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Party @ the Moontower

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Everything posted by Party @ the Moontower

  1. I don't think it Atheism is a religion, it's not having beliefs in gods. Beyond that, to be an atheists is like thinking in an open playground without rules. I'm with you all the way on the P.S.
  2. But who decides the circles of compassion and mortality? For instance, I believe in Pro-choice and have been told I must love murder. I am against the war and killing in Iraq but have been told I must hate America and our troops. I have supported animal rights on a personal level by going organic and saving animals when I can, boycotting animal tested products and puppy-mills etc,but have been told by Vegans I hate animals if I eat them.Where's the sense in that? I don't trust a government body to tell me what compassion and morality is and then make laws based upon that. Religion has no pla
  3. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=douche+chill I had to look it up, I'm slow.
  4. Einstein proved to scientist that energy and matter are duel expressions of the same universal substance, the energy or vibration of which we are all composed of. This vital life force, or energy, is what keeps us alive as much as the systems in our body. Western medicine treats us like machines and ignores this theory from Einstein, and we seem to be getting sicker. You can only truly heal the body by understanding it's energetic needs. That's why music is so healing.Even a kid listening to what seems to be a hateful rap song is actually healing thru the vibration of the thymus gland (sure
  5. I do ponder, just don't care to have it figured out. Reminds me of classes where we had to pick apart various pieces of written work until you almost hated the original and wanted to puke. I love how I gave my take on a story once only to recieve a big fat C because the teacher didn't see it that way. Who knows how the authour really felt anyway.
  6. cool pics! Wilco, camping, and hanging with the kids all in 1 night...the best. How did they dig their first show? I'm waiting for a safe outdoor venue to take My little girl
  7. WTF! http://www.1in3trinity.com/drink.html I had no idea. Maybe Wilco needs an energy drink. I don't care if JT believes in God or aliens, I just like the rock-n-roll. I don't spend a lot of time on any artist's lyrics trying to uncover their soul and understand them. Where's the mystery in that? Maybe that's why I like Cash, Dylan, and older bands, cause they are stories left somewhat untold, and not in my face like Brittney Spears. I like JT being far out there and hard to understand. I like him better as a common man (rock god in plain man clothing) with a family and a sensitive heart. T
  8. Ever seen Wilco? No Wilco blogs hiding out there somewhere? Wait till the kids find out you posted a Via Chicago blog. Better be nice.
  9. bobbob, how did that one fly under your radar?
  10. I never text, it hurts my fingers and I don't know the lingo. I read them sometimes and feel lost. Most of the time they are phantom ghost messages from people I don't know anyway??Do they teach it in schools now or something, Im from a slightly older generation who grew up on books and MTV.
  11. I warnerd you not to speak of such things. The diff between a TM and a MB post is that I can post all kinds of crap at you people without having to know your phone #..and it's FREE!
  12. True dat! I am getting really excited to see Obama and McCain debate live. I just hope McCain doesn't win because it's too hard typing a little c then a big C. This is the strangest election year as far as bumper stickers go though, and I'm a little worried. I hardly see them for anyone but Tibet. I still see Bush, but no McCain. I see a few Obama's, but I live in a small town and pass the same cars a lot. Am I safe in saying people are actually thinking this election over, or just too cheap to buy bumper stickers?
  13. So Colorbylogic Zooey Deschanel is your girlfriend? She's hot. I see you love Starbucks, you had better avoid any thread concering that though, it can be dangerous! I do get annoyed when an opening band is no where near the music I come to see, but all live music (excluding gospel and new country) is an experience I enjoy. It sucks when you have to sit thru crap in order to save a good spot for the real band though. I would assume it's ok to talk or whatever thru the OB cause it's when most people get there and get settled in. I thought your blog was funny, just hope the Freakwater band does
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