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Party @ the Moontower

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Everything posted by Party @ the Moontower

  1. plain old 100% raw sugar beats it anytime. I don't think it needs to be on this planet. Poor sluggish kids! Me and my husband spent 10 minutes the other day looking for hamburger buns without High Fructose Corn Crap in it. Impossible journey that one!
  2. I think most Americans would serioulsy overthrow the government if you took away their high fructose corn syrup.
  3. You sound a lot like me and my family. We have over 700 trees and billions of little creepy crawly things that live a chemical free live on our land. Solar panels, garden, plants, healthy water source....etc. And we are far from rich. I just happened to marry a man with a good brain and nice muscles with amazing ideas that jive with mine. Each person can do something to help this planet. Little things like recycling are important.Just do it.Everyone agrees this is important.You don't need a scientist to tell you that.
  4. One thing I love about Wilco is the smaller venues. In Tulsa this past winter I was standing almost on stage with JT. We could not help but make eye contact.The stage was not elevated much at all. And with Nells last week I was actually talking to him..as was everyone else.Good times! Austin City Limits Festival...not so fun. Wilco way to far away and full. I had to watch them on a screen. Just like my last U2 concert. Luckily I paid a worker some cash to get down on the floor. Even then I had to watch them on a screen.I can do that @ home. That's why I will never pay 100's of dollars to go
  5. I loathe the color red, elephants, and eagles so I can't be a republican. Yellow? UGH! So I can't be an independent. I'm a Jackass from Missouri (our state animal) & blue is my favorite color, and I like roosters some.... Seriously though, I don't think choosing a party is wise. Choose your leaders wisely.
  6. Cousin Tupelo, Greetings and salutations my brother.Grateful Thanks for the approval from the Department of Redundancy Department.I thought to myself as I remembered back to my comment back up above.Was I redundantly redundant or useless and unnecessary in my words? Don't you know being redundantly redundant is all the rage these days?Boiling hot and sometimes burning hot man.This is a true fact.I looked it up. As I stand here bare naked I think I must say it is absolutely essential & absolutely necessary in order to advance forward in this society with some $$ cash money & to avoid
  7. Your point? I did not say only republicans were fat slobs that consume everything they can....
  8. Some people need the global warming debate to go away so they don't have to feel guilty for being a fat over consuming slob. The fact is there is a natural balance that must be protected on this planet and it ain't happening. Without it (BALANCE) everything dies a slow unheathy death. Vegatation, air, water, animals, people, things that go creepy crawly in the night...etc. We all have to live within the balance prescribed by nature, not by humans. You do not need a yep it is global warming that's killing us ticket from scientist to see our world is filling up with crap as well as our bodie
  9. Oooooooo....was it the killer that wears the 1970's door-to-door salesman outfit with the hot short sleeved white t-shirt with the wife beater showing thru and sloppy over sized dress pants to hide his excitement? He totally scoped out the place looking for single young men. You should have seen his stalker dance he did for the green t-shirt boy once his shot of whiskey hit his hot spot. We kept joking that we would see the young boys face in the paper the next day. He did mention something to Pedro about being from NY, or having followed Nells there? Maggie need not worry though, he only c
  10. He is a complete idiot period. Dude, even rich white kids are sick Micheal.Can't blame it on welfare or bad parenting.Some blame goes to your government and selfish Americans who forget a heathy earth=healthy food, water, and air. Kids are sick pyhsically and mentally because they consume unheathy and unatural "food", crap tap water, chemicals everywhere, unheathy buildings with glues and toxic yucks to breathe in......etc! We as a society are destroying the health of this nation. Vacinations the first day of life?Give me a break! Chemical are taken in thru everything. Know what's in your h2
  11. Me and Pedro had lots of fun @ the Blue Note despite the creepy emptiness.Nells was quite interesting and funny. It was a neat little 30 something birthday for me!Before the show I had a 90 minute massage and then we headed to http://www.flatbranch.com/home.asp. I bathed in their house IPA and stuffed my self silly chowing on warm braided pretzels with a side of tangy beer mustard, smoked house-made kielbasa, Brie and cheddar cheese, red grapes, pickled cucumbers, grape tomatoes, and sourdough baguette toasts with beer mustard, and a salad with tender chunks of chicken mixed together with c
  12. I love Stephen King! Stephen King loves Wilco.Here is a list of his top 7 favorite albums last year. 1) Steve Earle -
  13. http://www.mysigg.com/index.asp?PageAction=Custom&ID=4 A SIGG water bottle.The healthiest on the planet.Made in Switzerland.Refuses to outsource to China!100's of styles.Just lovely. You can get them online, or I got mine @ Whole Foods.
  14. 07/16 Columbia, MO | The Blue Note | The Nels Cline Singers Just got tickets...and that day is my birthday!!!!!Before the show I am getting a 2 hour massage for myself as a birthday present! First Nels show ever.
  15. I bought some pieces for almost nothing on ETSY. They have all kinds from small cutouts to larger pieces.They can also custom make designs.Real artist though, not from China.But, not overpriced.ETSY rules!
  16. Rainbow connection sends my eyes to a wet place.I miss Kermit. Didn't they have a tv show once?
  17. so, are you for the turd sandwich, or the organic gourmet one?
  18. I think we are in for a fun ride with old man McCain's foot-in-mouth disease. Future Obama debates with McCain will be compared to an episode of Top Chef where one serves up a juicy turd sandwich with old school yellow mustard on plain old white bread next to a beautiful home grown organic chicken salad & tomatoe sandwich on focaccia brushed lightly with sweet honey mustard and garnished with a bowl of fresh strawberries & a glass of fancy H2O dressed with lemon wedge.
  19. The USA & China, the two largest producers of greenhouse gases, have been ignoring this issue and dragging their feet. Who supports global warming? A lot of republicans because it keeps money in their pockets. What has the Bush Administration done about it? Deny it. Make it worse.Kyoto Protocol anyone?Anyone..anyone? Exxon Mobil for example,is spreading lies that global warming is not real, and is working hard to spread such propaganda to make $$$. Americans and our government should be ashamed for being so late...and lazy on this issue. Scientist that have proven global warming is ser
  20. who can remember all the back to 1988? I can't. Most voters can't remember yesterday.Or don't care.
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