ago so too late for that). So, I've always wondered... do the challengers really get to pick who they compete against, or are the matchups decided by Food Network/Iron Chef producers? Given how tight FN runs that ship, I have a hard time believing that they leave it entirely up to the challengers.
  14. oh, that makes it spectacular then... had no idea it was really Bruce but apparently it was. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKtm2g6Pp_w&feature=related
  15. The Wings obviously have a ton of momentum right now, and the Sharks have one hell of a monkey on their backs that they need to buck... yet I feel better about SJ's chances for game 7 than I did about game 6. Every game this series could have gone either way... even last night when the Wings were clearly outplaying SJ for almost the entire game. For a few mins there it looked like SJ was going to steal one they didn't really deserve. I dunno... there's a lot of doom & gloom around SJ fan boards, but I hope the players aren't buying into that. All six games of the series have been dec
  16. I ticked for deer tick.
  17. Agree. The band did an ok job with the song; it's just her vocals/stage presence that ruin it. But if hearing this cover makes a few of those kids Nirvana fans, then I'm all for it.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pkKNPEU8oc William for President, 2048
  19. I have two older sisters. The younger of the two likes very similar music to me and actually was the person who introduced me to "college" radio when we were younger -- although to this day she still doesn't understand why I like early Wilco or anything "country" like DBTs or Lucero. The older one is a lost cause -- cheesy top-40 pop, rap, dance music crap.... basically the same kind of shit my wife likes to listen to.
  20. Nothing made me happier this week than when my 5 yr old daughter asked if she could watch the Sharks-Wings game as "her show" for the night.
  21. sexist. chicks are much more likely to pull a bitch move like that anyway...
  22. I understand Tweedy's confusion. This is one of those things where I guess we're going to have to agree to disagree because, to be honest, it sounds absolutely stupid to me to sit, stand, sit, stand, etc. during a show. Taking your seat after having stood just seems like an insult to the band -- like "that last song was awesome, but this one bores me so I'll sit here and wait until you guys decide to play another song I like." If I were a performer it would be absolutely confusing and more than a little disheartening.
  23. The day I feel too old to stand through a rock concert is the day I stop going to rock concerts.
  24. That's certainly the path we took to get there; but I'm not sure if one can really say that's the only way to get there. I don't know if the invasion and bombing of Afghanistan was absolutely necessary to capture the al Qaeda leaders that we captured, nor am I convinced that torture was the interrogation tactic that produced the key leads. Unfortunately, I'm not sure we'll ever get the straight story because it's already being reported along predictably conflicting partisan lines.
  25. Knowing that everything the WH releases has a political agenda, I wonder why they chose that particular shot. Clinton looks absolutely mortified.
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