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Party @ the Moontower

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Everything posted by Party @ the Moontower

  1. serious.Like punishable? I only lived in MN for a summer.Not long enough to get in trouble. and is that why MN doesn't sell booze after 8pm unless it's hot 3%.Or was that just in the twin cities area I was around?
  2. I know of only 2 people my age who's were parents were not divorced at least once. I think that is why I waited so long to marry. Marriage is taken lightly by a lot of people I suspose. Alcohol is usally a big factor in adultery.Isn't it ilegal in some states?
  3. I think I am still bitter over her staying with a man who cheated on her in front of the nation. I understand their empire status and all, but really.Is that worth staying for? Some say she has balls for staying and running for prez.I disagree.
  4. I think someone who tells the country he is fit to hold any political office should hold himself to a higher standard than a jerk or jerkess that cheats on a loving and supportive partner. I still can't get over how addicted to Hollywood people are. Our government is mainly for entertainment purposes now anyway.
  5. Is Hillary on VC? I stated uncool to bash VC'ers on a Wilco message board.I wouldn't have the guts to call Hillary anything on her message board.
  6. Why should I get angry over it? The whole country still jokes about Miss Monica's stained dress.It made her famous and gsave Bill a funny story to tell.Didn't keep Hillary down..and neither could Bill long enough. What is sad is that many of the woman these guys mess around with become rich or famous, or both.Why feel sorry for them?Most of the wives stay with the losers.Why feel sorry for them? I feel sorry for the kids.
  7. spray on tans adorned by would be presidents scare me. Kerry & Edwards hit the same spa! It may however, boost McCain's looks a bit. Obama..not so much.
  8. if your going to risk political trouble from an affair let it be with some young hottie.Not a 40 something with a biological clock ticking. Guess he's not in the VP running. I knew there was something shady about that pretty boy.
  9. They are all wearing adidias. Adidas is to open 6,300 stores in China by the end of 2010. Remember when it was cool to hate Nike cause of sweat shops? Now it's cool to hate adidas.The olympics will boost adidas for China.Along with everything else that is made there...everything else. But it is a beautiful display.
  10. run to the Douchbag thread asap guys. Olympics people.
  11. the only thing this country should be thinking about today is the Olympics period. It costs a lot of money you know. Freedom and sports aren't free.
  12. I'm gonna vote for fuck. Or not vote for fuck.
  13. ACL was a good time! Dylan was asleep though..but he was there. During Wilco I had to sit on the side because I bought 5 giant rain sticks to heavy to hold. Stoopid! Texas rocks though..Austin anyway.
  14. Cool meet! Dumb story about dumb people one night.. me and my pal lingered around the bus after meet and greet was over and he knocked on the window like a douche bag. Pat I think, looked out annoyed and ignored us. We walked by a few times as if to say we did not notice the bus nor care it was there. Coolest feeling ever was when we hit the highway after the show in Tulsa this year and their 2 busses met us on the highway. I waved like a nerd as they drove off into the night. To follow them would have been real nerdy. I'm only part nerd.
  15. that's got to be one of the coolest things I've seen in awhile. Big pet peeve of mine the past year. One woman I saw in town had all you could buy @ gas stations.Like 20 of them. Good thing I am a firm supporter of Free Speech for all.
  16. American Flags made in China...just ain't right.
  17. try growing up in the bible belt of MO. There is a church, a fried "food" joint, and a flag on something every few steps. With built up anger over the current state of our government, the feeling I get when I see an obnoxious flag collection on a big truck is that they love Bush, the "war on terrorism"...and a whole host of other things you should be ashamed to support by now..like Britney Spears. Maybe someday soon our American flag won't be used as some cheesey patriotic prop. It seems those I respect the most refuse to wave it. Environmentalist, human rights activist, animal rights groups
  18. it's quite refreshing to see a post without a buncho jibberish..one where people actually have something to say. Although all my (pro-liberal anti-conservative anti-bush/McCain..)thoughts, and those I wish had, are being expressed today by smart folks.
  19. it's scary how many nutty illinformed voters will swallow this sort of childish scare tactic and vote on it. A pal brought an anti-Obama one over to show us that a church in town is giving out to it's members. She believed it!Obama is a muslim terrorist! And, I think it's BS that churches get away with this stuff
  20. how come only white people go camping. I just noticed this on vacation this week. And they love coffee shops and bottled water like a drug. I just love to hate white people. http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/
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